The Camera-Man   United States
Just playing games to have fun and relax. Usually not competitive, might be salty as fueck though for losing.
Life just ain't right, y'know?
So here’s the deal, Life doesn't always want to be your friend.
Sometimes it’ll feel like life wants to hurt you.
But you can’t just hide, because nobody, nobody likes a quitter.
You gotta take chances.
They never said it was gonna be fun or easy.
Whether you’re totally ready or when you least expect it, doesn’t matter.
Life will punch you right in the face.
Now you can lie there for a second, cry a little if you need to,
but you get back on your feet cuz its the getting back up that counts.
That’s what shows you’ve got heart.
That’s what helps keep you going.
Fall down seven times, get up eight.
Just know, we’ll be right there with you.

Hapa-JJ Apr 14, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
HA hA Ha ha Ha hA HA ha hA !!!