Wolvie   Western Australia, Australia
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So, Let’s cut to the chase.
Heroes of Might and Magic II Clone.
Kings Bounty Clone.
Who Cares? Good Games should be replicated.

Now that’s out of the way...
A Review is in Order.
I've actually managed to beat the game.
^ That doesn't sound like much, but holy hell is it hard.
(But they added things for players to use to essentially cheat)
PPS - Thanks for Adding those. Made re-runs easier.

The Bad:
The game is buggy as all crap, crashes all the time, numerous problems.
That being said the Dev/s are actually working to fix it...
(Most have been fixed)
NPC Monsters around the world get too strong too quickly, so if you explore your going to have a bad time later.
Replay-ability drowns itself.
See, the problem is that the map never changes...
...this makes your next run faster and more efficient picking and choosing what you want.
However this also means nothing really changes. Once you've worked out a killer strategy, you'll never deviate from it.
But I must say to lighten this negative point; I did restart the game 5 times to keep playing through
- Learning from each time I restarted.
So it does have some replay-Ability, just not a lot of it.
No Tutorials (Explore the UI yourself to work everything out)
Took me two runs through this game before I realized that I could cast spells. (Perhaps its just me?)
Steep learning curve.
Lack of Innovation, it’s all been done before.
But it’s taken the good that It could and it’s trying to remake itself with all the good stuff.
Hero movement can be a bit wonky, if you accidently click and try click elsewhere to go in a different direction it feels like a 80-20% swing that it will actually stop moving so you can change the pathing.
Lack of Options... you literally can't put this game into windowed mode with any ease.
Its a very basic options screen.
Can't name saved games, hard to work out which save you want to load up some times.
Backtracking / Exploring is punished, creatures across the ENTIRE MAP get stronger the longer the game progresses...
So while it won’t affect you immediately it kicks the gears up later in the game. By quite a lot...
(Yes I said this already - It’s the biggest problem with the game, so it gets two entries!)
((Also Ghosts Overpowered)).

The Good:
The game Auto-Saves CONSTANTLY which is brilliant. Before Combat - Start of Turn Etc.
Auto-Save is brilliantly set up.
Crapload of Main Story quests AND Side Quests.
Combat is solid, very few bugs inside combat.
Variety of monsters you can have is insane. It has easily 100+ different monsters in the world. All of which you can recruit in some way or form.
Orcs, Humans, Elves, Undead, Misc, Etc.
Very challenging, this game will be no cake walk even on the easy difficulty.
Large freaken map... Like seriously its huge.
Dev's are actually willing to help you if you try talk to them... (Go Figure?!).
They're constantly spoiling walkthroughs / secret locations.
The Art style is nostalgic, it’s not fancy smancy graphics its old school art (Retro) and it simply works.
This game looks amazing in its own style.
(Even though it’s supposed to be ((Royal Bounty HD)) -? <--- Lol What... What HD??!)
Perhaps revamped would be a more appropriate word.
Fun and Interesting Story.
Multiple Endings.

Extra Cliff Notes:
It's a $5 Game, for this price tag it’s more than worth its value.
Anyone who tells you to refund this game... is simply is a cheapskate.
For $5 you are almost assured to get your time and fun out of this game.
(Assuming you actually ENJOY Turn Based Games)

Do NOT go into this game expecting ANOTHER GAME.
This game IS NOT titled:
- Might and Magic 2 HD
- Kings Bounty HD
The main argument people are lodging at this game is that its not these games...
This is an absolutely stupid argument.
(Nearly 80% of the Negative reviews are using this argument as the core argument they are putting forth)
(^ Of the day I made this review)

I actually quite enjoyed my time with this game.
Its $5 and I managed over 10 hours in it, so its doing something right. I rarely get 10 hours from $20 games.
I ran around and tried to full clear everything.
But I’m well aware of a ton of things I've missed, just don't know how to get to them -.-
Also Necromancers Ring <-- How do I get Necromancy? WTF?!

However as many people have noted, The NPC armies around the world need to increase at a far lower rate.
They get stupidly powerful - stupidly quickly.
The player is supposed to be the unstoppable force, not the NPC's around the world.

I went into this game not knowing what Royal Bounty was and I had no prior bias in any direction.
It was $5 and I picked it up, cause why not? - $5.

All this said, I still would rate this game at a 7 / 10.
Fun with lots of potential.
As more things get balanced and fixed I can see this game becoming truly amazing.

- Wolvie
Remember Kiddies Dare2Game.
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Elevationz Dec 27, 2012 @ 3:49pm 
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# Thug Life
Kovatch Jul 14, 2012 @ 3:11am 
1st comment ever as well lol
Westy Dec 16, 2010 @ 3:39pm 
My 1st comment...
I'ma postin in ur comments!
Conculco Apr 29, 2009 @ 2:00am 
Game On!