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Recent reviews by SheepB0T

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56.4 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Best FPS out there and right along the lines of the old BF1942-BF4 era with features like dragging bodies to safety that have not been done. Ironically better than MW2 and overall a masterpiece that shows when you put game play over GFX, you win. Amazing job. 10\10
Posted June 29, 2023.
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30 people found this review helpful
25.6 hrs on record
OMG how has a game this f*cking good been let to die?! Its only 5 bucks, nonetheless.

This is a tragedy. Theres so many trash games that are mainstream and still trash because of what once was while gems like thsi exist and are left to Davy Jones Locker.

This game need resurrecting
Posted March 13, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
2.8 hrs on record
This is the best thing since Tribes 1 and 2. Its TRAGIC that the game has been shut down. Someone needs to reboot this
Posted March 12, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
186.7 hrs on record (26.6 hrs at review time)
Update June 16, 2022

Having spent a couple hundred hours in the game, I can still say that This game is still great and the stuff the devs have said would happen, are happening and being put into the game. This game is still fantastic and getting better. The future for it is exciting and this isnt the case of devs making pie-in-the-sky promises that never deliver. they are doing what they say,

I have launched over 20 MMO's by both smaller dev houses and massive oes. I started MMO's back in the Ultima Online Final Beta and played it for almost a decade officially and then continued to play it on private shards up until today. I know theres been negative feedback about the server issue but lets be clear about this....it is happening because they sold over 100k copies and as a small dev house are not able to tweet and divine up the kinds of numbers to stress test that large companies can. That is why the queue situation is what it is. Its also being remedied TODAY--It is not a design issue or incompetence--- So this review is not about a technical hiccup that is only here because the game is more popular out of the gate than Star Vault anticipated.....ITS A GOOD THING....so if youre are reading this and trying to decide if you should buy, know that the issues are ending as we speak and peoples reviews are more about malding and not about the game....on to the game review.

The game is honestly the best and closest thing to a spiritual successor to UO but with some big advances. The crafting system is insanely deep, the combat system rewards ability to judge a direction to block and attack and is along the lines of a system that can be compared to Mordhau or Chivalry 2.

The Environment and sound is extremely well done. This game claims to be the most Immersive MMO and I would absolutely agree. Even in the newbie area of Haven, the dungeon, the music, sound effects, etc are extremely well done and very enjoyable. There is something for everyone. If you dont wanna crawl dungeons, you dont have to. there are no quests and treadmills you have to do. You can do whatever you like and avoid what you do not.

There is player housing that you can buy and place out in the world. it is not instanced like other modern MMO's. You earn the resources, you build the house, you place it where you want. Its yours.

There are no levels for a Character, per se. It is all skill based. So if you want to be good at swords, you use swords. Wanna be an amazing cook? Cook stuff. Wanna be a Tamer\Mage? Go tamer and cast spells. There are no hard templates or classes. You create the character you want to play, the way you want. From being a tamer, to mounted magic, ranged and melee combat to being on foot...you can do it.

Character creation is deep. Your race, age, height and weight all play a part in starting stats and your stat caps. So does your family tree. Sounds daunting but its not. its fantastic and very much so the most critical part of choosing your path.

If you are like me and have played UO, you NEED to play this. If you have not, you should do yourself a favor and try it. MMO's can operate on a totally different level from what youve experienced and thats a good thing. i will also give a lot of credit to the Devs because theyve been SUPER communicative and theres been no shadiness or sleight of hand. The proprietary way they handle ping differences is superb and they actually listen to the community.

Dont listen to reviews saying "its bad" because of the login hiccup, That only happened because an indie dev team had far more success than they could plan for but in a matter of an hour, that issue will be resolved from the time I am typing this. The game itself is AMAZING. Star Vault has made something very special here.

ALL launches have problems. This by far was not even close to the worst. Its what happens when you dont have infinite resources and are a small team that strikes oil. So far as of writing this and putting 80 hours into the game, I can confidently say its worth giving a chance if this type of game is your jam.

See you out there!

Posted February 10, 2022. Last edited June 16, 2022.
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228.4 hrs on record (150.4 hrs at review time)
This is a very cool and well thought out game. I originally strayed away because of the claims it is an Overwatch clone. I disagree with dismissing it like that. It has more depth to it than Overwatch due to the ability to customize your character via the card decks and the fact you buy "items" to modify your character during the game. There are no healing packs strewn about the map, either. I dont miss them and neither will you. The Champions are interesting and well thought out, as well. As for the maps, they are well designed, have a dynamic flow to them and allow for different approaches to how they are played.

If you like team base, objective driven FPS games, you should definitely give this a try. I definitely dont regret going against the popular (and incorrect) characterization of it being Overwatch if you bought it on Wish. Im certainly you wont either.
Posted March 23, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
178.4 hrs on record (32.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

☐ not worth
☐ acceptable
☑ absolutely worth
☐ wait for sale


☐ minimum
☑ medium
☐ high end
☐ NASA computer


☐ wear glasses to protect your eyes
☐ bad
☐ OK
☑ good
☐ masterpiece


☐ download took longer
☑ short
☑ few hours
☐ long
☐ endless


☑ it doesnt have
☐ still better than Twilight
☐ good
☐ fantastic


☐ easy
☑ easy to learn, hard to master
☐ hard
☐ dark souls
☐ korean level


☐ game itself is one big BUG
☐ bugs destroying the game
☐ lot of bugs
☑ few bugs
☐ nothing
Posted May 6, 2018.
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7.4 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
This game has a very simple concept to it and is easy to pick up and play but hads a good amount of depth to it.

It brings a lot of nostalgia back for me. It reminds me a lot of the adventure packs D&D had that we used MANY years ago and of course the card types will always bring some memory of MTG.

The feature of Coop and PvP is very cool.

Definitely worth playing!
Posted July 26, 2015.
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134.1 hrs on record (51.9 hrs at review time)
Although the term Sandbox has saturated the gaming world almost as badly as MMO (And with much of the same half baked ideas and execution), Terraria definitely stands up to the likes of Minecraft (not to discredit Minecraft) but also carves its own niche in the genre dominated by the previously mentioned.

As of version 1.3, there have been some seriously significant advances, not only in the content but also in the fact that there is now dedicated server software officially available. Hopefully this will stimulate an already strong community into having a stronger mod\addon community that reaches beyond what seems to be composed of mostly superficial endeavors.

I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys the freedom of being able to play how you want to along side a very loosely forged but strong amount of content that you can progress through. There is plenty to do for people who enjoy adventuring, building, crafting and quite hard boss fights. I would compare it to the difficulty of Contra at times. (For those too young to know....thats flipping hard)

The graphics and general appearance may seem vanilla via screenshot but it actually is quite endearing and perfectly matched to what the game is. You can also expect some pretty amusing weapons and items. (this game definitely has a sense of humor)

Do yourself a favor and try it. It's gameplay and execution is more than strong enough to make your forget (and not care) that you are playing a side scroller with old school graphics during the time where graphics and gimmicks are consistently used to make players drool long enough to collect your hard earned money and then become a life lesson similar to being told not to quit school to learn to play pool really well.

5\5 Rating


Posted July 6, 2015. Last edited July 6, 2015.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries