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as a huge fallout fan and owning most of the games il just say this

new vegas has its flaws,its a buggy mess but its a special gem .

modded and not modded ,its one of the few games i can immerse myself in and even after 10 years of playing the game i still find new stuff i never knew about

if you want an open world apocalyptic shooter i will say get fallout 4, if anything that game does gunplay and base building perfect while lacking immersion

but if you want a game you can immerse yourself in and listen to the story and arent bugged by rigid combat then give new vegas a try

a hard recommend from me for any rpg fan
Publicada em 20 de novembro de 2021. Última edição em 3 de janeiro.
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when i was younger i used to play alot of quake and unreal and i tought that id never get to play a new release with the same feeling

i downloaded this game and played it a few hours,and honestly i really enjoy playing it,its a really fun and addicting game to get into

-Fast paced and good feeling of movement
-the gunplay is very nice and responsive and when you frag someone you really feel like you fragged them
-FREE MODE: its not perfect and it locks some things off but its really not a problem for someone who wants a fun shooter
-Game modes are plenty from deathmatch,ctf,tdm and so on
-Skillballance is pretty nice,maybe because i got lucky but so far i had no problem finding people with the same skill level

-MATCHMAKING is slow as hell and sometimes id get thrown into the same game over and over and over again its like the servers are empty but it doesn seem like it
-no server browser kinda goes with the first con,i know the game must have limitations so thers a appeal to buy it
but id rather have the server browser then the mutators as i havent found any games with mutators
-everyone seems to have the abbility to pick up guns instantly,i prfered the good ol 1 gun spawn for everyone,it got cheap when people camped the rocket launcher but it wasnt too much of a biggie,i just think the respawn time for the stronger weapons should be longer
-Learning curve is kind of steep if your completley new to these kinds of games but if you got patience it can be over come

other then that i really recomend the game to anyone who loves fast paced arena shooters my final score is a 7/10 for the free version but i must say the game got me into it just after 3 hours and i will defenetly buy it as soon as possible
Publicada em 25 de maio de 2017. Última edição em 25 de maio de 2017.
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59.7 horas registradas (47.6 horas no momento da análise)
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So on the positive note.
The game has some good maps
a good amount of classes to chose from

but on the negative note
almost all guns are either a massive grind to get or are locked
classes are way to expensive
the match completing rewards seem pretty ♥♥♥♥♥ and then couting in the ammo you used in game,repairing and re arming your vehicles
UNFAIR player ballance on all factions (for example need 4 minutes to find a match for the us and russians but 10+ to find a game as german)maybe update the matchmaking for all i care,and most of the time i get matched againts german tanks 80% of the time its hard as balls really when the enemy is sitting in high end tanks while im trying to fight with a gun shooting potatoes
over all about the guns are too much to grind fors,specialy lets say you want a sniper wich is like 30k and you get payd 500 to 1000 per game depending on how well you did or if you have boosts,yea im sorry but this game isnt for me,i played it back in the browser alot but since then it changed alot,i see the veterans getting trough it and people who are willing to grind,but im not
the soldiers themself cost money wich doesnt make sense,why ? give us an option to get a normal recruit and then choose what we want for free.
the economy for this game is almost shait,im saying almost because most of the income they are getting is from gold and premium

All around if you got the nerves to go trough it be my guest but the game is too much of a "freemium" game for me
Publicada em 9 de janeiro de 2016.
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when i got into this game i thought il have a hard time againts higher tier bots and weapons but turns out you get ranked by the tier (tiers range from 1-10 and even TX1 witch idk what means).The ranking system works great ! for what it is.The gear you unlock is same to anyone else but you choose what you unlock either from weapons such as plasma launchers,rail guns,SMGs and many more,you can choose many types of moving from wheels,tank wheels (i dont know what they are called :c)hoover functions,rotters,giant wheels,spider legs and so on,you also choose from what material you make your robot witch slows you down depending on the tier of the block,you can go with heavier blocks for more protection or lighter blocks for mobility witch doesnt mather since the TX1 blocks are light from what they say,you can built anything the sky is the limit (and your currency in game,tier ect).ive seen things from gunships to mini plasma scouters,the good thing is you dont have to pay a dime to get 90% of the fun from the game,but if you have some money laying around on your steam account give it a go.
Publicada em 30 de abril de 2015.
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what the hell are you loking at reviews for ?,this game is awesome ! download it now !
Publicada em 7 de março de 2015.
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140.0 horas registradas (136.1 horas no momento da análise)
What can i say this game is a guilty pleasure of mine
BUT there are sooo many broken mechanics to the game so lets name a fiew
-Matchmaking is ♥♥♥♥
-all sweet items are locked off to high ranks
-Extermely harsh on new players
-Cheap weapons

i gotta say The premium feature broke it for me,locking off most of the bigger features of customization off to new players is just cheap and feels like "HEY THIS GAME IS ♥♥♥♥,LETS MILK MORE CASH OUT OF IT" the new publishers are just being pricks milking the cash cow all day i wouldnt have a problem if i wouldnt be getting ranked with golds on bronz and silver dics (I myself am bronze) And i think its Unair that a 255 can get into a bronz disc where there will be people ranking from 1 to 100 ,it makes it unfair and not fun getting into a game where your team is completely made from new players and the other team is made from 255s and golds, i think they should you make a level lock on bronz servers,once you hit 200 thats it you cant enter bronze servers anymore,ive been helping my friend getting into the game but as always its hard as hell getting a player who only has 20 hours on the game to get intrest init with a broken as crap matchmaking system,at least rank it by the levels or as my previus idea lock off 255s from bronze servers,i know some APB:R vets and some think i got a point others think my struggle is usles in some point it is but its stupid

What i think this game needs are some changes,changes for the better
These changes are:
-Make all customization options for all players (Free and prem)
-Make G1C items cheaper(Im not paying 14 bucks for a perm gun that i wouldnt even like at the end)
-a way to make g1c in game from playing it or a weekly reward of 10 to 5 G1C
-Free goodies and weapon rewards from mission drops
-Matchmaking where ranks ranging from 50 to 60 would get matched but ranks like 10 againts 255 wouldnt
-Make a permanent block on all 200+ players on bronze servers
Publicada em 8 de outubro de 2014.
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I Was jumping on chickens 10/10
Publicada em 6 de outubro de 2014.
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10.1 horas registradas (6.5 horas no momento da análise)
Minimum Is a game with great gameplay and some flaws,now when i saw this i tought it would be an open word Adventure game somthing Like Destiny,it had me feeling like destiny for some reason due to the Music and Armours in the game,Gameplay is pretty good for a Alpha game you buy Armour in game with Crystals you collect in game that is a very good thing going for it so new player have a chance on the start againts More skilled players,there is also a upgrade system for For weapons with every shard you collect off dead enemys your weapon levels up also a great feature to the game,the graphics is what you think they are Block and fun i like the maps that the game has Ancient Japanese Dojos and futuristic Bases are a great new Add to the bland Iraq or russian battlefields that we would see in other Shooter games.The game has a leveling system and a reward system ,where you play the game and get extra minirals to craft Weapons,armours and so on.There is a in game Transaction shop and i hope this game isnt going to turn to a Pay 2 win Game like other games in the past ive seen.All in all a great thrid person shooter for the price of 7 euros id get it now while its still cheap,final score is a 8/10 great looking game and good gameplay!
Publicada em 19 de setembro de 2014.
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5.3 horas registradas (4.2 horas no momento da análise)
If you are a fan of the old school game called zombie panic source then you will love this,game is simple really you and your friends have to do a series of objectives or rescue the surviours to complete the map,all and all i have alot of fun with this and would recomend it to any one thinking of getting it,you just and your buddys againts them,while survivors have to stick togheter to really get the job done as lone baling it is hard,teamplay is important ,sharing is important ,everething is important,if you got 2 pistols will you chose to share or keep it for yourself if you run out of ammo in your main gun ?,those questions can only be anwsers by you and you only,you can also play as a zombie once you became a Zombies Delicius snack,playing as a zombie is also pretty fun,hunting down survivors and planing ambushes with other zombie players is really cool,guns feel like they should,pistols are those cute little things you find on the start,shotguns made me feel like chuch norris on speed and rifles are those high caliber guns thta do mazive amounts of damage but are hard to find ammo for,all in all a great looking and playing game and would recomend getting it for this amazing deal 8/10 from me
Publicada em 29 de agosto de 2014.
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Expendabros will prolly be my fav game if i can get alot of my friends it in :D
Publicada em 6 de agosto de 2014.
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