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Análises recentes de PISTACHIO

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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
82.2 hrs em registo (44.3 horas no momento da análise)
runs 100x better than the battle.net version
Publicado a 21 de Abril.
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60.2 hrs em registo (8.7 horas no momento da análise)
might be the worst dialogue maybe ever but damn is the gameplay worth it
Publicado a 6 de Janeiro.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
11.1 hrs em registo (10.2 horas no momento da análise)
We all know about the terrible launch and inabilities to play the game, but I'll try to write the review as if I haven't spent 50% of my hours fighting matchmaking errors.

Overall, the game is fun; however, it is definitely not better than Payday 2. They removed a lot of what made the game fun, and I'll go over that.

What I like:
- Merging skills and perks. I hated the perk system in PD2.
- The hostage grabbing ability is cool and leads to interesting design.
- The gadgets are really really cool, and they make stealth a lot more dynamic. I wish there were more loud-oriented gadgets, though.
- Guns don't seem as complicated anymore, and so far most of them seem distinct.
- Continental coins are finally gone. Good riddance.
- I like the addition of being escorted by guards in stealth. Makes it a lot better so you don't just get shot for stepping one foot into mildly private area.
- Hit registration feels good for the most part (except from some freed civi's who become invincible).
- Detection for the most part feels accurate, I rarely feel BS'd by a guard's sight.

What I don't like:
- Duller skill system. It feels much more boring and so many cool builds are just gone.
- Concealment is completely gone. The only good thing about this is that you can continue a run in loud after failing stealth... but let's be honest, you're running a low-armour, silenced-weapons, and stealth-skills build anyways, so you're 99% restarting when you fail. Not only does it mess with stealth, but it just completely deletes dodge builds.
- To combine the last two points, dodge builds (the most fun build in PD2 by far) are completely gone. Why? This rush/grit/edge system is just so boring compared to what you could make in PD2.
- No more body bags in stealth. This is really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ annoying, especially when bodies will clip through the wall and get spotted.
- You are no longer incentivized to mask up. Stealth missions are now at least half spent unmasked, which just isn't as fun.
- Melee does zero damage now. Why? (On the bright side, punching a civi will instantly put them on the ground)
- Some mechanics are just so bad and uninteresting. How exactly am I "disabling security" by standing in a randomly marked circle for 20s?
- The default crosshair is big and ugly, with no option to make it smaller, remove just the cross or dot, nor change its colour or outline. I will 100% be using mods for a custom HUD.
- Speaking of the HUD, it's too minimalistic. I like knowing the ammo of my teammates.
- No team communication????????? Why?
- No pre-planning phase anymore. Can't change your loadout unless you quit the mission entirely.
- You can't unready once ready'd in a lobby?????? Why?
- You can't name your loadouts, so if you have a lot be ready to memorize them.

For now, I'm leaving a thumbs down until the servers are fixed. Once I can actually play the game I paid so much money for, I do think this game is fun enough to deserve a thumbs up.
Publicado a 24 de Setembro de 2023.
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4.9 hrs em registo
Publicado a 24 de Setembro de 2023.
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28.2 hrs em registo (13.5 horas no momento da análise)
grassy gruel
Publicado a 3 de Julho de 2023.
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17.5 hrs em registo
this game lowkey hard but i abused self heal strat gg freelo go next
Publicado a 1 de Maio de 2023.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
4.2 hrs em registo (3.1 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de Acesso Antecipado
12GB just to play gridshot
Publicado a 22 de Março de 2023.
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Um developer respondeu em 22 mar. 2023 às 16:21 (ver resposta)
2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
61.3 hrs em registo (25.0 horas no momento da análise)
i named my horse ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ then it mysteriously disappeared
Publicado a 1 de Janeiro de 2023.
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4.5 hrs em registo (3.1 horas no momento da análise)
i got a rocket launcher and infinite flight and cheesed my way to a win
Publicado a 8 de Dezembro de 2022.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
3 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
3.3 hrs em registo (1.0 horas no momento da análise)
this game saved my life. i was on the brink of suicide, until i bought this game. once the pope rat converted me to ratholicism i was able to see the light and my life changed then. i now donate rat poison to local charities in the name of cat genocide.
Publicado a 17 de Outubro de 2022.
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