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Análises recentes de Baldurs Tod

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120 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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65.6 horas registradas (36.2 horas no momento da análise)
TL;DR: More of the same with more story and more puzzle mechanics.

Set a millennium after the events of The Talos Principle and demise of human civilization, you incarnate the 1000th and last individual of a robot society founded by the character of the first episode. Your "birth" will occasionate a series of events that may define the future of your robotic fellowship.

This second occurence is in every aspect bigger than Talos 1: size and diversity of environements, number of puzzles, quality and length of the story, variety of puzzle mechanics.

However, due to the high number of mechanics, some of them seems to be underused. Moreover, the puzzle difficulty seem to have been watered-down, especialy compared to Road to Gehenna. There is also less out of bounds puzzles. Finally, due to the size of the maps, the game sometimes feels like a walking simulator. On the bright side, mines are gone.

This game has good performances, and the bugs are few.

If you don't plan to do the game 100%, don't do the monuments, most of them are more a chore than an actual puzzle, and they are only usefull if you do them all.

However I higly recommend doing the 8 golden gates wich requires to solve the whole 120 puzzles and will grant you and optional story line.

If you are an achievement hunter, reject the mission during the briefing. You can go back and acept afterwards.
Publicada em 15 de novembro de 2023. Última edição em 21 de novembro de 2023.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
4.1 horas registradas
Well the game is okayish, but there is too much negative points:
- The game is very short. I finished it in 4 hours not precisely rushing it.
- The dialog choices doesn't really matter. You get different lines and that's it.
- Despite being in the wilderness, the world is not open at all. You get one route from point A to point B.
- You get hooked by the story, but it eventually fall flat. The conclusion is meh.

This game is a movie. Save 20 bucks by watching a walkthrough on YT.
Publicada em 5 de abril de 2022.
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1.9 horas registradas (1.7 horas no momento da análise)
Great little game with nice art and innovative gameplay. The puzzles are not very difficult.
For 1.5 hours of playtime the full price is a little too steep though.
Publicada em 24 de maio de 2021.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
40.6 horas registradas
Just stick to the original. While not really bad, little value is added in this sequel.
Publicada em 24 de maio de 2021.
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19.3 horas registradas (16.7 horas no momento da análise)
Critique FR ci-dessous.

Don't expect the same experience in HL:A as the previous HL games. The weapon arsenal is much smaller and the battles are very few. The game is more atmospheric and exploration-oriented. The plot is very light but nonetheless makes a progress in the HL naration. The environnements are great and well detailled which is the greatest feature of the game. Special mention to the distillery level which is a lesson in term of game design.
I advise non HL players to play HL1 - HL2 and episodes before playing this game.
If you buy the game stay after the credits.

N'attendez pas d'HL:A la même expérience que les précédents jeux HL. l'arsenal à votre disposition est très limité et les affrontements peu nombreux. Le jeu est plus orienté sur l'atmosphère dégagée et l'exploration. L'intrigue tiens sur un post-it mais fait néanmoins progresser le naration des jeux HL. Les environnements sont sublimes et très détaillés ce qui est la principale qualité du jeu. Mention spéciale au niveau de la distillerie qui est une leçon de game design.
Je recommende de jouer à HL1 - HL2 et épisodes avant de jouer à ce jeu.
Le jeu n'est pas doublé en FR sachez le. Pour les non anglophones vous aurez seulement du ST.
Si vous achetez le jeu restez après les crédits.
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2020.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2.9 horas registradas
Critique FR ci-dessous

Game bought on sale at -75%. I won't recommend buying it for more since the game offers 3 hours of gameplay. The gameplay loop is based on pushing buttons and collecting junk to maintain your vessel rolling in between roadblocks. You'll have to remove these obstacles by solving puzzle that offers barely any challenge. While the artistic direction is great, the story is quite inexistant. There is absolutely no line whatsoever, and the only pieces of story you'll find are given through the environnement. The ending is rather unsettling.

Buy it if you want to chill out with an atmospheric game. If you look for a story or challenge, pass.

Jeu acheté en solde à -75%. Je ne recommande pas plus car ce jeu propose 3h de jouabilité. La boucle de gameplay vous demande de pousser des boutons et ramasser des détritus pour maintenir le fonctionnement de votre 'Okomotive' sur une route déserte entre des obstacles. Les dis barrages seront levés par la résolution de puzzles fort peu complexes. Bien que la direction artistique soit grandiose, l'histoire est très superficielle. Il n'y a pas de récit, pas de dialogue, rien. Les seule pièces d'histoire que vous trouverez le seront par l'environnement. La fin du jeu est tout sauf mémorable.

Acheter le si vous voulez vous détendre avec un jeu atmosphérique. Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une histoire ou d'un challenge, passez votre chemin.
Publicada em 24 de outubro de 2020.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
29.4 horas registradas (18.8 horas no momento da análise)
10/10 best friend throwing simulator.
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2019.
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