
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย RagingDemon

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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
5.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (0.9 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
This game is almost a 1 for 1 mirror to OLD SCHOOL beatem ups. If you dont like clunky controls then it's not for you. Playing this game reminded me of the arcade editions of TMNT and streets of rage. The combat is pretty much made for short play just like arcade games. Those who are complaining either want to turn the game into something else or have never played a beatem up before.
โพสต์ 5 พฤษภาคม
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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
208.1 ชม. ในบันทึก (105.9 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I'll tell you straight up, if you like Warframe then you will definitely like the card system in this game. You will also NEED to replay missions many times over if you want all the cards (aka powerups). However, power ups are sadly the only thing that can be seen as good since everything else is "meh" at best. So if you can't see yourself playing the same redundant mission over and over then Just pass on this game. If you aren't into card powerups, pass on it. Not a fan of guns being almost identical to each other? pass. Lastly, the best way to beat the game is to run through it... even though you are called the "cleaners" in the story. Your job is (supposed) to kill the zombies and hives, but on hardest difficulty you get punished for actually doing your job and killing everything. These are probably the biggest things that destroy the game besides the horrible and anticlimactic Cutscenes. Trust me... every single one of them is so bad. It looks like someone untrained without a license went into unity engine and slapped it together. Don't take my word for it though lol, look them up on youtube and see for yourself.

Need a new zombie game? Well you're in luck bc 7Days2Die just got it's biggest update yet. You should try it out bc its a fun game with friends (or enemies) even if the graphics aren't the best. You can play with PvP on and it'll be kinda like a weird Rust/Dayz kinda game. Play with PvP off and it turns into a survival/looting game where you and friends get swarmed on day 7 or die to tanky wild animals.

TLDR: Don't get B4B. Its not worth full price and arguably barely worth half price. You need to play missions over and over to unlock the costumes and powerups. This game will hurt your soul with it's current state and price tag. Just get it on Xbox pass for like 15 bucks a month. You can beat this game on Recruit and Vet in a month easily and the hardest mode we already went over.
โพสต์ 7 มกราคม 2022
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191.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (75.7 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
This is one of the most fun games I've played in awhile and a breath of fresh air. The gameplay is very loot heavy and grind heavy with a skill tree that will definitely change how players gather materials and do damage. The Blood moons will really wreck havoc on player bases and anyone who's not at least prepared with some sort of base will easily be overwhelmed on the first blood moon. It's especially fun with a full server of friends or people and everyone is doing random/funny stuff. (this is huge for me because there aren't a lot of games that have 5 player+ coop) Overall it's a really fun game and you'll have many laughs because of game physics and the overall roughness of the game. (but that's its charm in a way)
For what I didn't like about the game or what others might not like....
The graphics look like ass and the game is SUPER unoptimized for low end and high end PCs. I'm not one to turn away a game for graphics but a lot of people are really shallow when it comes to games these days. If the game looks pretty... They will play it regardless if it has a good story or entertaining gameplay. *cough* The last of us 2

When you get to around the mid to late game, there are more special zombies and strong irradiated combinations but that's about it when it comes to the zombie types. (besides the animals)
There aren't really any "boss" type zombies that are way bigger or actually special but we have time to see what they come up with later on.
This game is worth the price especially if it is on sale. I like to keep a standard of $1 per hour I played for every game I buy. I have bought this game 2 weeks ago and Steam says I have 75 hours played atm.... this game was 25$ when purchased. Its a steal for me imo.

โพสต์ 28 พฤษภาคม 2021
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12.3 ชม. ในบันทึก (9.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
This game is one of the best/interesting games I've played all year. It's a very fresh take on Fps and rhythm games while also being a rogue-like.(which is a plus for me!)

-THE MUSIC IS AMAZING, *ahem* the music is actually very fun to shoot/reload to while playing. It's the same songs over and over again but that can easily be changed soon in later updates for more variety.
-Very easy to pick up and has a lot of options in terms of making the game a little easier to play like the auto-rhythm. customization with buttons is also easy giving 2 options for keyboard for the same action(for example, I can reload with "r" and "mouse 4" since sometimes you need to strafe a certain way and cant press "r" to reload to the beat at the same time.
-Bosses are unique and will destroy you if you aren't careful/treat them all the same as a regular mob.
-The character design in this whole game is very well done, mobs are kinda generic but that's ok.(please make dlc for mob/music add-ons)
-Very easy/low PC requirements, my friend plays on a 5 year old i3, GTX1050 toaster and never loses frames ever besides when loading in. Constant frames 99% of the time. (i found that when shooting a gun with the solar shield you will make so many projectiles that it may lag the game a little but thats the only item so far.

-You become too strong way too fast due to how little items there are in the game and items having no downside. There aren't that many items in the game and only a select few are really worth getting. In the future updates you can add cursed items that have a really good effect while also having a downside of some sort.(for example, why would you not want infinite ammo?)
-Random modifiers will end runs early and at most only be annoying mid-run, From what i can see, theres no benefit in modifiers besides points?(not sure if it even effects points but im just guessing) There's also no way to turn them on or off manually for a crazy run from what I can see.
-The game feels a little short(coming from someone who plays Binding of issac) in terms of replayability due to the amount of items currently available. It took me about 7 hours to beat the game with every single character besides the last one.

gameplay- 9/10, Fresh game with great ideas, better than mindless COD shooters and similar products.
controls- very fluid and responsive, can be fast paced like doom
story- ? (if there is one then would like to see)

TLDR: Great new FPS game with amazing music with a rhythm mechanic implemented to spice up the game even more! SUPPORT SO WE GET DLC
โพสต์ 25 กันยายน 2020 แก้ไขล่าสุด 25 กันยายน 2020
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1,174.9 ชม. ในบันทึก (31.8 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
It's a good game....if you don't count all the smurfs, bad matchups and a newly found bug that turns your screen white while in a RANKED MATCH. So yea, just play if you wanna waste money.

So its been awhile, still playing this game only because theres more people on than USF4. Yup, this game is still trash and the netcode got worse SOMEHOW.
Devs decided to patch out the netcode patch that someone made (they reverse engineered the game) and made their own even worse patch to just ♥♥♥♥ on the community. Capcom really doesnt give a fk about this game so just play their other games they care about.
Im expecting the same thing for the next street fighter too...a poorly thrown together piece of ♥♥♥♥ that makes everyone mad besides the people who dont know any better are tasked to make a game. Dont buy this game and save your money for something else like a covid-19 mask / better game/ ect

Edit 2: So the finally fixed stuff and did major balance changes but only during the last season of the game. Its pretty good now in terms of balance since the new mechanic helps out a lot but I still dont know if I'd tell people to buy it. I will say that some stuff they added was was just ripped out of the mysterious mod.... Namely how Ryu can go into his Vtrigger2 hit after a special... kinda scummy but hey, if you cant make good ideas then take them from others right? lol. They did it during basically the last years of the game's lifespan so maybe just wait till SF6 comes out because its already so close.

Edit 3: The game is finally worth $60 now, but at what cost and why did it take so long lol. The bad PR gained from this makes me sad and it had a lot of potential from the start. I'd say get the game on sale and get the pass bc the DLC characters are pretty cool imo. The value is pretty worth for how much you spend and they fixed a lot of the characters with the latest buff patch.

They also stole most ideas from mysterious mod, but hey... can't use your brain so might as well take from others right? It took way too long to fix this game, but I'll give them props for staying and fixing the game instead of abandoning it.
โพสต์ 31 มกราคม 2018 แก้ไขล่าสุด 16 เมษายน 2022
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2 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
1,041.1 ชม. ในบันทึก (29.0 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
This game was good till the latest update..... the game ran very smoothly and there were not many problems besides the way characters jumped over things. Now the game is very laggy and the audio is rippled all the time. i lose 30 frames when i play the game now and the connection has gotten worse. pls fix this asap. other than that the game is very fun and super annoying (in a fun way) to play. hope this helps.

there was a glitch that didnt let me see houses and i saw everything through them. For example it looked like glass houses and i saw all the weapons and items inside but didnt know where the doors were so i died. The houses i could see were very deformed and miscolored looking almost like playdou in a way.
pls and thank you
;3 keep up the good work, totally worth the money
โพสต์ 3 สิงหาคม 2017
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