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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Douv

Hiển thị 1-7 trong 7 mục
6 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
40.5 giờ được ghi nhận (28.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
The game was an 8/10 for me in its current state. Needed more challenge in combat, more content as you get to end game builds and potentially some quality of life changes for certain class mechanics such as ammo switching (radial menu over mouse wheel perhaps).

I think with how they were at demo to what they are now is big progress, I believe they have an opportunity to nail this game type if they make a few game play corrections, both challenge wise and mechanically. its a game I will play again should the content grow and diversify. The quality of life things would be a nice touch but I would play again with them in their current state.

Really need some end game build content, maybe even some type wave defense on home tiles and/or dungeon based missions that are really challenging and scale with group sizing. Has a boatload of potential, I enjoyed the Battlemage gameplay on the first run, think I would change it up to tank should some of the additions I stated happen. Perhaps a rogue or ranger if not.

I'd suggest giving it a crack should you enjoy the survival craft genre, somewhat challenging with a great start to a game system. Few tweaks to improve game play experience and it is something to adore.
Đăng ngày 29 Tháng 1.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
575.1 giờ được ghi nhận (397.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
This game will absolutely suck you in and you will adore it right up until your favourite colonist dies of something you weren't prepared for.

The enjoyment for me in this game is all the decision making and creative freedom you are afforded AS A PLAYER dependant on your playthrough.

This game gets a 10/10 for me, ive just spent an hour looking on the internet for games like it, only to realise ive already found the game im looking for hahaha!

Ive played the Royalty DLC which adds a great goal system as well as some strategic changes to the game which didnt completely imbalance the experience (Well done Ludeon, other devs should take note). With the upcoming Ideology DLC which will add even more flavour to an already RPG rich environment, this game simply hits the nail on the head. Finally, with an INSANE modding community that have everything from quality of life to completely new content all at the touch of a button for simpletons like myself... take my money but wait, there is no charge for them.

Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 7, 2021.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
32.0 giờ được ghi nhận (30.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Great indie title! Allows you to explore a tactical or full brunt playstyles. Couple quality of life things would make it a perfect experience for me but great overall. 9/10
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 5, 2020.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
77.9 giờ được ghi nhận (40.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
10/10 Game! Best TW title yet in my opinion
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 12, 2019.
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3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
1,847.4 giờ được ghi nhận (1,521.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Ive given this game year's of my time in its development. I understand early access is a necessity in modern times but ive finally had enough. This game is a joke, do NOT buy it. The concept is fantastic but the execution is poor at best. Failed from the beginning and only seem to keep failing. Virtually unplayable. Even if they gave the game out for free at this point i wouldnt waste the space on my computer to redownload it.

Uninstalled, unwanted and unplayable. You have failed Bohemia. Give up and try again on something else with this 'new engine' you are developing.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 6, 2017. Sửa lần cuối vào 24 Tháng 6, 2017.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
10.8 giờ được ghi nhận
The most disgusting and clunky shooter ive ever played. Cant believe a third instalment was made after this. Default controls are an absolute mess, NPC's are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, clunky movement and horrible cover to cover gameplay mechanics. The only thing thats done right is those death animations and thats the only reason youd get a 1/10 for me. Worst shooter ive played to date
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 4, 2017.
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4 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
70.3 giờ được ghi nhận (66.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Amazing game! Very well made and allows infinite possibilities as far as roleplay and PVP gameploay is concerned! Certain bugs that are currently in the game such as a crash here or there is annoying at times. But i have no doubt that developers of this quality will be able to fix any issues soon enough ;)
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 1, 2016.
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Hiển thị 1-7 trong 7 mục