Mr. Pickles
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Alright so, after playing boneworks just like everyone else and (I guess only me and a handful of others) feeling disappointed by it, I need to give my boy Anton a huge shoutout along with spoiling me to amazing gunplay.

So I've been following/playing this game for about 2 years? Somewhere along that time. Watching his devlogs every week, always making sure my speakers aren't too loud. What makes this game great? Well, follow me on this adventure.

Guns, holy mother of god. The amount of guns in this game is just insane. You have the usual ones like an m4 or ak. But, you also have your goofy like idk, a .50 caliber holder (hammer not included). The best part about it is the interaction and feel of all the guns. They started off being a little bland back in the day, but after the sound variation update and mechanical sounds (the magazine sliding into the gun, the chamber being pulled back, the sound of actually interacting with it, etc.) it's the most satisfying feeling ever. You can even do the super cool I-hit-my-ak-magazine-with-my-fresh-ak-magazine-swap reload once you get used to everything.

Simulation. The way that you interact with guns and how it feels is just amazing. As soon as the index became public, Anton and his team was quick to update how interactability with the index controllers will work. It is by far the most natural and amazing feel ever. The issue I noticed with the other game is that using index controllers, you have to PRESS the trigger to grab a gun. Why would you do that if the whole point of the index is to pick things up by SQUEEZING the controllers? Luckily, h3 clearly knows it would make more sense to just naturally grab something, but it also gives you the opportunity to pick things up with the trigger as well just in case you need it.

Movement. By far the funniest and also fittest way of movement you can have. I remember accidentally discovering the arm swinger option, turning it on, laughing as to how stupid I feel doing this, but then realizing it's one of my most favorite ways of movement. It makes it feel more realistic since you know, the faster you swing your arms, the faster you move (duh). It also helps to increase the sense of urgency or danger when running away from the terrifying zomsigs. The way that you interact with climbing environments is also amazing. Yes it's a bit unrealistic, but I would prefer a more arcade-ish climbing mechanic vs a realistic slog. How do you climb or interact with traversal objects in the game? Just grab it and pull yourself around in whatever direction you need. Simple as that, no exaggerated body movements, no slow climbing, nothing. Just grab and pull to where you need to go. This makes the radio towers in return of the rotweiners so much fun because not only are they important, but they also reward you with a weapon at the end of them.

Game modes. I'll be honest, when I first got this game, it was a bit lacking. Vr was a fresh thing to have, games weren't all that big, and the potential wasn't fully realized yet. But since Anton updates the game every week with either new guns, sounds or modes, that isn't a problem. My most favorite updates were the inclusion of the original rotweiners (shoutout to anyone who remembers that mode, one of my favorite modes that was in this game) take and hold, and the newly updated rotweiners. All of these modes incorporate most, if not all of the small but impactful mechanics that get added in frequently. Wanna be sneaky while you move from point to point? Slap on a suppressor, go nice and slow, and even have an empty magazine or two to distract some enemies. Wanna see how many rotweiners you can take on with your hands or melee weapons? Take the biggest, baddest gun you can get and just fire off a couple of rounds. There is lots of variety in game modes along with new ones being added in or old ones being updated. (I think the hours I have in game speak for themselves)

Customization. What goes best with a huge selection of varying gun types? Gun customization! There's a ♥♥♥♥ ton of attachments to choose from. You have your standard sights, suppressors, etc, but then you also have fun stuff like holiday lights, an mlg airhorn foregrip (that actually stuns normal sosigs if you're close enough XD) or a mini blowtourch picatinny attachment for when you feel like using some dynamite or lighting small fires. You could do some extra ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with the attachments since you are given the freedom to do so. You can add a red dot sight, slap on an angled rail, put on a 32x scope, put another rail on top, slap on a holiday light, maybe put a few more rails here and there, put some laser sights for some extra accuracy, slap on 3 barrel extenders, a stock and bam, you've got the most accurate and versatile deagle out there. I don't think there is a limit to your creativity (well maybe the viability of the weapon and how the gun interacts with the world)

This game truly is one of THE best vr games for any sort of gun fanatics or people who just enjoy vr shooting games. It's a little hard to get used to actually doing everything you should be doing with a gun (actually sliding in a magazine, sliding a chamber, taking it off of safety, rechambering after every shot from a bolt action, etc) but once you get used to it, you'll never find any other game like it. You can even viably use dual wielding pistols and even reload them with ease!

TL;DR: You want the best feeling gunplay in vr with constant updates and community interaction? Look no further because you won't find anything close to this gem. It's shocking that this game is still considered early access.
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racoon(s) #fixtf2 Jul 20, 2023 @ 5:52pm 
+rep hit the skillchecks
Jesus Christ Sep 11, 2022 @ 7:29pm 
mrs pickles Jul 31, 2022 @ 8:22pm 
very handsome skin
mrs pickles Jul 31, 2022 @ 8:17pm 
two christmas hams
mrs pickles Jul 31, 2022 @ 8:15pm 
has a fat ass, would sex 10/10
booty bandit May 28, 2022 @ 10:30pm 
ggs mr pickles