Kyle Gibbons   Chatham, Ontario, Canada
Your dystopia is my utopia.
Currently Offline
Dystopiac Q&A
Who are you, exactly?
My name is Kyle Gibbons, but on Steam, I prefer to be called by my username, Dystopiac. Refrain from using my real name if you see me in-game, please.

What games do you play on Steam?
That's actually not an easy question to answer. Honestly, I'm all over the place with Steam games, and I really don't have a set-in-stone list of what I play (with the exception of Team Fortress 2). I mean, I do play certain game franchises a lot (Bloons TD and Epic Battle Fantasy are two examples), but what game I play in those series can bounce from one game to another.

Where did the name "Dystopiac" come from?
I needed a name that sounded good and fit my personality (as I had burned through too many names at that point). I thought of "Dystopia", but that sounded kinda feminine, if I'm being honest (I'm not suggesting anything, it's just that I'm not a girl, and I wanted something that sounded more masculine). I added "iac" at the end of it, and thus "Dystopiac" was born.

What other names have you gone by?
A lot, that's for sure. Here's a few select names that I've gone by:
- "BlueShifter"
- "BrandyDrinker"
- "Tax Sword"
- "Adverb"
- "Kyle The Demoman Lover" (this was actually the first name I used for Steam!)

Can I shoot you a friend request?
Well, I have to get to know you first. I don't want to add someone who'll harass me on Steam messages. Once you've made it clear you aren't a bad person, then I'll add you on Steam.
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437 hrs on record
last played on Apr 25
143 hrs on record
last played on Feb 27
0.4 hrs on record
last played on Feb 21
Dystopiac Oct 12, 2019 @ 10:32am 
Hell yeah.
Z3R0 Oct 9, 2019 @ 8:41pm 
pajama sam gang <3