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54.0 hrs on record (53.6 hrs at review time)
This review was a bullet fired into the maws of tyranny.
Posted May 3. Last edited May 6.
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3.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
At full health, I move over the top of a spider corpse. Get poisoned - better move off to heal myself of this poisoning. Die from full health in a single movement. Very nice, well balanced, definitely no other way this should have gone.
Posted December 2, 2023.
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A developer has responded on Mar 22 @ 6:37am (view response)
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170.7 hrs on record (161.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game has been consistently and constantly dumbed down and made more arcade like in order to appeal to a wider audience. If an arcade zombie shooter with survival elements is what you're going for, then 7 Days is your game, despite the bugs, jank, and low graphical fidelity. If you want a survival game where you really have to struggle to survive against a menace, then look elsewhere. If you find it, please tell me.

A (non-comprehensive) list of ♥♥♥♥ that used to be in the game that they dumbed down:

1. Skill levels used to be progressive and increased on use - now they are simply increased by "levelling up".

2. Items used to have progressive levels of qualility, depending on your skill level, which determined how durable and effective they were, and went from 1 to 400. Now it's just 1 to 5.
2a. In addition, repairing used to lower the overall durability of your item, so you couldn't just make it last forever.

3. They added level scaling for loot and enemies, because god forbid you're ever challenged in some way.

Also, as a side note, traders are dumb and lame. Really makes me feel like I'm in a post apocalyptic world overrun by zombies when there's traders every 10 minutes of travel. Not certain what made them want to add that feature, but it was really the point where the game started going downhill. An attempt to add NPCs that don't obey the same rules you do.

The game has always been easy, I just thought they would have made the survival experience harder and more immersive, not easier and more like an arcade style shooter. Oh well.
Posted December 7, 2021.
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209.7 hrs on record (100.6 hrs at review time)
Great game, probably one of the best engineering games ever made. The sheer range of things you can do in the game is almost nonsensical - it is in and of itself turing complete, and much more so than many other games that laud itself in such a fashion. The developer is also working on an expansion pack for the game as well, so even though it's left early access, it is being actively developed and worked on.

If I wasn't poor as ♥♥♥♥, I'd buy this game again just to give it another positive review.
Posted June 19, 2021.
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29.2 hrs on record
Need to be a mind reader in order to win (reaction times for attacks were changed to below human reaction time). Spamming light attacks is how you win now. Since I've maxxed my luck skill I'm very good at the game. 10/10 experience, would not play again.
Posted May 22, 2021.
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25.5 hrs on record
Recent updates have dumbed down the game, it used to be better. The developers removed ammo and fuel, making the power to your weapons and engines just a ticker with boxes now. Because building up supply couldn't possibly have tactical and strategic ramifications. The reason for this removal was something along the lines of "it was too challenging and 'not fun' to plan around ammo and fuel", never minding that challenge and restrictions is part of what makes the game fun. Oh well. The building aspect is still some of the best out there, but I don't expect that to last long the way it's going. This is what happen when you listen to your discord simps too much, I suppose.

I'd recommend some other game to play instead of this, but most building games are going the way of the Dodo, and the only ones that look decent are either not out or are in too early of access to say. If you're looking for minecraft with ships, you've come to the right place. If you're looking for interesting and realistic engineering challenges and complex and dynamic builds, keep on trucking.
Posted May 15, 2021.
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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I like it so far, but hoo boy does it need some work. Lag is pretty atrocious and the lack of dedicated servers does not help one bit. The tutorial is also complete garbage and needs an entire rework. I still have no idea how to parry or do a focus block, or are those the same thing? Didn't need it, since I'm a veteran at this kind of thing, but it'd be nice to know how any of this works. Also lacks any single player components whatsoever, unless you call the very bad tutorial one. All in all, I recommend it based on the premise, but unless you're willing to put up with some buggy game, lack of tutorials and a very lackluster presentation in general, I'd say don't buy it.

tl;dr Fun but messy and frustrating
Posted November 12, 2020.
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139 people found this review helpful
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6.3 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is enjoyable and has promise - however, the absolutely ridiculous wildlife in this game mar the experience far too much. These problems are several fold. First - large game does not drop near enough meat. A bear or a boar drop a single item of meat, which cannot even feed you enough for a day. Either of these should be enough to feed someone enough for at least a week, let alone a day. I imagine this is to balance against the fact that there is an absolutely insane amount of wildlife in the game, which is the second problem.

It is impossible to go 50 feet without running into a bear or a wolf. They aren't too hard to avoid, but there is a stupid amount of them and they are exceedingly annoying to have to deal with when hunting other things. Most of the time, if you're hunting a deer, it will run into a wolf or a bear and then be killed by it, to despawn instantly (I imagine to simulate the predator having eaten the thing). In addition, there are far more predators then there are prey animals, which is completely ridiculous - the predators would starve to death within a month with this disparity.

Lastly, a lot of the wildlife is far too tanky. The bears are about right, but wolves, deer and boar don't have much less health than them, and all take upwards of 4-5 shots to kill. A single well placed shot should be capable of felling any of these things. This makes hunting almost a waste of resources - it is simpler to just make a bunch of fishing traps and put grubs in them so you aren't constantly losing nails, wood and other things.

While this game is fun in concept, I cannot possibly recommend anyone play it until A. The amount of meat from killing large game goes drastically up. B. The spawn rates for animals are drastically lowered and balanced towards more prey and less predators. And C. The less bulky animals are given more appropriate levels of health, and possibly a damage model introduced so chest/head shots deal significantly more damage than they currently do.
Posted July 20, 2020.
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141.7 hrs on record (37.4 hrs at review time)
A full priced DLC disguising itself as a sequel. Undoubtedly, this is an improvement to the first Warhammer - provided you own the first Warhammer, that is. In actuality, it's the same game, just different factions. If you have both games, a completely unreasonable 120 dollars without a sale, you have a grand total of 9 of the total 14 available factions, not to mention the amount of Legendary Lords inaccesable to you without forking over even more. To get everything this game has to offer, provided you don't go around deal hunting, it would cost you 225 dollars, approximately.

The game is good. Undoubtedly, it's the best Total War they've made since Shogun II, probably better than that. They've fixed a lot of problems in the engine, although they still exist, but it's not so terrible as it was in previous games. However, this game is unequovically not 225 dollars good. Others may claim that, based on the amount of hours you may spend in the game, it's "worth" it. But that's within a vacuumn. There are many, many other games that people spend many, many more hours in for much more reasonable prices. Overall, this is a completely unreasonable business practice. Something much more reasonable would be 60 dollars for the previous game including DLC, and 30 dollars for this game, including DLC - though considering that they'll likely be adding more DLC down the road, that estimate is slightly off. This is an expansion, riddled with small minor DLCs that SEGA (and Creative Assembly, for that matter) uses to get even more cash out of you.

Unfortunately, this was always bound to happen. Creative Assembly and SEGA have been going down this path for a while, and collaboration with Games Workshop, the owners of the Warhammer franchise (who are notorious for their completely unreasonable miniatures prices, with some of the larger ones ranging perhaps just below a thousand dollars), only exacerbated the issue.

EDIT: Creative Assembly has, since the time of this review, removed Red Shell (a spyware program that was previously integrated into the game), therefore making the paragraph that was here previously pointless.

The completely ridiculous prices and the breach in privacy cannot allow me, in good concience, to recommend this game. It's a fun game, for certain, but the absolute ridiculous business practices that this company engages in cannot be endorsed, especially when it directly affects the buyer of this product.
Posted June 14, 2018. Last edited August 15, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
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2.5 hrs on record
The game, while fun, is excessively overpriced. Not only is the sequel out, and this game still being full priced, there are numerous DLCs for this game which make it quite expensive indeed, including the Chaos Warriors Day 1 DLC. Almost all of this should have been included within the base game, and likely would have been if they hadn't thought they could get away with it. Given the very short development cycle of not only this game, but the sequel and all of the DLC, I've no doubt in my mind they either finished a good deal of this and cut it out, or simply finished a very basic product and then shipped it out with no regard to what actually constitutes a quality 60 dollar product.

For the actual gameplay itself... it's good. Their engine is still a bit off, calvary still isn't as good as it should be and units glide around sometimes. It may seem like I have very little time in this game, but I play the Mortal Empires in Warhammer II much more than this, even though they are basically the same game. The building limit is still there, though much, much better than some of their previous titles. The units are all fairly good and a good few of the factions have very interesting mechanics which allow them to stand out from others, especially Beastmen - who are fairly hard to play but very fun nonetheless.

EDIT: A short time after making this review, Red Shell was removed by the company (which was a spyware program integrated into the game).

Until a time that at least the price has been dealt with, I cannot recommend this game.
Posted June 14, 2018. Last edited August 15, 2018.
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