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Recent reviews by Benito Mussolini

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33.5 hrs on record (33.0 hrs at review time)
I have finally beaten the main story line in the game and have done a good amount of the side quests, so I'm going to write my review. I do plan on playing through maybe 2 or 3 more times to see if I've missed anything but I feel I can give a review based on my time playing.

*Minor Spoilers*

Played a male with a nomad background as on face value I liked the idea of it more than the other two, will most likely play through it once or twice for the other story lines as the game is virtually the same after act 1.

Beautiful game, played on high/ultra settings with RTX on medium. Beautiful environments, very few technical bugs through my play time, I have seen things online and yes you will need a fairly beef PC to play this, i got about a solid 70 fps with those settings and I was more than happy with it.

While the world is large and beautiful, it does feel a little lacking in the immersion. Some people don't care for that but if you're a fan of games like Fallout, Skyrim, etc; the game will feel a little dead to you. The most you can do to random NPCs is click "talk" and they say a random line and that's it. For an immersive game and for one that's been in development this long you would hope for possibly more interaction with NPCs. It being an open world singleplayer game it's what it needs to survive.

While there is a little bit of a learning curve, you will practically know/at least understand most of it by the end of act 1. The gun-play I feel is very satisfying, there is a big difference in the way each gun feels.
The stealth mechanics are okay, You have to upgrade perks in the stealth tree in order to become a stealthy assassin (obviously), when in stealth killing situations you need to think a moment before deciding to kill or pass someone. If there is another enemy in the area and you get caught, you will either have to fight the rest of enemies out of stealth or restart the checkpoint.

I enjoyed the story. I won't really spoil it here but I do enjoy the aspects that dive deeper, *example* possible romances and story lines that can affect the end of the game as a result of doing side jobs with characters. I wish there was more interaction with the characters, I ended up choosing the story line around Panam and there were times I wished there was more interaction besides the one liners you can select. Almost like the ability to do activities with characters in GTA to build relationships. Kinda knitpicking but hey I'm allowed to.

I give it a solid 7.5/10, you'll need a higher end PC to run it, hopefully the bugs will be ironed out but I don't think the immersive factor is something that can be patched in, so take for what you will.

After more time to think about it, the game is relatively empty and never brought me back after my initial playthrough, very disappointing
Posted December 14, 2020. Last edited February 16, 2021.
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320.5 hrs on record (295.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I just can't support this game anymore. The past year of playing has been a rollercoaster, and not a very good one at that. From a failed "launch" last september, an awkward shotgun that either works or it doesn't, and the fact that Daybreak has yet to add another weapon, another vehicle, let alone a consistent updating system just shows the downfall of this game.

The gameplay is okay, bullet registration has been getting better but it's still the apitomy of ♥♥♥♥. The whole vehicle colision = explosion thing is kind of expected.

I would just say spend $10 more on PUBG, the community is growing and the developmental updates behind it are actually existent. By no means are either game perfect, but as recent as the release of PUBG, the development team have been doing it correct.
Posted June 26, 2017. Last edited June 26, 2017.
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323.3 hrs on record (231.8 hrs at review time)
i was once a 13 year old boy who would watch youtubers like pewdiepie and seananners play garrys mod, prop hunt, TTT, it looked like so much fun, i had just started using steam and i had used the money i had at the time to buy call of duty world at war becasue i always wanted to play custom zombies, but now i didn't have any money so i had to wait a while to get it.
One day, i recieved a laptop and a 50$ steam card, the first thing i bought was garrys mod, but by the time i had setup my laptop my mom made me go to bed, i was so excited to play, i woke up at midnight on a school night just to play garrys mod. i got on a game of TTT and everything was purple and black, little did i know i needed something called counterstrike source.
i got that sotred away quite quickly by downloading some textures, and i played that game for 5 hours. That summer, i had basically wasted it away playing video games, it still one of my most memory filled summers, during the day i would play black ops 2 on the ps3, at night i would get on with friends and play garrys mod.
Almost 4 years later i still cry playing this games with friends learn how to port foward and get your own server going, you can have quite a bit of fun with it. Of course after that summer i was never able to bank in the same amount of time into garrys mod because of school and football starting, but its the moments this game has made that make it a top 10.
There's nothing like being a traitor in TTT and killing the whole innocent team without a trace of you getting caught, or you and a buddy being soda machines when less than 5 feet away there are already a pair of soda machines, Definitley a must grab, usually goes on sale for about $2.49, grab it. Find friends who have it, make firends online like i did.

10 nostalgic 17 year olds out of 10 (':
Posted November 25, 2016.
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116.9 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
*opponent hits ball at my goal*

*i miss the save, they score*

me-"i can't aerial"

play 2v2/3v3 with friends, play competive with friend, talk about the game with your friends
no friends, no rocket league
Posted November 25, 2016.
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190.2 hrs on record (79.4 hrs at review time)
And on the third day, Jesus was ressurectted , he first said to his friend "Let us play some World of War to celebrate the glorious day, and praise thy of which our God, has given us."

Call of Duty: World at War, in 2008, was the first Call of Duty game developed by now more pouplar Treyarch. Going on 7 years later, though not a rather large community, a very outspoken one. For $20, I can see where someone may be a little hesitant in paying for a game this old. That's okay, I want to convince you that it won't be a dissapointment. The multiplayer is fun, most of the hackers are long gone although every now in then you'll come to a wonky server. But for $20 all DLC is included which is quite nice. Now I"m assuming the reason you even have this game in mind is ZOMBIES. Let me tell you if you want to get this game because of zombies alone, get it. The only cautionary thing I have to say with that is, you won't really find anyone if you search :/ that will come with the age and the small(ish) community. I reccommend you dump the $20... IF you have 2-3 friends who love the game as much as you will. Custom zombies will be the most successfull kind of zombies, no if, ands, or buts. It on it's own is a extremely large community. With websites like Zombiemodding.com or the UGX Map Manager (that you can get at your friendy neighborhood UGX website) you will have hundreds of community made, highly detailed maps that will honestly amaze you. And if you're not feeling that, you can still play the Classics thanks to already having the DLC in game! It's a great game, it's not perfect, but one of the best Call of Duty's in a long time. If you're thinking of buying this with no core friends to play with, see on the Disscussion page for the game who'd be interested. If you're really lukcy and see it on sale, BUY IT. It will be $5-$10 and you can wait untill you find people you mutually like to have some kick-butt games with it. But if you already have friends who are encouraging you to get it. get it. End of story. Of course this is my opinion, there will always be the people who say it's the worst game to touch the planet Earth since Russian Roulette. Most of them have about 1.4 hours played. But if you look at the people who have 100+ hours played. They will all say the same thing. It was the first thing I got on steam. Haven't regretted it. If you read this whole review, My verdrict is 1337 / 10, must buy.
Posted April 23, 2015. Last edited April 23, 2015.
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