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Recenzii recente de Fallen

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This game does everything you'd want in a class based movement shooter right.

3 Diverse classes with many different play styles, Cross platform support, Amazing destruction and movement, The best battle pass system I've ever seen for a game (You can in theory get every battle pass for free after you buy the first one) Fun leveling system encouraging the player to keep playing and unlock more cosmetics/weapons and abilities, Its the whole package.

You can play casually, competitively, or even just mess around with friends for a few hours.

And the constant stream of bug fixes and pretty consistent large updates integrating even more diversity and enjoy-ability to the game just keeps you coming back.

I'm excited to see things develop through the years!
Postat 20 mai. Editat ultima dată 8 iunie.
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This is the greatest game i've ever played. It completely changed my life. I now like men.
Postat 8 mai.
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I lov vr
Postat 31 decembrie 2023.
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If were being totally honest: This is one of the best, if not the best cod game we've received in the past nearly 10 years. Ironically, the second best in my arguable opinion being MW 2019

Lets get this out of the way, old cod games great for 3 reasons. Nostalgia, Free time, Age.

When we were younger we had all the free time in the world and everything seemed new and amazing, as we got older we had less and less free time and the formula of a cod game became more and more boring. We look back at those old cod games because they remind us of the happy little memories we had as kids growing up with the feeling that life was huge and everything was interesting.
Lets continue this list with some pros and cons:


Campaign - In my opinion I love these new reimaginings of the original Modern Warfare campaigns, as a kid i would play MW2's campaign over and over as i thought it was literally the most entertaining ♥♥♥♥ to exist. After playing the MW2019 campaign for the first time years ago I was not disappointed whatsoever, the missions in that game were gritty and intense and the story really kept me reeled in, so much to the point where when I played it that summer break I didn't realize I had finished the entire campaign in a single 7 hour run. immediately after the ending I was incredibly hyped for the promise of a continuation in the form of a second game in the near future, and I would like to say...

Im a bit disapointed, however still happy with what we got.

To be completely honest, some missions are incredibly tedious and drag the ♥♥♥♥ out of whatever is going on, a good example of this is the 10th mission in the game where, (WITHOUT SPOILERS) you basically drive and shoot cars for a solid 10 minutes. On the harder difficulties the repetitive missions are suuuuper annoying, especially when there's no checkpoints for long periods of time.

However, in terms of pure story beats: I really enjoyed the campaign. It was gritty and raw just like the previous game even if they scaled it back a tiny tiny bit (dont get me wrong, its still pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up especially the last few missions) and it kept me hooked through out all the painful ass retries.

*Maybe just don't play on the hardest difficulty if i'm being honest*

Multiplayer - Its basically the same as MW 2019, however personally i haven't seen as many campers. Along with that, some fresh new game modes in the form of a battlefield-esk conquest (WHICH I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOVE.) A third person mode, and a few others which will probably be added onto in the future make the game feel really crisp. Along with the game modes other pros can be split into 3 other catagories

Voice chat : (Hilarious, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hilarious.)

Gun customization / recievers: (Being able to change whatever gun you're using into a totally different yet similar gun is really satisfying and increases replayability, plus it makes going for skins and mastery on the guns even more rewarding even if its a bit more grindy.)

Gunplay: Its really fluid and responsive, when you shoot someone it just feels smooth. Classic cod feel with a modern touch.

Im not gonna talk about CO-OP Cause i personally havent tried it yet, however I may update my review once I do.

Warzone: Its fun, reminds me of early day warzone... but its also not my favorite. Still think its good for what it is though.


Im gonna keep this short and simple:

Crashes (though they have been worked on a bit, and I personally havent experienced too many)

Glitches (Once again not too many, and the ones I have experienced have been kinda funny)

Server wide lag (Prominent in warzone mainly, it can get really bad but those lobbies arent super prominent... though it can make the game nearly unplayable when it does happen)

Proximity chat (TBH I also consider this a pro cause its really funny and fun sometimes, but they need to make it consistent and maybe add a system that makes it so when your enemy is 50 meters away from you it doesnt sound like they're right in your ear... you know how like... most proximity chat works)

Maps: I feel like there could be more variety, and alot of the time i just go back to shoot house. It can get a bit samesy doing that, but alot of the maps in the regular game modes just dont really hit it for me.

Skill based match making: Look, its a good idea especially in a competitive game. But it just isnt the most consistent thing for obvious reasons, if you want more information... Just look at another review Im lazy.

Campaign: As I mentioned before, some missions are incredibly long and tedious... the story is the only part that I truly like with the exception of some really intense fun missions (especially towards the end of the game)

Thats really all I have to say for now. I will probably update this review to be more thorough in the future but I did this all in one run, so heres where ill end it.

Is the game fun? Yes. Is it good? For the most part I believe so.

Is it worth 70 dollars?.....

Probably not, but if you have the money then ♥♥♥♥ it. Play some COD.
Postat 24 noiembrie 2022.
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funny poopie
Postat 11 ianuarie 2020.
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I like this game.
Postat 30 iunie 2019. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2022.
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Această recenzie a fost banată de un moderator Steam din cauza încălcării Condițiilor de utilizare Steam. Nu mai poate fi modificată de către autorul recenziei.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
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Postat 22 octombrie 2016.
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Postat 9 octombrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2022.
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Recenzie CS:GO
Counter strike
Postat 3 octombrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 24 noiembrie 2022.
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