Paul Hampson   Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
23 時間プレイ
The gripping tale of a Sun Fairy and a Moon happens-to-blue-skinned ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Fairy who leave their jobs at the Fairy Wish* Fountain as mere work colleagues, and come to be friends through their new work as Speaking Mouth Fairies for a mute Sprite spelunker.

There's also some open-world 2D platforming exploration, which was a fun distraction between the story elements. Often challenging, rarely punishing.

Absolutely recommended, I would watch Dora suddenly twig to the Cilia/Hannah situation over and over again.

May not be appropriate for young children, due to the sexual connotations of a mute who turns into a red rubber ball.

* Fairy Wish Fountain does not guarantee the result of any wishes made. No refunds will be offered in the case of wishes not coming true. Wishes must be spoken aloud.

☐ Something Terrible Happened To This Sad Child
☐ Something Is Horribly Wrong In This Space Station
☑ Can You Collect All The Power Orbs??
I'm no fancy space-scientist, but I'm really sure that's not how "70%" works.
作成者 - JPM岩
The Switch Axe is one of 14 Weapons available in Monster Hunter World. I personally love this weapon, ever since it had to be unlocked from the Argosy in Monster Hunter 3 back in 2010. I loyally have stuck with it since then, and love it in World. However,
記録時間: 0.1 時間
5月25日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 10.3 時間
5月16日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 5.1 時間
4月30日 に最後にプレイ
tetracarbon 2012年12月31日 5時33分 
I got a notification to say that you posted a comment.
Tajessa 2012年12月30日 1時19分 
Why thank YOU Mysterious Santa! Thank you for my Christmas present XD
TBBle 2012年12月23日 3時23分 
Why thank you mysterious Santa who's not at all James... ^_^
Bucket! 2012年12月22日 20時33分 
Just sent over your Christmas present. I swear you didn't own Ys Origin, but it turns out you did, so....

Merry Christmas!
tetracarbon 2012年6月16日 1時59分 
hey - portal time?
Tajessa 2011年7月7日 4時12分 
Wouldn't it just? I didn't know you'd posted on mine, either (and had completely forgotten that I posted here months ago!)