United States
Gamer, Content Creator, & VTuber who loves sushi & watercolor painting.
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yhteensä 7 471 tuntia
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yhteensä 6 641 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 24.5.
yhteensä 2,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 22.5.
ZURC 19.1.2017 klo 19.58 
i believe they patched up hell girls. There are still a few people claming that it does not work but it ended up working for me. :steamhappy:
ZURC 18.1.2017 klo 4.29 
How you doing I saw that you put Hell Girls on your wishlist just wanted to say be careful the game has been reported to be un playable due to the screen being blanked out with a color this has happened to me personally. It might work just thought u should kno. I believe the devwloper is trying to fix this issue. :steamfacepalm: well good luck and happy gaming :steamhappy:
KAEONA 25.12.2016 klo 12.09 
Merry Christmas!! ^_^
Shion Kaito 25.12.2016 klo 8.37 
……………… …*•○♥○•*…
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…….*♥♣♫♥♣♥☺♥♫♥☺♥� �♫♣♥*…
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(☆*✦✦ℳerry ℭhristmas & A ℋappy 2017✦✦ *☆ )
Marchana 31.12.2015 klo 17.34 
Happy New Years!
Marchana 25.12.2015 klo 0.23 
Merry Christmas!