Lil Indie
Madhav   Houston, Texas, United States
If you are interested in trading with me, add me. Just know I know my prices and will not accept anything below them. Welcome to my profile.
Currently Offline
My Rules
My Trading Link: Anyone is allowed to send me trades :) Have Fun Trading with me :D
Trade Link
My Profile Link: I only have one!!
Profile Link

Stuff to Prove im Real
- Im lvl 30+
- Never had a vac ban
- Never got any -reps
- A succesful money transferer (Do it sometimes now, not that much)
- Have played 100+ hours on CS:GO and TF2
- If you send me a trade request and I dont respond, that means probably im not there or I haven't seen it yet.
If You're Adding Me in Regards to What items I am Trading:
- If you abuse my trading rules by attempting to spam me with troll offers, you will be blocked.
- Please post on my my Steam profile telling me specifically why you've added me, so I know what to expect when I accept your request.
- Do not ask me to trade if you're marked as a scammer on , if you are using an alt account, or if you have a private profile/backpack.
- I never go first in trading
I only have one profile if anyone is claiming to be me, report them and tell me.
- If you would like to add me because we have played together or we have traded and I have deleted you, just comment on my profile
Favorite Game
SinnerSeeker Jun 23, 2020 @ 12:37pm 
CHELENTANO Sep 12, 2019 @ 7:33pm 
numes Jun 15, 2017 @ 6:48pm 
Suck a ballzac
аполлоническое Jan 28, 2017 @ 8:20am 
NAIS MEN:steammocking:
Gergi Dec 10, 2016 @ 1:26pm 
no friends :D:steamsalty:
numes Nov 27, 2016 @ 6:12am 
nutella man