Big Boy |
Big Boy
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Kirjautunut ulos
haha yes this is really cool
i got up to level where it let me do stuff and its really cool that steam allwoed me to do this with my epic gamer chat thank you gaben newel i reall y think this is epic and cool your welcome and id like to apply to work at valve tomorrow and you should have my email thank you gabe
Arvostelujen esittely
pelattu 638 tuntia
Fun game
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 11,4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 23.5.
yhteensä 74 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 17.5.
yhteensä 0,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 6.5.
Saavutustilastot   0 / 709
Ghostlyshell617 18.1.2023 klo 2.33 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
Grason 25.5.2022 klo 7.42 
Insane financial advisor. Single-handedly got me out of the gutter, definitely contact him. Just send him a message on Facebook with your bank details and he’ll do the rest!!! #MorbCoin
Tendie 20.5.2022 klo 20.46 
+rep number one Morbius fan
BP's Strongest Lobbyist 20.8.2021 klo 1.19 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that :)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun
BORG 10.1.2021 klo 0.49 
WARNING!!!!!DON'T ERP WITH THIS PERSON!!!!! we were having sex (club penguin) online for flirt for many hours..l time pass and we get taken down ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and i pulle out my penis (5.5 inche) but then this girl (???) also take out ♥♥♥♥
GIRLS DO NOT ♥♥♥♥, this guy CHEAT and TRICK ERP
Paytrolah 1.1.2021 klo 0.52 
He's a gay rapist but he was polite enough to lube me up, 2/10