Texas, United States
       𝓦 𝓔 𝓛 𝓒 𝓞 𝓜 𝓔 - 𝓣 𝓞 - 𝓜 𝓨 - 𝓟 𝓡 𝓞 𝓕 𝓘 𝓛 𝓔
  ⥃| A programmer ⇋ gamer ⇋ fitnessholic ⇋ car-enthusiast |⥂
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Витрина иллюстраций
Steam Artwork
10 2
Витрина мастерской
► Read me

🡆🡆 My achievements are all earned legit except a few; I'll explain. Some games I have joined infected online matches and was non-voluntarily subjected to hackers who unlocked them all. I have not reset these achievements out of pure integrity not to use achievement managers. Thank you to everyone who keeps suggesting me to do this but I have already accepted it.

● I do not accept private profiles.
● I do not accept anyone below level 1 or with no profile picture.
● If you have scammer, caution, or VAC tags, don't bother adding me.
● If you're not on for 50+ days, you'll get removed.

► Find me

Discord: dannyruss [discordapp.com] (List your steam name)
Github: [RussDev7] [github.com]
T-Forms: [xXCrypticNightXx] [forums.terraria.org]
Stackoverflow: [John Kens] [stackoverflow.com]
PasteBin: [Imthedude025] [pastebin.com]
Website: [Website link] [russdev.mooo.com]

► Specs

CPU: Intel Core i7-9750H @ 4.40 GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 1650
RAM: Corsair Dominator Platinum DDR3 16GBx2 (32GB)
SSD: Toshiba DT0100 Pro 1TB
OPS: Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

KB: Razer DeathStalker
MS: Razer Mamba (TE)

► About Me

● Self taught coder who enjoys making mods and helping others!
● Content creator - Love making content for games and sharing my experiences!
● When not on steam I'm either at work, grinding the gym, or socializing.
● On my free time I love to chat with the community on the forums.

► Favorite game genres

● Action (FPS bae)
● Adventure
● Strategy


Q: What are your Interests?
A: Programming, Fitness, Cars, VideoGames

Q: Favorite TV series?
A: Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, R&M

Q: Favorite Games?
A: Call of Duty Series, Darksiders Series, Deadspace Series, Deadrising Series

Q: Favorite music genres?
A: Rock, Metal, Dub, Some electronic

► Extra

Amazing Site - https://steamcustomizer.com/

Thanks for visiting my profile!

PS: Everything here was original from title to description,
if someone else is using any of it, shame on them.
Любимая игра
Витрина иллюстраций
I was asked to touch grass. So I did.
60 6
Любимая игра
Часов сыграно
Любимое руководство
Создано: xXCrypticNightXx
Оценок: 114
The step-by-step guide to make your very own custom cursor!
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
W/R: Double NightBlade Seed 1.3X-1.4X
110 49 7
Предметы на обмен
Совершено обменов
1 481
Торговых операций

 Trading URL: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=336577129&token=WhT1zPuu


  :LitFirePlace: Please have a look around. I'm giving away all dupes plus discount coupons at low rates :LitFirePlace:
          :CashMoneys: Now accepting trading cards & discount coupons :CashMoneys:

   ╭————— Restriction's —————╮      ╭————— Restriction's —————╮
     I'm not accepting anyone with          I don't "gift" free items. Please
     ban, vac, or trading tags on there        don't waste my time as i'll be
     account's sorry. If you with to              blocking you.
      further trade please contact me.
   ╰—————————————————╯      ╰—————————————————╯

Витрина обзора
19 923 ч. сыграно
Worst fu♥king game I ever played. I want to go back in time and at gun point tell myself not to buy that piece of garbage. Please do not waste your time even thinking about buying this game.
Витрина скриншотов
36 9 2
Любимая группа
HUGE FUCKING GROUP LOL - Открытая группа
39 537
1 782
в игре
6 836
в сети
В чате
Витрина скриншотов
Umbreon and Vaporeon Pixelart. 200x200 blocks.
72 18
Витрина мастерской
-- The Transmute Workshop -- This project started on the 14th of April, 2023 with someone showing me the "prong glitch", an older glitch but one that lead me to find the channel by the name of "Icysnowman". From here I slowly recruited a group with various
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
I made this out of pure rage plz nerf
17 1
Любимое руководство
Создано: xXCrypticNightXx
Оценок: 293
This is the opinionated best muck seed to exist.
Витрина обзора
586 ч. сыграно
Bellow is my accomplishments from 500+ hours of playing Elden Ring.

☑ Max level 713
☑ NG7+ Difficulty
☑ x2 All Weapons
☑ All Armaments +MAX
☑ All Armor Sets
☑ All Ashes
☑ All Puppets
☑ All Crystal Tears
☑ All Incantations
☑ All Sorceries
☑ All Ashes Of War
☑ All Great Runes
☑ All Endings
☑ All Questlines
☑ All Gestures
☑ All Achievements

Is this not enough to show you that this game unlike other titles, has not only the replayability but also the content. What game can you play that you cannot 100% in under 50-100 hours? This game has so much content its crazy how they even priced it as LOW as they did. Don't jump into the game and think you will get bored or run out of stuff to do. Oh no! Trust me you will be pleased.
Любимая группа
Stop invinting me to your uncool groups - Открытая группа
For fucks sake, stop INVITING ME to your god damn UNCOOL groups!
38 650
2 063
в игре
7 469
в сети
В чате
Витрина наград
1 037
Полученные награды
Выданные награды
Витрина мастерской
-- Animated Shrek -- Are you worthy enough to leave the swamp? -- How This Map Was Made -- https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/animated-gigachad-via-2000-terraria-pixelboxes.120559/ -- The Team -- Most of these people shared roles, these are just
Оценок: 317
Создано: xXCrypticNightXx и yfdyzjt
Витрина мастерской
Недавняя активность
14 838 ч. всего
последний запуск 19 мая
8 819 ч. всего
последний запуск 19 мая
14 158 ч. всего
последний запуск 19 мая
Meilo 9 фев в 1:48 
this guy does not see the light of day
Martin 8 фев в 21:19 
AP-Tea ⁧⁧󠀡(0x80) 8 фев в 16:00 
rep+ will steal your hoe and promptly return her back actually satisfied, unlike what you can do :RedChirppy:
nocturne 8 фев в 15:54 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser lmao
F-22 Raptor 7 фев в 21:12 
get some b*tches :steammocking:
Monsoon 6 фев в 19:22 
my guy, you have at least 58 years of playtime on an account created 7 years ago, that means you started playing video games nonstop 19 years before ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Super Mario Bros was released