
Последние обзоры Brandonmaster

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184.6 ч. всего (103.1 ч. в момент написания)
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I have thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. Watch a short tutorial guide or two on youtube for some simple light tips about getting getting started and then enjoy!

Once you're got to grips with the basic steps of this game, it is truly fantastic. Every play through is different, with a variety of issues, dilemmas, opportunities and exploration to be encountered. You come to rely on some members of your group for essential tasks and "housekeeping" whilst some can cause social frictions or more obvious issues in the group. Each play through will give you different characters with strengths, weaknesses and all in between. This helps to create the narrative and the player will genuinely feel more protective over some of the party members than others. This game can create slightly emotive responses as to how the "story" of your group unfolds - and, in my opinion, this is a sign of a quality gaming experience.

There is an extensive bank of workshop mods to explore which can change the game subtly or drastically and, again, can add a huge range of variety to a new play through.

The soundtrack for this game is beautiful and fitting too.... the end song is gorgeous. It was the perfect song to help end the journey of my first successful completion of the game.

I can't rate this game highly enough.
Опубликовано 3 ноября 2017 г..
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1.9 ч. всего (1.5 ч. в момент написания)
Ok I'm sorry for hard core people who have enjoyed this game - This is my honest review and experience of it. I'm not an easily defeatable gamer but this just ended up in frustration after frustration for me.

Bought the game on sale - heard epic things about it being challenging (huge huge huge under statement).

Never played any of the previosu Dark Souls so this could be my own fault for jumping in expecting to do accomplishment too much (I accomplished nothing).

First problem - the controls in the "tutorial" (you can't even call it that... I had to go on to youtube to search out how to do the most simplest of things such as how to kick and jump) are explained for xbox mappings and have mention or relevenace at all to keyboard and mouse mappings, leaving you guessing.

Difficulty - Good thing the tutorial equips you so well for what is an utterly unforgivable game isn't it! - Oh no wait, I had to go to Youtube to search out how to jump... The difficulty is crazy. So you know your general minions and throw away baddies that are there for you to rag doll around during the tutorial? Well if you get cuaght in between 3 of them and make a single mistake, its game over start again at the beginning of the "tutorial".

For those of you with dual monitors!!!! - So I went down the "don't go down here" bit in the "tutorial" and came across some ice mosnters thing. I battled it 5 times and failed. during those moments of frantic tense action, my mouse slipped onto the next monitor some home and took me back to desktop - Dark Souls doesn't lock you mouse in - again I went on youtube for a soluation and found one by downloading "dual monitor tools". Use their tool called swap screen and then you can sort it.

The first boss (in the "tutorial") - He will ♥♥♥♥ you up in 3 hits. If you're still alive, you will restore your health and he will ♥♥♥♥ you up again, if not kill you.. putting you back to the start of the "tutorial".

I got him below half HP twice getting him to morph into some massive thing... and he killed me both times.

Sorry to Dark Souls purists who got a lot out of this game. I'm just simply giving warning to those who aren't used to the DS series, the DS difficulty level and also I'm giving warning to people that in no way, shape or form does this game glide you in smoothly.

It was frustrating from start to finish because of the in game guide for key bindings being absent for keyboard and mouse, for the dual monitor big issue with the cursor and with the extreme difficulty.

Not for me.

Опубликовано 30 июня 2017 г..
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842.5 ч. всего (374.2 ч. в момент написания)
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Having 390 hours of play time speaks for itself. This game is excellent! Addictive because there is always something else you want to build, scavenge, hunt, kill, explore etc. Brilliant survival elements and zombie system. I really enjoy the full Valmod mod as it brings some nice interesting elements and variations to what is already and fantastic game.

I mostly play single player because I can't commit to logging onto a server every day to check out my base etc... however when I did have a chunk of time to do this, it was very fun. Made a few friends, made a camp, built it up and up.

And at the sale price, this is an utter bargain!
Опубликовано 4 марта 2017 г..
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225.5 ч. всего (124.5 ч. в момент написания)
This game is epic :) Defo get it :D
Опубликовано 27 декабря 2011 г..
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