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91.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Posted March 21. Last edited March 21.
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2.8 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Hey uhhh Blizzard... I think there's a satirical "positive" review rating this "gem" of a game that I totally enjoyed playing , mhmm, totally ...
Posted August 16, 2023. Last edited November 21, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
97.1 hrs on record (16.0 hrs at review time)
After playing this game both solo and with a friend, I can definitely say that this game is VERY FUN and CHAOTIC at the same time!

I'll start by describing what this game is; it's an arenas death-match to see whoever wins the best out of 5 rounds (winning 3 out of the 5 rounds earns the whole game), whether the match is 1v1s or 2v2s! However, this game is very unique in that there are cards which can dramatically change up the game, from simple buff cards like making you fast to debuff cards like making your enemies' heads incredibly large! There's gun cards besides the starter pistol, wild cards which can be random or change the tide of the game—there's even a nuke to change the map for a round, nuke the map again to fly in space as a secret—and this unpredictability between each and every player makes the game FUN! There's several combos to combine certain cards with others to gain an edge, and with the cards themselves, there's a lot which can be added to expand upon this unique dynamic during battle, whether solo or with a buddy! Playing matches with opponents, you can also rematch them again and again until either person decides to leave and play a match with a new opponent, so you can make friends from opponents!

Starting off the game can be a bit rough because you do need to earn a lot of the later cards; there is a slight learning curve as to when to use cards, what they even do, and which ones may pair well with which. However, if you play the game long enough, you can begin to understand how a card is used, and you earn money which can be used to buy card packs to unlock more fun and unique effects to use in matches. Matchmaking can be a bit buggy at times starting off too, since there may be times a more newer player encounters a higher-level player who simply just has better cards, so this may be discouraging. On the bright side, you can learn new cards from opponents who use cards you've never seen before, so it isn't all too bad when it comes to learning how cards work or how they may play, so this can be a learning experience for those really interested in their combos and how enemies may see use in card effects!

Besides cards and all, you can select different animal characters that have their own unique personalities and effects throughout the matches. You start off with a few basic characters such as Moose Salto who can double jump or Spike Remington (the black cat) that deals more damage throughout the match, and you can select different characters for different card deck builds! In 2v2s, you can also select the same character as your friend, so there's a lot to play around with in every mode, whether in 1v1s or 2v2s.

In terms of maps, there are also unique elements in each area. There is a Subway type area that has trains passing by (or sticking around every now and then) which makes it dangerous to cross, there's sky-rise Rooftop buildings to fall off of, there's the Theatre which has adjustable obstacles like moving the actors' sets or playing movies, and Trucks which has moving cars to play on top of, just to name those current maps. Depending on your cards, certain maps may play well with the effects you activate, and as I've mentioned before, this can be chaotic! Cancelling someone's jumping while they cross the rooftops can be really funny for example, while accidentally jumping onto a rail with slow-down debuff with a train can immediately kill you! Each map has its own experiences to learn just like the cards and characters!

I would also like to add that the menus themselves are really nice and easy to understand, although adding friends and inviting them takes a bit to learn (add new friends top left, invite friends to matches top right), and there's customization with skins for characters, gun charms, amazing music, and the art is really cute and drawn well! This game can be grinded and enjoyed for hours on end, with no match being exactly the same as a previous one! This game is also really new so there'll most likely be bug fixes (there is a visual bug where players sink into the ground after jumping for a sec sometimes), balances to cards, new maps potentially, maybe even new modes or characters, but anything can be added to make chaos more chaotic!

Now for those of you that may have skimmed, here's just a quick breakdown of things:

- Unique death-match arenas with card effects to change gameplay drastically
- Characters have unique effects just like cards that are used
- Maps have their own unique elements which can impact your cards' effects, characters, and the match itself
- Cards can be earned, and there's customization in skins, card sleeves, and other neat things
- The game mechanics revolving around the cards, maps, and characters can make things drastically chaotic and fun
- This game is grindable for cards, XP, levels, customization, anything really, and is very easy to stay engaged
- Art is really amazing and the music is very nice
- Unique matches each time (you can also rematch someone and be their friend!)

- Matchmaking can be a bit broken (but can be learned from!)
- Matchmaking can be slow, depending on level gap
- As of editing, there are prime times to play since not as many people play to queue in quickly anymore, so be wary of long wait times or going against the same person!
- There is a learning curve about the cards themselves for new players
- Cards must be earned over time with money, so no good cards right away
- There are some slight bugs (mostly visual from my experience) [but these will most likely be fixed!]
- There's really not that many cons, besides DYING TO A FRIEND PERHAPS???

Overall, this game has had me continuously roped in such a short time since getting it, because there weren't two matches that were exactly alike. This game is especially more fun when you play with a friend because you never know when you accidentally steal an enemy's gun and let your teammate rush them with a sword or a bomb or ANY card they may have; it's just fun and the art style and art on the cards themselves is really adorable and amazing! There haven't been any issues with me enjoying the game once you move past the learning curve with cards, but matchmaking can sometimes be wonky depending on level, but that's all! Now, if you're interested, GO BE A FRIEND, FRIEND! Or make a friend while being a friend, whichever works best for you!

(This review shall be updated as more things are added and as I try to 100% the game!)
Posted June 5, 2023. Last edited November 25, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
1,140.7 hrs on record (400.2 hrs at review time)
Ah yes, Super Animal Royale, where to start?

Let's start off with what it is; it's a 2D, top-down Battle Royale game with murderous animals, from foxes to wolves to even cappybaras (never forget the cappy cause)! It's a unique take from the Battle Royale genre, as there are 64 animals (including yourself) to fight on an abandoned island, with game modes ranging from solos, duos, and squads, to more unique game modes that'll be discussed later. Super Animal Royale matches typically are quick and short (around 10 minutes usually for good games), and these matches are always fun to play whether you're alone or with a friend on Steam or even on another platform thanks to cross-play! Super Animal Royale may also be abbreviated to "SAR" for short!

Before that though, I'm pretty sure most people reading this are interested about the community of the game and the people who play it (for obvious reasons)! As clarification before diving into this, I'm just a normal, casual gamer who played SAR on Xbox before hopping on Steam (so I've been around for a while to understand the community). The SAR community itself is relatively small in size compared to most other BR games, but the community has some of the most nicest and supportive people you'll ever meet!

There are furries who play this game (as you might've seen in reviews or in-game if you play), but I wanted to state that as someone who isn't a part of the furry fandom or community, they are some of the most nicest and caring people ever! I've made a lot of furry friends (and best friends even) from this game because they cared about me, and no matter how bad I was at streaming they continuously supported me regardless of who I was. Because I played this game open-mindly interacting with both furries and non-furries, I've understood more about both the SAR and furry community over time. As someone outside the furry community in particular, it's not what I made it out to be at all, and SAR players in the furry community are amazing folks who are kind! For those who may still hold concerns that furries play this game, I just want to say again that as someone outside of the furry community, you should play this game with an open mind! The SAR community is amazing, and and if you play the game, you'll understand just how nice and supportinve everyone is in this game, whether they're a furry or not! This game has both furries and non-furries, but no matter what this game will always remain as a top-down BR game primarily and foremost!

Everyone in the SAR community is very supportive of each other, and my experiences have been positive (especially as someone who plays this game often and streams it)! There are always going to be a few not-so-nice players as with any gaming community, but that shouldn't stop you from playing this game! The SAR mods usually handle with those not-so-nice-players, and there are report systems to use for those players. There are indeed pro players in this community who play this game very well, so be prepared to eventually face off with them! What's interesting about this community is that although there are pro players, they can be taken down just as easily as a casual player, since the game itself is pretty balanced for the most part (which I'll explain next)

Since SAR is a BR game, there are lots of weapons to choose from, from standard AKs and SMGs to more skillful weapons like bows, dart guns, and egg-grenade launchers (these ones require a bit more technique to use effectively)! Weapons come in different rarities, ranging from common white/gray to uncommon green, rare blue, epic purple and legendary orange/yellow weapons! Weapons categories are pretty balanced for the most part, as each weapon (when used correctly) can take down a player just as quickly as any other weapon! SMGs and pistols will always be better up close than AKs and other automatic weapons, but shotguns and snipers can always contend with those weapons when used right, so it's really anyone's game! There are also vehicle-type weapons, such as the hamster ball which you can use to run over players and kill immediately, and emus (giant birds) which can peck at players, so those are fun too! There are also throwable items, like grenades, skunk gas bombs, and harmless bananas (also nicknamed "banans") which can be used against other players!

SAR also has powerup items which can passively help you while on the battle field! There are some powerups that are more powerful and useful, such as the Cupgrade (lets you heal more health per second), the Skunk Gas Snorkel (you take less damage from skunk gas circle and skunk bombs and move faster in those zones), and the Banan Forker (lets you eat banan peels for health while getting more health from mushrooms and coconuts, which is more of a skillful powerup pros use). There are also some less commonly used ones like the Bandolier (more bullets and throwables), the Tape Dispenser (armor from killed enemies automatically has one free armor tick), the Stealth Boots (SPEED, dubbed the "Thomas Jefferson 76's"), and Claw Boots (cut grass while walking, and increase items dropped from grass while moving around easier on ice and water).

Game Modes:
SAR also has some game modes besides solos, duos, and squads! They have a weekly rotation for two unique game modes, such as the Bwoking Dead (where animals have to survive against infected chickens and survive long enough to escape) and S.A.W. vs Rebellion (one large team vs another large team where you primarily hold flags to win). There is also a Mystery Mode, but it's not in rotation currently, but there's mini-modes which alter the game in funny ways, such as turning all bullets into banans, or making them slow/fast bullets (there's more than these).

The island map where SAR takes place is also pretty balanced! There's usally a main landing zone where you could fall from the sky to pick up some good loot, and there are buildings and structures in between which could supply you with bullets and throwables! You could also cut the grass throughout the map, open up clams, and open Rebel Caches (red glowing chests) for loot and health! The northern top region of the map is snowy, the edges of the map are sandy beaches, and in the middle of the map are mostly the greener areas with buildings, roads, and structures! There is also a desert in the top-left of the map with a pyramid, so that's cool!

In terms of SAR servers, there are four main servers, which are the NA (North American), SA (South American), EU (European), and AS (Asian) servers! There are some connection and ping issues that sometimes occur, as my ping sometimes jumps from a stable 50 to 100+ during battles on stream (I'm on NA servers), but overall my experience with it hasn't been the worst. SAR also does feature CROSS-PLAY, so PC SAR players can game with PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch players! These cross-play rooms can be created by anyone, and these rooms can be accessed with 4 digit codes! I do want to point out that console SAR players cannot see PC chat messages whatsoever, so don't expect everyone to respond to written chat messages! (The only chat messages console players can see is the /roll [# number] command!) This game also does feature cross-progression, so your game progress, levels, stats, and purchased items can transfer across platforms for extra convenience (given you created and linked an email to your account)!

Overall, SAR is an AMAZING and FUN BR game to play! I'll briefly mention that the music is also very catchy in the lobby, there's Milestones and achievements to complete for cool cosmetics, buying Super Edition unlocks more cosmetics and locked Milestones, and overall the game is pretty balanced in terms of the map and guns! Mainly though, the gem of this game is the community and gameplay as a BR! :)

(Perfect game #3)
Posted April 28, 2022. Last edited November 25, 2022.
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8 people found this review helpful
122.6 hrs on record (115.4 hrs at review time)
Ah yes, where to begin with this game? Let's start with the beginning...

The game's storyline is decently sized, with an engaging plot that is very captivating for players who primarily enjoy any game's narrative! The game's story isn't so long that it takes forever to understand the plot's evolution of a simple fisherman, but it isn't so short that the game's story isn't worth playing to carefully unfold with each quest. With the Bitterblack Isle DLC, the story is extended with an additional map area, but is much more difficult to go through until later in the game (unless if you use throwblasts which do a lot of damage).

Combat in this game is very fluid and unique, as you can pick particular vocations and playstyles to fight as, from simple classes (like mages or fighters) to advanced classes (like sorcerers and warriors) to even cross-hybrid classes (like magic knights)! From broad class categories to particular vocations, there are skills to unlock (and skills to further upgrade to the next level), so you can combine them to a unique playstyle that you enjoy, whether it be tanky, ranged, magic, or a mixture of the two!

Dragon's Dogma is also unique with the pawn system, which is basically a customizable character you can create in your image to fight alongside you throughout the entirety of the game! With online features, you can send your main pawn to the Rift, an area where other Dragon's Dogma players can find and potentially use your pawn. Players who hire and use your main pawn for a long time allows them to learn new information, combat tactics, and quest knowledge, which you could then use to update your main pawn! This allows your main pawn to help you out with unfamiliar areas, quests, and monsters, and in the process it helps others who hire your pawn as you update them automatically (by sleeping)! You can hire two other pawns (besides your main pawn) which can help aid you in your journey! With pawns, they can be hired and released as you desire, and pawns higher level than you could be highed for a fee of Rift Crystals (a currency in-game). Your main pawn can be customized to your liking (similar to how you can customize yourself), and they can use simple or advanced classes (no hybrid classes). The pawn system is VERY unique in that you can balance your team according to your liking, and balance is key when going through later areas of the game, where you may need magic primarily over steel. Pawns that have enough knowledge can also work together with you, and pawns themselves aren't entirely clueless as they learn more!

With enemies, there are lots of monsters to encounter, ranging from small ones, ranged and magic ones, and even many boss type ones! Every monster has some sort of weakness, which your pawns may ramble ON AND ON about, saying "T'is weak to this, t'is weak to that!" But jokes aside, some monsters are weaker to specific weapons, attributes, and other factors, so adjusting your playstyle, vocations, and associated skills may help, along with adjusting and letting go old pawns to rehire new, relevant ones! With the Bitterblack Isle DLC, many of these monsters are slightly reskinned to become more stronger with additional inclinations so they don't act exactly the same as their Gransys counterparts, so you could face them off once more with more difficulty and additional loot!

In addition with an engaging plot line and fluid combat with pawns, there's a decent amount of exploration around Gransys, the setting where the game takes place. Gransys isn't too large as a map itself, but the amount of hidden areas, clusters of mining areas, chests, monster locations, forageables, and more allows for you to find, grind, slay, and loot to your heart's content! With Bitterblack Isle, be prepared to grind and loot there for hours at a time, it's difficult, but how strong the loot there is can't be compared to loot anywhere else! (And yes, even compared to the loot from the giant online dragon thingie, which has a billion points of health for the rare achievement?)

With loot, materials you find can heal you (curatives), monster loot can be used to improve your weapons and armor pieces on a 3-star based system, and overall, you can gather lots of things to help you on your journey, such as equipment, tools, curatives, etc.! Loot comes with exploration, looting, and slaying, and it's fun!

With music, it's pretty solid, with music ranging from battle songs to specific boss themes throughout Gransys and the Bitterblack Isle. There's even music playing in towns, and it's pretty neat! There's also some ambient singing from a woman chanting which happens when you travel at night, and it's probably one of the better sounds of a short song to remind you you're traveling in the dark. If you do head to the Bitterblack Isle, the final boss music is also pretty much a banger!

For people who want to just see the pros and cons, here's a quick rundown:

- Combat is fluid and amazing! You can try all the vocation classes with your character and your main pawn, and certain skills are just fun to use to battle enemies!
- Unique pawn system where you can customize them to how you want them, and you can hire other player's pawns to help you on your quest!
- Very engaging storyline, not too short or too long (in addition, there's a speedrun mode if you want to)! With the Bitterblack Isle DLC, it's an added storyline!
- You can switch between Hard mode and Normal mode (for varying levels of difficulty)! Hard mode grants you more money, XP, and disciple points, traded off for more damage being taken and enemies with 3x stagger/knockdown resistance.
- Lots of quests to complete, both related to the main storyline and miscellaneous quests from the quest board!
- There's many things to grind for (such as better equipment and armor), lots of enemies to encounter, places to explore, and more!
- Music is pretty good!

- The map itself is decently sized, but it wouldn't be anything large as if it was compared to Skyrim (not necessarily a con, but something some would find as a con). Bitterblack Isle isn't too large of a map either, and is a bit recurring for certain floors (as you'll understand if you head there).
- Once you beat the game, there's not much else to do besides doing all of the other hidden side-quests from others around Gransys in New Game Plus (you restart the story all over again, but with the same stuff you grinded for in the first run), or grinding to get 100% achievements or the best pawn. There's also speedrun mode to check out!

Overall, despite the only con really being the size of the map, the game is still very fun, and the main highlights of this game for me would be the combat and pawn system! Combat can't really be explained well since there are some skills set SPECIFICALLY to a vocation, but if you decided to get this game, just know that combat and having pawns are the best features about the game! The story is pretty good too, but combat is very nice and interesting, as you get to slay various bosses and mini enemies, and just grind and loot to beat the game!

As Caxton the blacksmith once said (or stated millions of times), "They're masterworks, all. You can't go wrong."

Edit: This game is still fun to play! Just like with Terraria as my first Perfect game review, I have also made this game Perfect, which I 100 percented since the game was very fun and amazing with combat and grinding! :>
Posted April 3, 2022. Last edited April 6, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
154.7 hrs on record (126.7 hrs at review time)
From barely surviving your first night in Terraria all the way to farming Moon Lord for that one Meowmere you so desperately need, Terraria is an experience to be enjoyed! :)

Terraria is a very fun 2D sandbox game where you're able to explore, manipulate, and change the world around you! You're able to explore and venture to any location in your Terraria world, from the deepest lava pits in the Underworld to the very edge of space. You could explore vast caves to mine for the best ores and resources possible, so that you could create that one cool looking set of armor or that one new weapon you need. If exploration and mining just wasn't enough, there's also dozens of bosses you could fight along the way, along with special events and thousands of different enemies you can encounter. You could grind to acquire every achievement you want to achieve, gather the best equipment possible, and have fun advancing in the game every step along the way! Oh yeah, and there's fishing, if you're into that sort of thing...

- You can play with friends or go solo (your pick)!
- There's tons of biomes to explore in Terraria, from forests, deserts, jungles, tundras, caves, etc., each with their own music, loot, resources, and enemies.
- The music is incredible, no Minecraft cave noises here, just absolute bangers!
- There are dozens of ores to mine and smelt into the gear you need to mine for even more stronger ores for even stronger gear.
- You could branch into one of four different styles of combat (melee, ranged, magic, and summoning) to battle against dozens of different bosses, several different events, and thousands of enemies.
- You could build any sort of structures you want, from arenas to houses and apartments to even sky bridges.
- There's an aspect of resource management, where you need manage the resources you gather to craft the next things you need, along with organizing chests.
- Fishing?

- Once you beat every boss there is and acquire everything you ever wanted, there isn't much room for replayability in terms of fighting bosses/enemies and combat (there's still building and modding by downloading tModLoader on Steam).
- Once you acquire end-tier gear, mining for better gear becomes obsolete.
- There's still that one achievement for 200 angler quests completed?

Once you beat the game and have all the achievements (if you choose to grind Terraria that much), you'll finally be at peace of mind knowing you completed your Journey's End. There's not much else to do afterwards besides playing with friends and helping them with their journey, but the initial experiences you get from surviving the first night to finally getting that Meowmere for the Zenith are experiences to be remembered when you play again. The game itself is still fun nonetheless when you first begin, and I know there are people who still enjoy the game even after acquiring everything, so it's ultimately up to the player if they decide to replay the game once more (or even start fresh again).

Overall, Terraria is one of those experiences where you'll sit back and say "Oh yeah, I remember that."

Edit: Terraria is still fun to play every now and then, and I myself have this as a Perfect (100 percented) game :>
Posted August 9, 2021. Last edited April 3, 2022.
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