Fytayn   Ontario, Canada
Actually a pretty cool guy. :rainbowfart:

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*ahem* PHRASING!!! (Heavensturn 2016/17 event quest text)
Review Showcase
630 Hours played
If you're looking for a dating sim with lovely voice acting, good dialogue and minimum effort then this is the game for you! Interact with many, many characters and gradually work your way up in their esteem through idle game mechanics. The dialogue is clever and (possibly too) self-aware so make sure to talk to the girls as much as possible! Years after I've started playing Sad Panda is still releasing content for the game, including a new girl just this last week, so you'll have plenty to do.

Additional note: in the last year Sad Panda has been adding tons of new content to the game! There are new girls and the new Phone Flings content is a lot of fun!

Additional, additional note: still going strong a year later! Guess which award I nominated it for #PamuSellsOut. I've really loved the voice acting and writing for the most recent girls. My only regret? No additional lines from Ayano about the LTE girls. They have lines about her but not vice versa. It is the smallest quibble, and I get that they might be unable to add more and/or get the VA back, but her lines for everyone else are hilarious.
Favorite Game
Weaver Aug 23, 2013 @ 5:54pm 
writin on yo wall
UnclePat Dec 5, 2012 @ 12:19pm 

Why you no message me? I'm carrying your baby!