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Senaste recensioner av Artisan Noodle

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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
59.3 timmar totalt
This game punishes players for anything less than the best performance - about one in three players make enough in game currency each match to fix the machines they used in it, leaving two thirds of players faced with hard economic choices after each round. Obviously, the devs would prefer players to alleviate this anxiety by spending real money to buy their way into the black, but this is increasingly difficult as costs keep rising and rewards stay stagnant.

The result of this predatory scheme is that each battle is filled with angry, sweaty people who play as conservatively and cheesily as possible, aiming by necessity to score a profit rather than to have fun. Teammates often quit a match the second things turn against them, understandably unwilling to commit more expensive material to a lost cause. Matches therefore are conservative, cowardly snowballs. I cannot recommend War Thunder in its current state, though the base mechanics of the game are quite good.
Upplagd 23 maj 2023.
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129.9 timmar totalt (51.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's great fun, never gets old
Upplagd 2 december 2019.
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16.8 timmar totalt
Is good.

Beautiful art, beautiful voices, interesting combat.
Upplagd 30 juni 2019.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2.4 timmar totalt (1.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It feels like the beta version of a very good game. Mechanics are solid, interesting, and fun. The FTL style procedural generation calls back to one of my favourite games, but the levels themselves are uninspiring from what I've seen. I've spent about a third of my time trying to enchant a ring and can't quite manage it, which is either a hopeful sign of complex depth or a woeful premonition of an ugly inventory and crafting system.

Good game, needs work. At 10 bucks it's a steal, at 20 it's worth it, provided the devs continue the support they've shown up to this point.
Upplagd 10 augusti 2017.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
230.1 timmar totalt (160.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Unfortunately, Overkill has turned a great coop shooter into a steaming pile of microtransactions. If you invent a time machine, go play in 2014. Otherwise, avoid this game like it's a plague laden pile of laundry from your last room mate, left in the living room for some reason, and you can see stained boxers on top of it.

In other words, don't touch it with a ten foot pole.
Upplagd 16 oktober 2015.
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2.6 timmar totalt
Edgy Picmin 10/10 would enslave village again.
Upplagd 22 februari 2015.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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