Blood Pact
Naz   Canada
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It looks so familiar somehow... why does my head hurt so much?
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Favori Rehber
Yaratıcı - Blood Pact
Considering becoming a James Sunderland survivor main, are we? Buckle up, and brace yourself for a steep learning curve, but trust me, the payoff of embodying James is huge.
Son Etkinlikler
kayıtlarda 1.465 saat
son oynanma: 16 Haz
kayıtlarda 57 saat
son oynanma: 16 Haz
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son oynanma: 15 Haz
MathBow 24 May @ 19:25 
-rep plays new chaos shuffle modifier only to proxy camp and tunnel
I'm not having fun 23 May @ 23:49 
+rep absolute gamer
1899 2-horse carriage 23 May @ 23:25 
+rep a true gem in the dbd community <3 I wish them all the best!
N0body 16 May @ 22:12 
-rep plays new chaos shuffle modifier only to proxy camp and tunnel
1899 2-horse carriage 3 May @ 20:42 
+rep fun survivor! wholesome and kind as well <3
Ginger Ale 2 May @ 15:29 
Se burla sin razon aparente de los survis pisandolos y golpeando en gancho, parece que el jueguito le importa mucho, espero que consiga los doble pip para que sea feliz.