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A fun indie VR dungeon crawler that promotes exploring with an interesting story. It's a fun game with plenty of content, roughly about 2-3 hours of gameplay depending on how you play, plus a bonus arena mode.

The combat in the game is intermediate. You actually have to make sure that the cutting edge of your weapon is striking your opponent. The most common enemies you will run into are basic undead grunts, and honestly the combat with them is a little too easy. If you're standing still and trying to treat it like a regular sword fight while you strike when you can and block their blows, then you might get a bit more thrill out of fighting them.

Personally, the fighting in the game seemed a bit too easy at times until you ran into "boss" enemies. There are enemies in this game that are essentially "black knights" from Dark Souls, and they do provide difficulty. But the devs didn't plan for their knights being too tall and the fact that the player can trap them on the other side of a doorway and easily beat the fight. The devs could fix that by creating a barrier in the doorway that forces the player into the room to fight the knight, like they do with "horde" rooms. That would work great because the knights are already immune to bow attacks.

*There is no spoilers here, just a review on the ending*

Lastly, the ending was a bit underwhelming. The level design of it was really neat and a total change of pace from the rest of the game. But I feel like it could have been more suspenseful leading up to the end and maybe a little faster. The final fight as well could use a bit of a change, maybe mix it up instead of the pattern it has. I found myself getting a bit bored by the end of the game and started to yearn for the ending to come sooner until it finally arrived. I did, however, enjoy the ending cutscene.

Neat low-poly art style
Easy combat
Interesting story
Fun puzzles
Tons of different levels with unique design

Easy combat
Needs some fixes because of missing enemies
Player collision could be a bit better

I give the game a solid 8/10. It held my attention for a majority of the game, but it could use some improvements.
Skrevet: 25. marts.
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37.3 timer registreret i alt (20.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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TL;DR at the bottom

I had no idea about this game until my friend showed it to me, I saw the Steam store page and was immediately hooked. I bought the game and have been playing the heck out of it. Overall, I love the theme. It's a fast-paced, roguelite movement shooter that ticks all the boxes I have been looking for in games recently. The thrill and adrenaline you get as you blow up, shoot, and punch your way through groups of enemies is addicting.

The style of the game itself presents itself as a borderlands-esque roguelite movement shooter. There's sprinting, rail surfing, there's a little bit of actual surfing (like in G Mod or CS or TF2), double jumping, and sliding. As you play, you will get used to the controls and aiming. There's a wide variety of weapons with different traits. The game itself is difficult, especially when you are new. Which, in my opinion, is to be anticipated when playing any type of roguelike game. I know that I struggled when I first played games like Gunfire or RoR. But there is a difficulty setting in this one. Enemies also get harder as you progress, but you also get stronger as you progress. You can get new perks when you level up that can change how you play. There's different robots with different play styles that you can play as, and equipment you can bring along with you in your runs. You can also bring along a friend :) because this game has 2-player co-op. The game is in Early Access, so it's not entirely complete. I'm sure there's more amazing content to come.

Some other notes I would like to add are that I like the level design in this game. It's simple and it swaps between runs until you get to the final levels. But you hardly notice when stuff repeats because you are moving so fast and enjoying the thrill. There's plenty of different bosses with different move sets. Also the soundtrack is an absolute banger. Personally, I give this game a 8 or 9 out of 10. I love the path the developers took with this game and I can't wait to see what else they do with it.

Now I want to list any cons that may come with the game for first-time players. The game can be difficult and can take a while to get used to. Personally i like that difficulty, but it's not for everyone. Don't let it deter you though. You can't sprint and shoot at the same time, which is okay because you learn how to work with it. Honestly it's not really a big deal. The story might not be the greatest, but with the way that it is now, it adds a lot of room for story-building.

TL;DR Game is good, soundtrack is an absolute banger. Very little complaints. Get it, maybe even make your friend get it, and play it. Lots of fun, very fast and exciting. 9/10.
Skrevet: 20. marts 2023.
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104.2 timer registreret i alt (81.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Source Filmmake in a nutshell: Crap, SFM crashed again.

10/10 would crash again
Skrevet: 4. juli 2019.
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9.6 timer registreret i alt (3.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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This game is pretty amazing. It reminds me of Dark Souls series (My favorite series) just from the difficulty and the controls are easy to grasp after 2 or 3 runs. Overall, it's a pretty great game even though it's early-access.
Skrevet: 13. juni 2017.
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274.4 timer registreret i alt (61.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Holy moly, where do I begin?
This game has been by far one of the best games I have ever played. I love how it throws you straight into the action after a short tutorial and then drives you to beat the living crap out of every sorry soul that stands in your path. I love this game so much, I played it all over again after my friend intentionally deleted my main character. Only a couple of problems I have with this game though. One being that the game data is local, so it can easily be lost if files get corrupted. Two being the hitboxes are sometimes broken. And last being that it feels more like Gank Souls 3 because these filthy casuls can't git gud.
Skrevet: 18. april 2017.
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52.6 timer registreret i alt (6.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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That one moment when everything is quiet, too quiet, near the Aurora and suddenly a Reaper Leviathan spawns in front of you. (Yes, I mean it literally spanwed right in front of me.)
Skrevet: 19. maj 2016.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
24.6 timer registreret i alt (11.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I gotta say 10/10
Would play again, and again, and again, and again.
Made me cry a little bit, super sad.
Loved it, and still do.
Skrevet: 29. januar 2016.
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