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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
46.8 h registradas (16.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
play Pandora palace from Deltarune OST with 3 friends on any map and you will not be disappointed by the results.

7.8/10 too much fun.
Publicada el 8 de abril de 2022.
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290.6 h registradas (107.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
after 100 hours of playtime and getting all achievements (except bonding scene related ones).
Two Playthroughs, many tears and smiles later i can assure you this game is definitely worth the price point.

This is quite possibly my favourite Jrpg series of all time and my love for falcom as a company started with this game.

Characters / story:

The characters and story building is definitely not lacking but the trails series has a reputation for long convoluted plots that are bizarrely well planned, it makes kingdom hearts look like child's play. Every character feels like they belong in the world and have their own roles to play in the party each embodying different stereotypes and seeing how they interact over the course of the game provides plenty of entertainment as well as some emotional story beats that i still really enjoy or tear up on seeing music is usually always perfect and suits the mood of the situation the world can be very immersive at times.


For all it's quirks the combat system is fairly cheese-able if you know what you're doing. (shovel CP down Rean's face and watch the sparks fly as he dodge tanks everything.) However this doesn't make the fights any less difficult as discovering these strategies without looking up a guide was a lot of fun but of course that won't be to everyone's tastes including all of the different master quartz that augment all your characters stats, mixing and matching them together with regular quartz definitely adds to what the prior trails games set in place.


If you're a completionist you're definitely going to want a guide as there are a few collectables like the books and recipes that can be particularly hard to find or hidden in downright asinine places which lead to me double backing on a second playthrough to grab everything. Also as far as my knowledge goes you cannot beat the game on a first playthrough as you need new game plus points to carry some things over and gain additional bonding points so you can view all the event scenes which is a little annoying for me as I like to one and done all of the games I complete but i definitely enjoyed the mandatory second playthrough much more than I have any other time I've had to do it.

Overall thoughts:

I absolutely adore this game, it is the game that made me a trails fan and while some may caution against starting here, if the plot really isn't your thing and you just like Jrpg gameplay goodness then starting the trails series here definitely isn't the worst thing you could do just beware that some plot points will fly over your head and setup / refrences from other games in the series won't mean as much to you if you do start here.
Publicada el 22 de abril de 2021.
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43.6 h registradas (32.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
NO, GO BACK I WANT TO BE MONKEY. really though this game is a blast. the multiplayer system does feel a bit ancient and the game leaves a lot to be desired in places. If it's in a sale and you want a strategy game to whittle the hours away I'd strongly recommend it despite it's occasional short comings. the game still gets frequent updates so that's also a plus.
Publicada el 13 de marzo de 2021. Última edición: 13 de marzo de 2021.
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120.9 h registradas (46.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you're debating playing this game or not the short answer is, "OH MY F*CKING GOD YES!"

The long answer is written below. :P

As someone who started the "Trails" series with cold steel 1 and 2 coming back to try this game definitely was an adjustment from the combat and quartz systems in those games but if you can stand to learn a slightly different system there is an incredible amount to love here, I played the game on hard my first play through finishing in 46 hours with the max amount of bracer points.

The game definitely does not pull punches with difficulty but it does hold your hand in the first few hours and I kept referencing the bracer notebook like it was a bible.

However be advised that the game does have a lot of missable content which resulted in a lot of frustrating resetting to prior save points as well as a bug with one of the later quests in the game that results in a softlock if the events are not executed correctly. If you want to see every ounce of this games content on a first run I heavily recommend using a guide to save yourself from the many frustrations i experienced.

All in all trails in the sky is an amazing JRPG with an enthralling story that i'd definitely recommend if you want to get into the series or are a JRPG fan in general.
Publicada el 27 de febrero de 2021.
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9,251.9 h registradas (118.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
very good with lots of content to keep you addicted for hours. :) defineatly a must buy
Publicada el 5 de septiembre de 2015.
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