Joshua   Colorado, United States
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jOhnny May 7 @ 11:02pm 
Behold it is he who mustn't be named, for his spirit be feared amongst all the peoples of the Middle-East and the Great Beyond. The man who gave revelation to none other than our Lord and Saviour, Lord Voldemort. Behold it is he, who unbeknownst to the world of modern times, will unleash the wrath of the once great and infamous Polish Pounder. He will come and he WILL pillage your village. He WILL colonize your country and sodomize your people. The man known as ~THE~ Fat Mexican OT, or drifT_ for short, WILL come to seek vengeance and reclaim what was once rightfully his. He will come on a night that you least expect it, so sleep with one eye open and your cheeks clenched tight or you too might fall victim to the man known as the Bootyhole Bandit. Sweet dreams my little angels. May the odds be ever in your favour.
+rep this guy gets it
Thrill Mar 2, 2022 @ 4:48pm 
I saw this kid outside a quickie mark buying tostinos pizza rolls and red bull wearing nothing but a FULL FLEDGED ADULT DIAPER. i asked him what thats about... he says it helps to contain his power so he dosnt completely ♥♥♥♥ on his competition. I asked him who his competition was he answered with one word. "Everyone". he then bunny hopped out the door better then that baphoon phoon. i aint seen nothing like it before nor since. I heard he is wanted in 5 separate countries and 3 counties. take care and beware