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Останні рецензії користувача Shiny The Fox

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1.1 год. загалом
Alright so having played the first chapter through, I can say that so far? It looks fantastic. I don't want to go into TOO much detail gameplay-wise because that'd ruin it. Just know I'd die for Rambley. I'm extremely excited for Chapter 2 and beyond.

My only real critique is the 3D textures and first-person animations look a bit questionable at times. But for an early build made in only a little over a year, that's entirely forgivable. And I have faith that will be fixed up in-time and improved with future updates. The devs seem like they really, genuinely care about the game which is rare for a mascot horror game in 2024.

It feels like when it comes to mascot horror normally, people care too much about being the next Bendy/FNAF with Merch sales and profit, over making a great game. Indigo Park stands out because it just, doesn't? At the current point, it looks like what made the genre blow up and get so big to begin with: A game made out of love for making a game, and having a story to tell. And that's a beacon of hope for the genre's future. Stand tall, UniqueGeese team, you made something big here. Focus on making it the best you can. Don't worry about if it takes a while, you already have a community behind you all the way, and willing to wait.
Додано 22 травня.
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10.1 год. загалом (10.1 год на момент рецензування)
I sold my Grandmaster for this.
Додано 29 лютого.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 8
10.1 год. загалом
Game freezes randomly due to (what can only be assumed as) the old DRM. It was never updated, never removed, and genuinely has made the game unplayable on the latest hardware. I cannot believe I have to pirate a game I already own just to play it with friends.
Додано 25 лютого.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
68.4 год. загалом
I will genuinely pirate this game, if it means you corporate pigs don't get to have the satisfaction of sticking a DRM on my computer. Get out of here with that.
Додано 22 січня. Востаннє відредаговано 22 січня.
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
27.4 год. загалом (16.7 год на момент рецензування)
What is there left to be said, that hasn't been said about CotL? This game is fantastic, the people behind it are fantastic, the community is fantastic, it's one of those rare occasions where a game is incredible in all aspects. The team at Massive Monster set out with one goal that's pretty obvious to the playerbase, and it's making the absolute best game possible without cutting any corners. They have succeeded, and continue to succeed with every update they release.

I often get asked by people "If you have a problem with so many games, what do you consider a good game?" And honestly? This is my prime example. It's simply perfect.
Додано 17 січня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
16.3 год. загалом (14.6 год на момент рецензування)
God, Fatshark, how did this get screwed up so badly? Y'all turned one of the worst pieces of fiction ever written, into one of the best co-op experiences on Steam just one game before.

I wanted to love Darktide. I really did. I have given it far more of a fair shot than I'd normally give a game. But I just cannot find enjoyment in the game whatsoever. It feels like a worse version of Vermintide in the 40k universe. The weapons don't feel as impactful, the game is more focused on gunplay but the ranged weapons always feel extremely underwhelming. Just as far as gameplay goes, it feels very bland and generic. Even this long after all the changes, the core issues of how Darktide feels are still existing. Some of them are just problems with the game's design. Like how no matter how hard I try I cannot grow attached to any of the main cast. Replacing the well-designed, fleshed out characters like we got in the Ubersreik Five, for a character creator is still the worst thing they've done. And it's hard to say "the players bring life to their characters" when most players are dead silent and wouldn't tell you if they died or are pinned.

As sad as it is to say it? Darktide was a victim of overhype, underdelivering, and is in general a failed experiment in Fatshark's repertoire. It may turn around and pull a No Man's Sky in a few years, but at this point in time, I cannot in good faith suggest this game to anybody.
Додано 14 жовтня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 12
79.2 год. загалом (1.4 год на момент рецензування)
Let me preface this review saying I am a player who was scammed by Blizzard early on. I decided to give them a fair shot and try the PvE. So far I've gotten through the 1st mission and most of the 2nd (Idiot DPS players led to us failing) and I am open to changing this review if at any point it does improve.

This is arguably the most boring Co-Op game I have ever played. The gameplay is practically hold M1 and the only skill requirement is to be patient enough to deal with the bullet sponge garbage that enemies have. Which is just artificial difficulty similar to how BOTW's "Master mode" was. You never have to really use your movement tools (which is a problem in a movement shooter) and usually doing so hinders you, because of your team being caught away from you and unable to heal you. Enemy AI is just walk forward and shoot. It never does anything to try dodging your shots and if you just wiggle back and forth you can break every basic enemy because it attempts to predict your movements poorly. Special enemies you can usually get away with holding one direction. There's not much fun to be had and the story overall is mid. There's people calling it glorified Archives. I would say it's worse than Archives. Because there's not much effort put into it at all. It feels like Blizzard just threw this together at the last second to get something out to prevent any form of lawsuit for false advertising.

As far as the PvP goes... I don't need to even say this, it's terrible. The community is trash, the gameplay is trash, there is no concept of balance and it's loaded down with pay to win battlepass heroes. It is all of the worst aspects of League of Legends turned into a shooter, and kicked up as far as they can take it to make a quick buck off their community.

So what do I recommend? Drop this game. Pick up something better. Either Vermintide 2, Payday 2, or Deep Rock Galactic for Co-Op PvE experiences, and Team Fortress 2 for PvP experiences. They are all so much better than Overwatch could ever dream of being. They threw out this series to scam their playerbase. Don't let them scam you any longer.

Edit: I have gone back and finished Gothenburg. And... while it was much better than the first 2 missions, I can't say it was so good to turn my review around. At this point the PVP Is still one of the worst PVP gamemodes you can find online. The shop is still a disaster, and Phil Spencer has his work cut out for him. How long will this take? Probably give it about 2 or 3 years. And see if the reviews have changed at all. With Overwatch League dead, giving opportunities for the players to have a personality, and the competitive scene to be capable of thriving away from Kotick's Midlife Crisis, Overwatch 2 may turn around by 2025, if it can survive that long.

And Phil, if you're reading this? Good luck to you and the entire Overwatch team, you'll definitely need it to save this one. There's no trust, no excitement, no hope coming from the community. It is quite literally starting from the bottom and rebuilding from the ashes of everything your predecessor burned to the ground.

Season 8 Update: Yeah nevermind this game is in the gutter. Someone legit left and bought the battle pass in the middle of a match to swap to the new P2W hero. PVP is trash, PVE is dead. Forget everything I said before there is no turning this ship around.
Додано 12 серпня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 21 грудня 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 9
513.5 год. загалом (225.5 год на момент рецензування)
Oh, Apex, how the mighty have fallen. Years ago this was a great game. Back pre-Valkyrie release the game was thriving. Nowadays the only people really left are the whales who get catered to by Respawn, getting 3 Mythics for the same character. The game has really devolved quite a bit and Respawn has more or less said that Apex is their only focus, and we'll never see a Titanfall 3. The series is dead, and with time this game will be as well. Queue times feel like they get longer by the day.

Steam asked me to revise my review so I may as well: Yeah no the game's still ♥♥♥♥ but it's better than Overwatch 2 so I play it more often.

Update 2024: The game has so many cheaters Tarkov Wiggle is in it, and all Respawn does to fix it? Quadruple the price of the battle pass and remove the ability to renew it with Apex Coins you earn in the pass. This game's falling off harder, and harder, and HARDER by the day. I'm officially done. Anyone stupid enough to cling to this game are just whales who don't see the glaring problems.
Додано 5 травня 2023 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 липня.
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 25
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 3
0.0 год. загалом
Okay, coming from a Hildibrant's Cellar player, and somebody who enjoys playing normal runs with friends: This DLC is dreadful. The gladiator and astronomer are good classes, but not worth the fact that everything from the god-awful balancing in this DLC bleeds over into main game. Fighting Elite Warriors in the midgame of Hildi's sucks, fighting Boas in the early game, sucks. The fun of the rest of the game unless you exclusively minmax, is gone. Buy at your own risk. There is a reason the DLC is bundled with the game for 10 dollars off, because it cuts the value of the basegame in half.
Додано 6 лютого 2023 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 21
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 5
297.6 год. загалом (224.3 год на момент рецензування)
I would've recommended Risk of Rain 2 for years, but recently the IP was bought out by Gearbox and Randy Pitchford. Original devs are no longer working on the game or anything Risk of Rain-related. Hopoo's a bunch of sellouts, and I would highly recommend AGAINST buying anything involving the Risk of Rain IP from here out. We've seen the type of people who work at Gearbox, we've seen that they're a stain on the industry, and we've seen how they spit in the face of their fanbase time and time again. The game is already dying off, and the modding scene is as well. It's abandonware, pretty much.
Додано 28 листопада 2022 р..
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