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Recente recensies door Indiana_Minotaur

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7.5 uur in totaal
I want to recommend this game as I enjoyed the first game. Despite it's faults. But my god; how can you make the same mistakes again?! Only make it worse this time around?!

There are two things you have to consider and ask yourself before making a purchase decision

1) Stealth.
Now in the first game, stealth was there, but it wasn't as heavily featured; it was basically Bioshock with cartoons and a Sepia visual look. Great awesome, this game? Get ready for full blown Metal Gear Solid this ♥♥♥♥ because that's exactly what your going to be doing! Combat isn't necessary unless you need to; however in some cases you have to hide and let cooler heads prevail because you can't just "Grab the story object" nah, you got to wait till combat finishes

2) Backtracking and lack of direction (seriously, did they not learn?!)
WHAT ARE WE DOING REPEATING THE SAME ♥♥♥♥ AGAIN?! Okay so the first game had little backtracking but it wasn't as horrendous it was straight and to the point. Here?! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. You'll find yourself wandering around in certain areas asking yourself: "Okay now what" on top of that just like the first game, the game gives you very little visual aid to help you. You have to either guess or YouTube it.

On top of that the ink monster this time around works a bit differently than the first game, and in addition; for whatever reason the devs thought it would be cute to add a bunch of relentless enemies, oh look an ink demon warning (If you get caught by the demon. Your dead. dead. And you have to reload a save)

The story nor the boss battles in this game were memorable. The soundtrack though and visual look are probably the only two good things that came out of the sequel, everything else was mid and/or disappointing.
Geplaatst 11 september.
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20.0 uur in totaal
Batman Arkham Knight despite it's disastrous technical launch is still a great game

the combat, ost, visuals, and just Gotham City alone is worth the asking price.

Gotham City walked so New York in Marvel's Spider-Man could run! The amount of detail within this city is insane. So many places to go, so many thugs to dispatch.

However the game suffers from a "mixed bag" road bump: The Batmobile. Yes, it's badass to ride in it, But in order to 100% the entire game to get the REAL ending you must do the Riddler missions that requires you to use the Batmobile at times; you'll get frustrated real quick with his particular missions.

The Arkham Knight villain is laughably predictable especially if you read the comic books. You know EXACTLY who the guy is leaving you going: "welp. So?"

Overall, for the asking price of $20 or $40 if you can overlook the obvious that is the Arkham Knight villain and the horrendous Riddler challenges then I say it's completely worth your time!
Geplaatst 2 september. Laatst gewijzigd 2 september.
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7.8 uur in totaal
While I did try to enjoy this Star Wars title. This game is.... rough. Even with mods

What it boils down to is frustrating squad ai, frustrating lack of proper ammo dumps near fixed health stations and finally the worse sin in an FPS: Bullet Sponging. Even on Easy mode.

The multiplayer is average by the looks of footage on the YouTube. So nothing to write home about.

The humor of Delta squad is nice and the music is amazing though
Geplaatst 20 augustus.
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4.8 uur in totaal (4.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Oooh boy where to begin.

The concept sounds great! A worker going up against a mega corporation until a certain point where he has to choose.

However, that is definitely not applied here in this game lol not even ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ close.

The pacing is really bad that it honestly doesn't not make any ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sense.

On top of that you have HORRENDOUS stealth levels that at first sighting of said levels: "Okay. Great. Typical stealth levels" and then somehow the game hears ya and goes: "OKAY RAMP UP THE DIFFICULTY BOYS" and the stealth levels get more jarring over time. And oh my god Chapter 3 or 4? Throws a new mini-game that does not make any sense as it's introduce into the later part of the game with zero warning; horrendous logical mini-game too!

By the time you get to the endings. Whichever you choose. You'll be asking yourself: "So I did all of that? For that?"

Hard pass.
Geplaatst 9 augustus.
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16.3 uur in totaal
After 16.3 hours of playing this game I have to say... boy was it challenging. Fun but challenging

There is no mixed review option but if I have to really sit on it and think on it. I would say: "Yes. But exercise caution"

Tin Hearts is a lemmings type puzzle that pits you and your group of soldiers getting from point A to point B in elaborate and sometimes head scratching puzzles.

The story is nothing to write home about as it's essentially: "A family man who gets engrossed with his work so much so that life events happened and he hides his grief behind his work until he realizes that his family is so important to him" type of story. There are some "feels" moments but overall it's nothing to write home about.

The gameplay portion is what I want to focus on and why I exercise caution. The puzzles start out simple enough and then at some point the game takes a hard left turn and the puzzles become more extravagant and sometimes arrogant right up until the end. The basement levels are by far the worse

This all basically boils down to: Intuitive design. Why can't I just teleport or walk faster? Why do I have to be so up close to the puzzle to even reach for it when using the zoom in function? Why are you giving me mechanics and obstacles that hopscotch in appearance per level? Keep it consistent and to the point. And the game sadly didn't do that.

Overall if you are willing to methodically take your time with this game. Then I say go for it. But be aware of softlocks, and technical issues with the camera and stuff
Geplaatst 4 augustus. Laatst gewijzigd 17 augustus.
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14.2 uur in totaal
I recommend the console version. Not the PC port.

Okay so I had only one or two crashes; but the game's idea of "Safe mode" aka turning the settings back on high is really laughable.

Other than that the visuals are great and well.. the story is cinema.
Geplaatst 11 juli.
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5.3 uur in totaal (5.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Aside from the crashing issues people are having.

The game itself is just a cheap version of warframe meets destiny.

The "Descendants" as the game is calling them aren't that fun to play
The bosses are underwhelming

And the fact that "Hard mode" is locked behind getting through this abysmal story with enemies that can basically be one shot.. yeah. no.

The only thing positive as I can say is the gunplay is hilariously broken and the visuals and music are solid
Geplaatst 6 juli. Laatst gewijzigd 6 juli.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3.0 uur in totaal
This game has no multiplayer anymore due to lack of server support. Do not buy!
Geplaatst 25 juni.
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5.2 uur in totaal
Definitely not something I was expecting, yet expecting at the same time.

The Town of Light is definitely one of my favorite depressing video games of this year.

So as mentioned by many others in the review section this isn't a jumpscare type of a game; but an experience of witnessing just how far Mental Health has come from the horrific and misguided treatments that took place in the early 20th century (and yes to this day Mental Health has a long ways to go yet!)

Audio & and the voice acting of the main character is so very well done. You believe every moment, every shattering heartache... this game isn't meant for the weak at heart. There's only 1 ending and you can beat it within a couple of hours if you really push through which begs the question of the asking price alone: Is it really worth $18.99? when it could be a $10 game or even less than that?

My only legitimate complaint however is the lack of a sprint option. Because this game falls into the category of: "Great solid game. But tedious walking sim that has nothing else to offer other than a beautiful visually pleasing game with a beautiful and tragic storyline from first frame to last"

If you are looking for another 'horror game' then turn away or wait for sale. However, if you are looking for a game that offers an EXPERIENCE within the psychological horror genre of gaming. Then this is definitely one to consider
Geplaatst 25 juni. Laatst gewijzigd 25 juni.
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8.4 uur in totaal
This is definitely a fun beat 'em up game. The combat systems here were fun, polished. You feel every hit, every combo, every finisher, every environmental execution, and weapon damage and execution, etc.

However, the game fails at it's story, boss fights, and enemy structure.

What do I mean by the three?

1) The story at the beginning sounds very cool. However, over the course of the story. You get a sense a much LARGER story but they never show it only through passing dialogue. Another game that I played a long time ago called ECHO had this same problem; if you are going to hype up this "larger world" then show us this rather than have it through passing dialogue.

2) The boss fights are really generic minus one. One specific god forsaken one that you just want to throw your PC out the window. If you have bosses like "The Rat King" for example, then use his environment, use his moniker to full advantage it's okay to go a little crazy and have fun with it. But sadly 99.99% of the bosses are just cheap and generic

3) Enemy structure is weird with this one; some levels you can easily mow through with no problem. However there are other times where they throw so many "elite" enemies at one time where it almost becomes overwhelming. You can expect to die maybe once or twice till you learn the pattern of how the enemies delploy themselves who to go after first (the gun and melee dudes and the weapons they carry are seriously overpowering)

Overall if you are looking for a beat em' up game to enjoy. I recommend this game ONLY because of the combat was fun, if the combat wasn't fun then this would be a hard pass or a deep sale purchase.
Geplaatst 16 juni.
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