Fan of JRPG's, Metroidvania's, Co-op games, Platformers, and Puzzle games.
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As I near 1000 hrs of playtime from the time of this review, I figured it was time to write a review for this game. Let me start off by saying that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is honestly one of, if not my favorite game in the Final Fantasy series. After replaying this game with a new character from start to finish during the 5.3 patch of the game, I forgot just how good the game was. There is a lot of things that is done well in this game, both the story and music are absolutely excellent in both the Heavensward and Shadowbringers expansions, and I highly recommend that anyone who plays this game, that they try to reach them. With recent patches, they made a change to early main story quests so that there is less of a grind through the early quests, which was very noticeable when I played through it again. The gameplay is quite good in FFXIV and is absolutely loaded with content through main story and many side quests and dungeons. Although it does play like a traditional MMO which may not appeal to some people or some may have a hard time getting used to that style of gameplay. There is so much in/to this game that it can be difficult to cover in a single review, I would say give the free trial (which lets you play the base game and Heavensward) a try and see if you like the way game plays and decide from there if you want to get it!
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