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14.1 timer registreret i alt (10.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Firstly, the negatives.
  • Timing/flow of combat is wonky, freeflow seems to be inconsistent all-around. I know players claim there's a rhythm to it and that you shouldn't button-mash, but my experience has been the complete opposite.
  • You only have a window of like 1-2 seconds at most to add each successive move to your combo before it expires.
  • Countering only works if you're within the enemy's attack area (so you could be millimetres out of it and break your combo in your attempt to counter because the game decides this time that it won't clip you into countering their move and you're left grappling with thin air)
  • You're told far too late in the tutorial stage that you have to work up to a x3 combo (with regular hits) to enter freeflow to begin with, after numerous skirmishes with Blackgate thugs.
  • The other type of enemy engagement, the stealth, almost feels like an afterthought. There is only one ability upgrade that pertains directly to your stealth moveset, and while more of your gadgets are oriented at stealth sections rather than the open combat/freeflow sections (in which you're only allowed to effectively utilise the batclaw and batarang without breaking combos), the core game (at least in story mode) doesn't have enough of it to make you feel like you get to use them well enough. The predator challenges do somewhat recognise it since their medals demand that you make use of the otherwise-underutilised bat-gadgets.
  • Most boss fights are basically the same, fight a brute hopped up on Titan while his comrades attempt to wear you down. Only 2-3 boss fights are any different here.
  • Being only able to heal by gathering XP, whether from collectibles or beating fights, made progression annoying for most of my first couple of runs at this game. It gets better if you get the hang of freeflow and/or just reload when you take major damage though.

And now the positives.

Scarecrow and Ivy's boss fights/levels were genuinely FUN boss fights, Riddler's collectibles felt padded but not to the level of, say, a Ubisoft sandbox, and more importantly they were all easy enough to complete without having to use the internet as long as you find his maps, despite whatever he incorrectly claims. Combat is satisfying once you get the hang of it (I recommend practising your available moves in challenge modes if you're not getting frequent high combos in story mode). Mark Hamill absolutely nails his Joker persona as always, but Kevin Conroy's performance wasn't as dramatic as he could've been in the climax, far too quiet.

The game radiates machismo, which is very much take-it-or-leave-it as Rocksteady's ideal Batman clearly seems to be one that prefers to primarily solve things with his fists. The game has standard backtracking to older areas with newer gadgets, just as with any Metroidvania. I personally enjoyed this part but I understand that most people typically don't care so much.

Bottom line, it's a superhero game with quality beyond games as buggy as are released nowadays, so I'd recommend it to anyone. Has a good amount of replayability in the challenges, which I'm probably gonna try for next.
Skrevet: 7. marts 2022.
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Turned a casual bird/flight sim from something that sounded conceptually boring into a serene experience. I still come back to this soundtrack on quiet nights, especially Home.

I wonder what other beautiful games and music Forgotten Key might've put out if they still existed today. A pity we'll never know.
Skrevet: 20. februar 2022.
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0.8 timer registreret i alt
Zombie game with slow movement. Why are they always so boring?
Skrevet: 25. januar 2022.
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3.0 timer registreret i alt
A happy game by Amanita. You know what to expect.
Skrevet: 25. november 2021.
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50.0 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Game got an update and my world save disappeared. Not sure whether to blame the devs or the cloud host, but 1 year on, I'm still not over it.
Skrevet: 24. november 2021. Sidst redigeret: 25. maj 2022.
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10 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
22.4 timer registreret i alt
Transistor is a cyberpunk tale of romance, with a hybrid turn-based/real-time RPG combat system. Tl;dr: story and soundtrack are on par with Bastion, even if the gameplay itself is not.

There are quite a few downsides to this game. It has limiters similar to Bastion's idols, which can be toggled on for extra challenge/XP at checkpoints, but they start to feel cheap at times (one of these limiters wrecks any functions you uninstall and renders them unuseable until the next checkpoint you configure your sword at, and another limiter causes enemies to drop cells on death that inflict damage onto you upon absorption, and it's hard to quickly tell the difference in the heat of the moment). It has a Turn function to let you freeze combat and queue up actions/functions with the threat of enemy bombardment minimised, which can also let you outrun enemies to get away or line up shots to hit them before they can evade, but the downside is that you're locked out of using any functions until your Turn() function has recharged, and enemies can move while you perform your attacks, meaning you might waste a Turn aiming and empty space because a Fetch moved an inch to the right. During combat your fight area is usually tiny as well with a border you can't escape, so you can't run far enough to be safe from enemies using the remainder of your Turn cooldown chasing you into a corner and shooting at you. Losing a full bar of health causes your sword to consume one of your (up to 4) active functions to refill your health, making the fight and subsequent game harder, as you can expect fights to get progressively challenging. I gave up on the game for a week when I got to the final boss fight, after facing several groups of cloaked enemies that remained invulnerable for 99% of the time, only showing an opportunity to strike for half a second at a time.

I started to have fun with the game right at the end of my first playthrough, when I discovered effective builds to beat the final boss and generally survive Recursion (NG+) without having to call on Turn(), which as it turns out, becomes a crutch that slows you down if you keep relying on it beyond your first playthrough. The game's Steam Community Guides really saved me many headaches there. Not being distracted by the awfully-thought-out combat system meant that for my second playthrough, I could experience the story and music the way the developers intended, and I began to enjoy every minute of it.

As for the story itself, it's similar to Bastion. Person in dead/dying world, first order of business is trying to survive, and somewhere along the way, they find the power to shape their reality. No point in sharing fan theories about the nature of the Process and Cloudbank here, but it's a fun read. It has a more mysterious, intriguing, and subtle atmosphere compared to Bastion which does help.

Bottom line, I think it's pretty fun IF you can manage to get past the very experimental-feeling combat system.
Skrevet: 23. oktober 2021.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
4.8 timer registreret i alt (4.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
A game about death, fires, and people becoming hollow (or "forlorn")? Yep, it's a souls-like.

On a more serious note, it's a fun short kids' game with an obvious amount of care put into the storytelling and puzzles without requiring you to invest too much time or energy (my initial playthrough took around 6 hours). I found myself playing it to unwind after Platinum-ing Furi and was surprised at the emotional depth on display, it was everything I'd hoped GRIS would be (vibrant and reflective instead of monotone and empty, somewhat populated instead of isolated, etc.). Minor details, like some Embers not wanting to be helped or the journal scraps of the previous person to complete a full pilgrimage, really helped to flesh the world out and ground it to a degree. I can't say how many children's games over the years have been this cathartic because I certainly never played (m)any of those, so I wouldn't go so far as to call this a masterpiece, but it's definitely one of the best games I've played in the past couple of years in terms of overall experience, and I'm glad that 7 months later I can finally support it on Steam as well.

The OST deserves to be sold on Steam.
Skrevet: 20. oktober 2021.
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1.2 timer registreret i alt
Skrevet: 14. maj 2021.
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41.2 timer registreret i alt
Tl;dr: If you're used to games that play like Legend of Zelda, this will not disappoint. Get it.

On the surface, the gameplay reminded me of another RPG-lite I used to enjoy (except that was an MMO), with its limited (2) weapon slots, shield (albeit directional and indestructible in this game), and top-down hack-and-slash combat. It turned out to be so much better though, with quality narration, unforgettable music, fleshed-out worldbuilding, and even toggleable debuffs for extra challenge. While I probably wouldn't say it's one of the best games ever made, it certainly has turned out to be one of the most fun titles I've had the fortune to play. I'm impressed that an indie studio managed to output something that feels almost on-par in quality with (the good) AAA titles of its time.

The gameplay is very fun. You only have 2 weapon slots, a secret skill, a dodge-roll, and a shield, and this is more than enough to handle most situations. You can upgrade your weapons (to boost damage/reload speed/etc.) if you have enough Fragments and weapon-specific materials, and you can even damage enemies by timing your shielding to perfectly counter their attack. As you progress through the story, you find new weapons and skills, sometimes being forced to use them for a section or so before having the option to switch back to a loadout you prefer. You can prove your mastery of each individual weapon (including the Bullhead Shield) at a relevant Proving Ground, where succeeding can see you gain an upgrade material for the weapon you proved yourself with, a material for a different weapon, and a skill unlock. You might need to upgrade your weapons somewhat to get the top prizes for some Proving Grounds. There are "Dreams", replayable gauntlets where you survive 20 (or 30 for the final Dream) waves of enemies, interspersed with narration of a character's backstory. There are "spirits" (buffs) you can apply, capping at 10 possible buffs altogether if you manage to level up fully. If you feel that the game is too easy, you can always purchase (one-time) and activate Idols to apply buffs to enemies, such as dropping a grenade on death, deflecting attacks, lowering your speed if they land a hit on you, contact damage, etc. The only drawback to activating all debuffs is that it narrows down your customisation options for weapon choice for many encounters, and favours a DPS/glass cannon approach.

The world has an Old Western vibe to it -- ironic, as the story's main focus (the settler city of Caelondia) is in the East in this fantasy world. (The game has plenty of mini-jokes like these, one of my favourite is when the letter X is described as a strange letter, but that even strange letters have their uses as you couldn't have a mailbox without one.) To add to this atmosphere, an important part of the lore is how the settlers entered into conflict with the indigenous people of the continent, an underground-dwelling civilisation of people known as the Ura. (This also fits the Old Western theme very well.) The story takes place around 50 years after this war has ended, and follows a Kid trying to find some way to survive the Calamity (which is exactly what it sounds like), hunting down glowing rocks to power the titular Bastion. Personally, I loved the carefree action of the second act where you stalk your way through the Wilds at the outskirts of the city (at one point the Kid hunts an Anklegator that he may have been told scary stories about when he was younger), but the start of the third act devastated me. I had to stop playing for a while, but the ending of the game more than made up for it in the end.

Other than gameplay and worldbuilding, I don't know what more there is to say. The game is already HD, and has an amazing soundtrack (purchased separately). There's nothing I can fault the game on. It's a lot of fun for a relatively small package.
Skrevet: 30. april 2021.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
11.3 timer registreret i alt
A very short but fun game, set in a casino mansion stuck in a time-loop. You are the devout (Christian) Lafcadio Boone, and your role is to save guests from this nightmarish party in a strict order, using each gained ability to progress further into the mansion, discovering and preventing more of the day's machinations as you go along. The difficulty lies in your inability to inhabit the same room as any other character (except during cutscenes), lest time freeze and their masks fly off their faces at you until something vaguely bad happens -- I didn't actually stick around long enough to see what the result actually was.

The Sexy Brutale isn't particularly challenging, instead focusing its efforts on a strong narrative. I personally liked that it wasn't willing to die on the altar of hard indie games, as it meant never being stuck anywhere for too long to the point of frustration. You scour rooms for items, eavesdrop on passing guests or staff for clues, and through trial and error, effect changes to the routine that may eventually save a guest. It's like a point-n-click but with better interactivity, as interactive spots are clearly outlined for you to walk up to.

I found the story to be very intriguing, becoming more compelling the more we learned about the party. I liked the ending, and appreciated that I was still able to continue hunting for collectibles even after (accidentally) triggering it. Right before the end of the game, you gain the ability to "remember" the history of parts of the mansion, further adding to the atmosphere and enlightening you on the guests and how they know each other. There are also 52 playing cards, and while some are time-sensitive and expire if you don't find them quickly enough in the day-cycle, overall you'll find each one without needing a guide as long as you revisit old areas with new abilities and take your time exploring. The secret ending for collecting these was a nice bonus, tying in with the overall theme of the game.

If you uncover all information about the mansion and also decide to complete the set by obtaining each guest's invitation, the game recognises your effort with a stamp for 100% completion on the main menu and your save slot, which I thought was a very nice touch to witness before I uninstalled the game forever.

Overall, I'd recommend this game to absolutely anyone; it's short, fairly easy (not insultingly so), and very fun with good music.
Skrevet: 28. april 2021.
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