West Midlands, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
So many games, no time to play them.
RetroTracks Video Game Music [retro.sx]
xNode Internet Toolkit [xnode.org]
Robot Butler Guides [robotbutler.org]
Rawr 10 gen 2023, ore 2:42 
Lucifer17761945 8 apr 2021, ore 20:24 
Your music for FFVII severely interests me.


I tried to open it in the steam forum links but its no longer being hosted which is a shame.
NecroTed 13 dic 2020, ore 18:35 
Added to ask a question if that's ok
Ameno | (• ε •) 🐄💩 28 giu 2013, ore 2:37 
Good trader +rep
Hero 27 giu 2013, ore 10:38 
Nice trader +1
RaDoN 22 mag 2013, ore 12:40 
Thank you.