Gaymer 🎮 The answer to life is 42.   Singapore
Just a silly gal, in her own silly world
Let's get this bread! 🥖 | My Alt: Xynthia 💕

1️⃣ 💗 I will send you a friend request if I adore you / find you interesting 💗
If you are not comfortable with it, feel free to ignore or decline :) No hard feelings as its all about boundary and respect~
Chances are:
- I've chanced upon your profile / guide / review and think they are great!
- I've interacted with you on Discord and find that you're a cool person
- I need to ask you something i.e. an achievement for a game

2️⃣ Feel free to send friend requests 🤝
(I typically have an open friends policy where I will accept almost anyone and everyone and while I would want to keep it that way, sometimes I have scammers, beggars and even people with rude/nasty intentions (i.e. NSFW = instant block) sending me friend request.. therefore, I still will be keeping the friending policy open, until I have to make some sort of restriction i.e. only level 50 and above, which I hope I really don't have to do that)

I welcome people who:
✔️ needs help getting an achievement - feel free to send a request, I will be happy to help!
✔️ likes the stuffs I've written i.e. Profile, Reviews, Guides
✔️ I've known you somewhere i.e. Discord

3️⃣ Misc - What to expect of me:
✧ I will treat people with courtesy and respect UNTIL they've shown me they do not deserve of it so do not ever abuse my kindness / cross my boundaries.
✧ I'm always open to talking things out to resolve any underlying issues - I always believe in healthy communication and getting to know each other's POV
[Don't be intimidated, communication is key and is essential in resolving any disagreements]
[Please do not be shy!!!! I am a super easy going person!]

To those who have been hurt by my actions I'm sorry,
everyday I try to be a better version of myself from yesterday.

🪶 Like a Phoenix, rising from the ashes. 🪶

For my peace, and your peace :x
🫂 I wish you well 🫂
Currently Offline
Welcome to my profile~👋 Thanks for dropping by!


The name inspiration for Elvira actually came from a game's random name generator;
when I first saw the name, I instantly fell in love with it and used it as a game nick ever since ~

Likes : Memes, Puns, Webcomics, Emojis 😂

Interests : Anime, Gaming, Swimming 🏊🏻‍♀️

Favourite Game Genres : Anime / Pixel Graphics / Shoujo-Ai / Strategy card games

Will Avoid : Horror, Psychedelic, games that causes motion sickness, Overly complex games


I am pretty open to accepting friend requests in here but I ask that you read the View More Info first, thank you 🙏

It's going to be a long read but they are important, so that we know what to expect of each other. Scammers, beggars will be blocked immediately 100%

(If a friend of mine engages in shady acts, please do not hesitate to let me know,
I will remove said person in question)

However, I would also understand and empathise that one's account can get hacked and
the hacker is the one doing the shady stuff.

Do your best to keep your account safe at all times, 2FA is essential, I am willing to re-add friends

💞🐟🦋🌈 About Me / Accounts / Do the things you love~ 💞🐟🦋🌈
✧ I am a... INFP-T [www.16personalities.com] :P

✧ The past is the past, it can never be replicated or recovered 🙏

✧ I do my best and I like to aim for 💯% for a game.
I used to only play games that I am confident of hundo-ing it, but then I felt trapped and limited at the same time as I also liked maintaining a high AGC. I am obsessed with having 100% AGC too.

Which raises the question: how can I resolve the dilemma of wanting to play every game in my library yet at the same time maintain a good AGC?

One day, something in my mind just clicked, "why dont I just create a new account"? and so I did :P

So now, I have 2 accounts: Elvira & Xynthia 😁

Xynthia is my alt and my goal is to retain 100% AGC on that account so I can play as many games as I want in here without caring for the AGC~

The name inspiration came about because I somehow mistyped as 'Xynthia' instead of 'Cynthia' while looking up the gym leader and Xynthia looks x100 times cooler, lolol


I pondered hard and wondered if I should reveal the following as it *may* be detrimental for me.
But since I've decided that I wanna start things off on a clean state, I should address the issue for once and for all.

So earlier, I talked about how I like to achieve 100% for a game, and just in the recent years I am more involved in achievement hunting.

The truth is, before participating actively in achievement hunting, yes, I was a SAM user.
For some games that I could not clear, I did SAM them,
(Also for games that require DLC but I did not want to buy the DLC)
but from end 2022 / 2023 onwards, I have stopped doing that.

To me, there is no right or wrong if a user chooses to SAM, but if they use SAM to be in an achievement hunting leaderboard then yes, it would be unfair to the other players who did it legitly.

But if someone just want that 100% when a game's achievement is broken, personally I do not see anything wrong with that. (For their own personal use and not for leaderboard)

I know by revealing this out in the open, I might lose friends from the achievement group and while I do not wish to lose any friends, I respect anyone's wishes.

I want to, and I will set things right. So I will eventually look through all the games I have cleared, and for games that I did not attain the achievement legitly, I will reset_all_stats for them.
Even for games that I am not 100% sure did I use SAM, i will just reset.
If I can attain the achievements once, I can surely re-attain them again.

For now, I can proudly proclaim that games done in my lil alt is 100% legit without the use of SAM, however if there comes a day where a game becomes broken, I may just use SAM on that account... It IS an account built to 100% AGC, I might just resort to any means just to retain that

BUT, if I accidentally trap myself, that is on me. I will resign to fate and either try to 100% it or live with the possibility of it being at 99% forever :')

My stance:
The only person you are deceiving, is yourself if the achievements are not obtained through ethical means. And. Its sort of meaningless and defeats the purpose.

Hence, I've decided that I want to rectify it. I want my account to be.. really "clean" and something I can be proud of, andd for people to approach me without hesitation if they need help regarding an achievement.

For now, its still not "cleaned" , I will remove this statement once my account is truly cleaned
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:emo1: I enjoy writing reviews as reviews are sometimes the deciding factor to get the game or not;
Good games deserves to be Recommended! :steamthumbsup:

Not a professional reviewer by any means, nevertheless reviews were written with genuine feelings xD
I'll usually write a review when I've completed the game or when I feel I've experienced it enough

:arrow_dr: I've added tags infront whether they are [Free-to-Play] or [Pay-to-Play] ^_^ ,
and also [18+] if its an adult game, hahaha

:arrow_dr: I will also be adding tags at the bottom of my reviews of what I think of each game, so you will be able to see if it links to your area of interest :)

:cq2exclaim: If the review starts with the tag [Pay$-to-Play] - kinda looks like 'Pays-to-Play' right? and that's exactly what it means; money is definitely worth spending on the game :) 💲

:cq2exclaim: If the review starts with the tag [NOT RECOMMENDED], AVOID AT ALL COST!!! :steamthumbsdown:

:cq2exclaim: If the review starts with HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! , it means I really loved that game, hehe :Heart_m:

:emo2: I also love creating guides when I see a game doesnt have one yet, guides are nice~
Lets do our best to help each other get that 100%~ :steamthis:

My guides are classified by their Icon Image and it is interpreted as such:

👑 Crown Symbol - It touches on the achievements in game and how to obtain them

💡 Lightbulb - It is more of 'Tips & Tricks' guide in nature to aid you in getting the achievements

:stairs: Steps/Stairs - Step-by-step guide xD
Screenshot Showcase
Oops me xD #Relatable
3 1
Review Showcase

[Pay$-to-Play] I am really glad I bought this, because I am a huge fan of anime! I had a lot of fun playing this game and getting 100% will require some work but I wouldnt say that its overly tough to the point it is impossible, just that we have to try again and again to get the highest rank (Rank S)~

Rank S will require us to have as much HP as possible and K.O the opponent as fast as possible

This game really offers alot, from the main storyline to online or offline matches. I am someone who prefers singleplayer instead of PVP online so I am really glad that this game offers singleplayer mode where we can versus the CPU and still get all achievements~

I have not watched the anime so on one hand there may be some background plot im missing but on the other i get to experience this game fully. There are elements of surprise for me when certain character behave a particular way i.e. the real figure behind that boar mask and scenes with Zenitsu (the yellow-haired boy) always cracks me up

At core, the gameplay infuses animation and fighting. Price wise this game is on the higher end, with full price being $74.90 and I bought it during a sale where there was 50% off so it was around $37.45. And I really thoroughly enjoyed this game
I definitely feel that this is one of my best buys ever~

Again, I would say this is for fans who like anime, because there are lots of cutscenes with animation. It can be played with either a keyboard or a controller, and I used a controller and I find that it is easier to control as compared to a keyboard

I really like that the game offers both English and Japanese Voice-overs and they are very well-made in both versions. I switched to Japanese eventually as I feel thats the original and more emotions were carried over in it. Nevertheless, the voice-over for English is really good too!

Buy? Buy :D
Hotel? Trivagoo

Tags: [Beautiful] [Rich Storyplot] [Anime] [Fighting] [Singleplayer] [My Favourite]
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♢Elvira♢ May 20 @ 6:35am 
Helloo Leon! Thankss its so beautiful and cute!
S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. May 20 @ 6:26am 
💖⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⣤⡶⢶⣦⡀Magic Monday 🌈🏳️‍🌈🌺💗🌸
💗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠉⠉⠉⠀⠉⠉⠉
♢Elvira♢ Mar 15 @ 9:22pm 
To that rando/troll:

Bad juju vibes do not belong on my profile, off you go~
♢Elvira♢ Mar 6 @ 6:49am 
Heyyy Janediel~

Sorry to hear that :( :( :( 🫂🫂🫂 mmm~ they will all be angels in heaven 🙏🏻

I wish! but I didnt see Taytay's performance hahaha , no moolah~ :P

Thanks for dropping by~ Take care Janediel~~~ 🫂🫂🫂
Janediel Mar 6 @ 6:44am 
Heyo Elvira, sorry haven't been talking much. One of my pets passed so I was down from the big C, but he's in a better place now and no longer suffering. I heard Taylor Swift came over to Singapore. Did you get to see her perform? :lunar2024dragoninablanket:
♢Elvira♢ Jan 3 @ 11:59pm 
Funkey~~~ I miss you guys toooo~ Hope you been well~

I'd hop back instantly if I could but there's some things I needed to settle sorta :P

I will 100% be back in that server~ 100% May/June? XD

Love ascout! best server ever 😍😍😍