Blood Pact
Naz   Canada
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It looks so familiar somehow... why does my head hurt so much?
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Guia favorito
Criado por — Blood Pact
52 avaliações
Considering becoming a James Sunderland survivor main, are we? Buckle up, and brace yourself for a steep learning curve, but trust me, the payoff of embodying James is huge.
Atividade recente
4,2 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 22 de jun.
1.491 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 21 de jun.
609 horas registradas
jogado pela última vez em 21 de jun.
Indigo Blaze há 4 horas 
Based James main
Ivory 20 de jun. às 20:54 
womp womp for seth
Blood Pact 20 de jun. às 20:13 
I'll keep in mind that playing with Alien Instinct counts as "aura cheats", thanks for the feedback :WhiteWolfFunny:
Sethamphetamine 20 de jun. às 19:41 
Aura cheats with nurse. Pretends its perks but its all the time even when they wouldn't have procced.
Ivory 20 de jun. às 15:51 
+rep scary nurse O-O
MathBow 24 de mai. às 19:25 
-rep plays new chaos shuffle modifier only to proxy camp and tunnel