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7.0 hrs on record
If you are emotional, this is your ONE WARNING

This game broke my heart, in so many ways. The family dynamic here is strong, and as someone whose family fell apart years ago, watching this family have turmoil hurt me a lot, but watching them heal hurt me just as much. The story of this game really twists and pulls at the heart strings, and frankly it got me when I really didn't think it would. If emotions are not your thing, or you are overly emotional, this is a warning. I still recommend it, but get some tissues ready.

What about the actual game though?

The game is beautiful. Not just from the detail captured in a game with this level of pixel graphics, but the story telling. The lighting, the conveying of emotions, everything locks this game into a solid story driven nature that is just hard to walk away from. The story is beautiful, heart wrenching, and absolutely unforgettable.

The game is a point and click style adventure where you play as the Mason's family cat, Aspen. You will use your mouse to interact with items in the world, walk around, and make your way through the Mason Mansion, and some outside areas too. The game has some chase sequences, stealth sequences, and some fast-reaction movement sections. The music conveys emotions and situations beautifully, and yes you can meow as the cat. Some situations have multiple ways of being handled, while others do not. The game is essentially one big puzzle game, filled with elaborate memories, family traumas, arguments, and a dark undertone carried throughout. The Mason Mansion is filled with a lot of secrets, hidden spots, and strange items.

Overall, I would say that this game is an 8/10 for me. While I am not the type that typically gravitates towards pixel styled games, this game really sold me on it, and really made the game feel alive and nice in so many ways. If you want a game that will punch you in the gut, and then pet you afterwards this one might be for you.
Posted November 27, 2023. Last edited November 27, 2023.
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3.4 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Yes but with ONE HUGE WARNING:

I wasn't able to finish a single case I took. I kept getting soft locked. I entered a conversation with someone, left the conversation before it gave me the needed information, tried to enter the conversation again....froze in place, couldn't walk, couldn't move, nothing. I kept getting a glitch/bub where the doors inside apartments would basically move up obscuring vents and if I tried to climb over it? Soft locked. Couldn't move, couldn't do anything, but I could open my menu and pull out items. I would AT THE VERY LEAST wait till the devs add like a respawn button or something. Or a stuck option. Something to help you out of those situations. But until then, I literally couldn't play the game for more than 30 minutes at a time without getting locked in place.

As to why I'd recommend it? Look I have wanted a fully random, preceedurally generated detective game my whole life. This is a dream come true for me in that regard and even if the game played like a donkey in the hot desert sun I'd still recommend it.
Posted May 5, 2023. Last edited May 5, 2023.
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28.5 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
I normally write really lengthy reviews, but you'll do enough reading in class.

Posted February 11, 2023.
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1,135.7 hrs on record (1,120.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I would first like to start off by saying, I have been a member of various communities created on BoB. Some of you may recognize my name, or even recognize some of the communities I have been in such as Overgrown, The Burning Realms, Edge of Extinction, and Forgotten Realms. I was staff for 3 of the 4 listed servers here.

I want to do this review like I do all my other reviews, but before I do I do want to touch base that I do not hate BoB. I do dislike the dev teams direction with the game, but my biggest issue isn't the dev team either. Its the utter lack of sensible, realistic, and non-toxic staff, owners, and players of the community servers for this game. I will go into that in more detail however.

Community Server Hell

Look, as someone who has played on some of the largest servers of BoBs hayday, and been staff on them, I will come right out and tell you. No server is unbias. No matter how unbias they attempt to be, someone higher up on the chain will always have bias tendencies. Even if they claim they do not. I do not recommend the community side of this game AT ALL.

To be honest, that is a real shame. It is almost to the games detriment that I, and many others, simply cannot recommend the community aspect of this game. When compared to the Isle there is on thing that should be evident, this game focuses much more on community, nesting, building groups, and allowing players to actually create friendships. The Isle's limitations on only being able to talk to your same species in game is not present here in BoB, making it possible for others to actually make a wide variety of friends, and encourage different types of gameplay. The largest, and arguably most unique, aspect of BoB is its community building.

However, BoB's devs do not care too much about the personally created communities, and instead opt for constantly revolving and changing mechanics. They are still unsure what they want the final product to be, leaving a lot of servers in a sort of limbo. It is not just that however. BoB's community servers are often left unchecked. Sure, I do not expect the devs to be constantly checking in on community servers. That would be unrealistic, but the fact that some servers can blatantly lie to the community, and abuse the power they have and be given no punishment is ridiculous. Someone who was known for admin abuse, killing and deleting dinos, and even banning players they didn't like? Their now a staff member for the OFFICIAL BoB servers. You know who you are. You know who I am.

My point is, BoB does not care for the community that literally made them who they are. If not for the community, BoB would be like every other game of its typing, left in Mostly Negative hell. To touch base, the 4 community servers I listed above are all dead now. Burned to the ground for the absolutely awful things they had done o not only their players, but their staff too. The owners of those servers will be able to make new ones if they so wish, and in almost all the servers above, they should not be allowed to do so. That is the opinion of a previous staff member anyway.

How Is The Game Though?

The game is really honestly your standard fair for this genre. You create a dino, either by literally CREATING the dino, or just selecting an egg. You choose an egg, you chill in it for a while till you hatch and you grow. You get inherits, either from your parents if you chose the egg route, or from randomly selected genetics if you spawn in as a dino.

The game overall is more of an AFK style, that recently is trying to change that meta to more of an interactive standpoint. The largest issue with this, is that fact that they now punish long time players with large dinos. You could lose a 3.0+ dino to a game mechanic because you're too large to maintain your food. Why? Why would make a dino so large it literally CANNOT MAINTAIN ITSELF? Especially by changing the rules out of no where so that it literally just cannot maintain itself. That makes no sense to me.

Regardless, there are some decent (only decent though) dinosaur selections. They have some skins, and there are special and rare skins out there that only people who INITIALLY supported the game in the early years of development have. These skins are not obtainable by any means other than mating, and will not be available for unlock again. Personally, its kind of silly but I suppose if you're going to pay nearly 2 grand for an apa skin.....

The gameplay itself is similar, but not the same as, the Isle. The Isle and BoB do not however suffer from the same issues. The Isle suffers from a pure lack of community, making it impossible to truly ever feel like you're a part of anything ever. You're just a deino floating down a river. Nothing more. BoB suffers from an utter lack of direction. Is it PVP? or PVE? Is it both? Is it trying to be casual? Or competitive? Is this more about exploration? Or more about survival? BoB literally does not know what it wants to be, and that makes it utterly impossible to know what the meta will be like 6 months from now. Right now, the meta is casual chill play. Will it be that way in 6 months? Who knows. The devs certainly do not want it to be casual and chill, so if they get a say (which they unfortunately do) that meta will indeed change over the next few months.


Basically, my TLDR; This game could be good if the devs would make up their damn mind about what its SUPPOSED TO BE. And if they actually tried to MIDIGATE the actually terrible community issues they have in some form or fashion. This game right now sits at a LOW ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 4 for me. Its not a 3, the game is actually nice when you find a decent place to exist for a few hours, but the rest of the time it is a half assed nightmare that truly just feels like an amalgamation of all the worst aspects of the Isle, and then threw poorly managed communities ontop of it. Sorry, but for all the time I have spent on the game? LOW 4/ 10.
Posted November 12, 2022.
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35.2 hrs on record (33.0 hrs at review time)
I would of recommended this game up until recently. I have NO idea what happened, but randomly at some point the game crashed and now the frame rate won't go above 15. No matter what settings I change, how many times I restart, reset, or re-evaluate the game files NOTHING fixes it. I have no idea what to do about it, and hours for game time is just wasted on a game I cannot for the life of me get to run again. I used to have no FPS drops, no glitches, and no issues. But at some point I got a minor bug during an expedition, left expedition, and the crashed. If any one has a suggestion I'd love it cause I like this game, but I am annoyed it won't work for me anymore.
Posted December 8, 2021.
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47.3 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
Beautiful game. Listen I love Dinos and I love these games. Buy it. Its cute and like pokemon but DINOS.
Posted November 29, 2021.
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8.9 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Look, you get to play as a cat with magical powers. You grab onto horses and ride into the sunset. You steal orcs pigs and take them to OTHER orcs, and you can uppercut dogs to death. I don't know what else to say. Its funny and goofy but it is right up my alley. If you want a game that doesn't take itself seriously and lets you just goof off, then this is the game for you. Did I mention that cats you encounter have punny names? Its cute. If you want something to really relax and just PLAY this is it.

My rating? Meow/10
Posted August 14, 2021. Last edited August 17, 2021.
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81.1 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
If you like a good scare....
Let me start off this review with a rather simple gesture. If you do not like scares, jumpscares, creepy ambiance, or creaky noises in your ears this is not the game for you. That being said, I do not find that the game is SUPER scary. It can be a bit unsettling though. Lets begin.

The Pricetag
To some people, this game may have a rather lofty pricetag. 13 bucks for a game that scares the crap out of you and is made in unity? Hm. I do believe at its current state it offers plenty of content to get your 13 dollars worth, and then some. This game FEELS like you are really a ghost investigator. It is creepy, scary, unsettling, and in some instances really hard to play, especially alone. This game can be played alone, but to be honest it has some of the best and most interesting online play. With randos or with friends, you're gonna have a spooky time. That being said, let me break it down.

Your standard unity game. The graphics are not superior to very much, but it is still visually appealing enough to keep the game entertaining and not cheap feeling. The lighting cane be very atmospheric, the ghosts are quite interesting to look at, and the character models aren't ugly and muddled. All in all, I think the graphics are fine for this type of game. Let alone crafted by one person. 5/10

Sound design is so important in horror games. Sounds can make a good game bad or a eh game good. The sound in this is very good. The ambient noise of being inside the house, the creaking, opening of doors, footsteps, breathing, and even the subtle noise of the door knob turning, its all key in making this game truly stand out to me. The sound in this game can sometimes be so real sounding that you'll feel compelled to remove your headset for a moment to calm yourself down in real life. The sound design is amazing in this game and I give props for that. 8/10

We can't talk about a horror game without mentioning the spooks
Scare wise, this game has a decent set of different ghost models, different ghost interactions, behaviors, sounds, and various different difficulties. Not to mention, two ghosts of the same type may interact differently with the player based on the ghosts social preferences. Some ghosts don't make a peep until they decide to attack. Others make so much noise it can be disorienting to find them. They can pick up objects, appear in the players view or behind the player, chase the player around the house in hunting mode, grab the player by their head from behind and kill them, and so much more. The ghosts can sometimes (depending on type) leave fingerprints behind on surfaces they've touched. There was a lot of thought put into the ghosts, and still more thought as the game continues in its development. I'm honestly excited to see where this goes. I love it. 9/10

Equipment and interactions
There is a load of different types of equipment and items to be used to interact with the ghosties. Spirit Box, Uv Light, Cameras, Salt, Crucifix, Smudge Sticks (or sage), EMF readers, Thermometers, writing books, and more stuff is in the works as I type this. The developer has really taken the time to research the different things used in ghost hunting, and to be quite honest its impressive how well represented some of these items are. Obviously it isn't perfect, and there is still more equipment that needs to be added, but I have enjoyed what there has been, and I must admit it has been rather fun messing around with the different equipment myself. 6/10
I guess its rating time
I am making this a spoiler because to be quite honest I am going to go into a bit of detail of my experience with the game, and I don't wish to share too much for those who do not want it. This is your warning. My first time playing the game, I was really scared and shy about going into the house alone, and especially with interacting with the ghost. This made me an easy target, and because of that I was attacked and killed in my first game. It was rather startling and unsettling and frankly, I am not interested in EVER dying again. The second time I made an attempt I was much braver, citing that, if that's as bad as the death is I don't really care as much anymore. Certain types seem to appear more for me and my fiance when we play, but I don't know if that is on purpose or not. So far, Demon's were actually the least of our issues, they were easily identified and we left without too much hassle. The ghost that gave us the hardest time was a Spirit. Of all things. Staying quiet, not moving, not saying anything, and just in general not doing anything until it randomly decided to attack us. We had no evidence to go off of, so a guess was the only thing we could think to do. When the ghost is super active is scary but easy. When there is no sign of the ghost anywhere, and stuff is just happening around you with no response, it can be ever worse. You don't know where it is, what its planning, or what it's gonna do to you. I still would give this game a......7/10. Its a very good game with a very bright (but spooky) future. I look forward to seeing more from this developer in the future as well!
Posted October 1, 2020. Last edited October 1, 2020.
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94.4 hrs on record (32.6 hrs at review time)
How can I not recommend the cuteness that is....
Slime Rancher, obviously, is about collecting little slimey dudes and harvesting their plorts for money. I'm gonna break down everything into 4 categories.

Firstly, this game is adorable. To some, this game may be on the side of "overly saturated", but I personally think its part of its charm. I wouldn't call it a graphically superior game, but they graphical choice is superb for what the game actually is. Slimes are cute, texture are smooth and pretty, the people you communicate to are 2D sprites, but they are nice looking, following that sorted painted look. Overall, it may not be a game that could win a graphical achievement award, but it is damn pretty. Overall, I would rate the graphics a 8/10, simply because of how stylized it is.

This is a hard one for me. I usually don't listen to the music in games apart from the opening title menu. I just find it immersion breaking. This game....isn't like that. The music is soft and pleasant, and because of the whole, "hey you're on another planet with some weird technology", thing...it really doesn't affect immersion to me. The sound track is nice, and the slime noises are cute. I hate the music for the grumpy slimes but....what can ya do. Overall, Audio is an 8/10.

This aspect is lacking, but there isn't too much i suppose to put behind a "Fly to another planet, capture slimes, and find out what happened to grandpa!" type story line. Personally, the story isn't that important to me on this one, but I think it is still worth mentioning. Story seems to be an after thought. So....I rate the story a 3/10.

Game Play
While repetitive, the game play is relaxing, easy, and not really all the demanding of the player. I would say though, the entire game is ACTUALLY about collecting slimes and their plorts. So. If you're not a collecting type of person....probably avoid this one. While on the subject, keyboard mapping is good and clear, so it isn't a mess to find things on the keyboard and what they do. I guess I give game play/controls a....5/10. Average.

The game is cute, has nice music, is pretty easy to play, and gives you the ability to run a slime farm. The character models are ADORABLE, and the noises the little creatures make is precious. However, I get that this is not a game for everyone.

I rank this game a Tabby Slime, 7/10.
Posted April 2, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record
I really tried Wollay.....

I loved cube world. Day one I was behind it. I even re-purchased it JUST TO SUPPORT THE CREATION.

However I must say I just cannot play it in its current state.

In the 27 minutes I played, my character was chased by red blobs that shot water, a Skull Bull, three giants and a golem. I fought everything I could but just died each time. The game also just....feels no different than the alpha. Hell, the alpha was better and more polished than this is to me. The game feels like you're supposed to fail. The first thing to get; the Glider, was in the middle of a volcano and no matter what I tried I just KEPT dying. Nothing stopped it. I could never get out to it. The animations are unchanged even though there are claims they are polished, and it just feels like a messy game release. We know you needed money back on this investment you made Wollay, but this feels lazy.....

Can I pet dogs? yes. Horses? Yeah. Pigs? Sheep? Cows? YES
But can I enjoy myself with any other part of this game at this point? No.

All in all, just wait till it gets updates and patches. Its current state should be listed as a WIP or alpha. Early Access. Anything other than listed as a FINISHED game. Cause its not.
Posted October 3, 2019.
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