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Recenzii recente de Dragonfleas

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2 hours into the game and I love it already, combat is basic but feels good and isn't buggy, atmosphere is perfect, story is engaging, environmental storytelling is excellent, and it's got a couple dark fantasy waifus, what more could i ask for?
Postat 21 mai.
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"Don't Pee" is a fickle ploy to draw consumers in, funded by Big Toilet

Oh, where do I even begin with "Don't Pee"? This seemingly innocent game is nothing more than a ploy, a grotesque conspiracy orchestrated by Big Toilet to manipulate and control our daily lives. It's a devious plot that preys on the unsuspecting bladder, turning a basic bodily function into a source of anxiety and stress.

At first glance, "Don't Pee" may appear to be a lighthearted challenge game, but it's a facade masking a much darker truth. The game's premise is simple: resist the urge to pee by completing quicktime events and uncover the story. But what you don't realize is that this seemingly harmless concept is a psychological warfare tactic designed by the all-powerful capitalist structure of Big Toilet.

The gameplay is frustratingly challenging, making you question why you're even subjecting yourself to this nonsense. Yes it makes you laugh, but it's not in jest, it's in agonizing horror as the game forces your hand. It's as if the developers purposefully designed the game to be aggravating, distracting you from the real issue at hand – the toilet industry's attempt to control our bodily functions.

The graphics are gorgeous, and look very well thought out, further proof that "Don't Pee" is nothing more than a distraction. The eloquently designed levels and confident on-the-nose storytelling serve as a smokescreen for the true motive behind this game: to instill fear and paranoia about peeing, all in the name of increasing toilet sales.

It's demoralizing to see such a flagrant manipulation of the gaming community by Big Toilet. As gamers, we should not participate as pawns in their grand scheme to dominate the bathroom industry. "Don't Pee" is not just a game; it's a tool used to indoctrinate; and perpetuate the myth that we should be constantly worried about our bathroom habits.

In conclusion, steer clear of "Don't Pee" unless you enjoy being unwittingly drawn into a nefarious ploy to increase toilet sales, you will not end this game feeling effulgent, you will end it feeling regret...regret you didn't buy that fancy Japanese toilet at Home Depot. Don't let Big Toilet win – reclaim your freedom to pee without fear and choose games that respect your time and sanity.
Postat 12 februarie.
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install game

leave it open for 20 minutes so I can leave a bad review

blizzard doesn't listen to it's player base ever, retracts promises, and ensures no one will have a fun experience because all they care about is money
Postat 10 august 2023.
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loaded into a match
all the AI bots fell through the floor
someone sniped me through a wall across the map with a shotgun
clipped through a slide when i wanted to play on it
couldn't kill the entity

10/10 - ign
Postat 24 iulie 2023.
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BattleBit Remastered is a refreshing addition to the Indie FPS genre


BattleBit Remastered is one of the most refreshing additions to come to the Indie FPS genre in the recent decade. Very obviously inspired by great games such as the Battlefield Bad Company Franchise, Squad, Arma, and other loved games in the mil-sim shooters. An incredibly impressive feat by a 3 man development team. It's mind-boggling that a team this small was able to put out a game this incredible, at the price point they did, with the manpower they did it with. I actually feel personally irresponsible that this game is only 15 dollars. If I could buy it twice, I would.

  • Strong Weapons Progression Systems based off the great entries in the Battlefield Franchise
  • Gunplay feels strong and well balanced
  • Combat is fun, while remaining fairly tactical, and not overly stressful like some more serious mil-sim games
  • Isn't riddled with hackers, even though there are absolute tons of people playing the game
  • Spare a few trolls in games, the community feels solid, fun, good team play (although people could probably revive more, instead of just running over my body :( )
  • Performance is wonderful, running this on a 3070 ti at full 165 fps for my monitor, graphics are obviously not the focus, but the game is so fun I don't really care about them
  • 15 Dollars (They should be charging 30)
  • Dev team is responsive and putting in a lot of work into this game day and night

  • Some users reporting connection issues based off of ISP routing (I believe the battlebit team is looking into these reports)
  • Vehicles feel a little too weak in their current state, Humvee's should have windows that block at least *some* bullets
  • Medium range scopes don't feel great right now and are bugged with a recoil multiplier that doesn't feel natural and makes almost all of them unusable
  • Time to kill on select guns vary wildly from others, I think these values should be brought closer together for better balance
  • Lack of filter options in the server browser
  • Party functionality seems a little buggy at some points, if someone gets kicked from your your game while in party it's hard for them to immediately rejoin which can split up fun team moments.

As a whole, I'd rate this game a 9.5/10, it's nearly a masterpiece especially for an early access title. The fact that it it's a garage kept 3 person dev team gives it even more merit.
Postat 27 iunie 2023. Editat ultima dată 27 iunie 2023.
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670.5 ore înregistrate (438.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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I was passionate about this game, made so many friendships, various groups disbanded and rebuilt. Some of my best memories in gaming happened in this game. It's a shame that the vrchat developers would want to ruin it all by adding EAC into a non-competitive game where *cheating* has no advantage, and essentially ban anyone who wanted to mod the game. Turns out VRChat isn't the open VR platform we wanted it to be. It's a shame, but goodbye, will never play this game again.
Postat 3 septembrie 2022.
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1,191.7 ore înregistrate (670.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
meh it's ok
Postat 7 martie 2020.
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