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23.5 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
Alright, fellow Helldivers, listen up! It's your buddy from the trenches here to report on our latest galactic shenanigans in "Helldivers 2: More Bugs, More Glory."

So, gear up! The graphics? Stellar as the void we dive through – every bug squish and laser blast looks so real, you'll be wiping guts off your visor. The planets? Ice, fire, and everything dire – keeps us on our toes and our trigger fingers happy.

Now, the gameplay, oh boy, it’s like the brass decided everything needed more boom! More weapons, more strategies, and yes, more of those delightful “oops” moments where you accidentally call a supply drop on your own head. Classic.

Co-op is where it's at; nothing builds camaraderie like diving into a bug nest or reviving your pals for the tenth time because someone can’t dodge a missile. Strategy? Essential. Firepower? Excessive. Fun? Off the charts.

So, do I recommend Helldivers 2? Affirmative, soldier. It's a chaotic ballet of bullets and bravery, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Dive in, spread democracy, and try not to shoot your own feet – I’ll see you on the surface!
Posted February 26.
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7.7 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
In the quirky universe of Lethal Company, you're not a hero saving the galaxy; you're just a contracted worker with a spacesuit and a quota to meet. The game's premise may sound mundane, but the devil is in the delightful details that make it a surprisingly enjoyable cosmic escapade.

Let's address the pixelated elephant in the room – the graphics. Lethal Company proudly flaunts a dated aesthetic that could be mistaken for a '90s relic. Surprisingly, this deliberate choice adds an unexpected layer of charm and terror to the experience. The blocky spaceships and jagged moons might look like a blast from the past, but they create an atmosphere that's snugly nostalgic yet oddly unsettling. While some might scoff at the lack of modern visuals, the gameplay more than compensates for any graphical reservations.

Speaking of gameplay, the heart of Lethal Company lies in its engaging mechanics. As a cosmic janitor, your mission is to collect scrap and meet the Company's profit quotas. It's mundane on paper, but the thrill comes from exploring abandoned, industrialized moons, each with its own unique challenges and surprises. The cash you earn isn't just for your interstellar janitorial services – it's your ticket to new moons with higher risks and rewards, or to indulge in the guilty pleasure of fancy suits and ship decorations.

Playing with friends is not just recommended; it's practically a survival tactic. The shared experience of running through dimly lit corridors, your heart racing as you hear the ominous flutter of an unseen foe, adds a layer of panic-inducing hilarity. Screaming at your friend to "get the heck out of here" becomes a survival mantra, and the sudden cut in communication when your buddy panics is your cue to start running for the exit.

Lethal Company may not boast cutting-edge graphics, but it compensates with a unique blend of charm, nostalgia, and genuinely entertaining gameplay. If you can look past the pixelated exterior, you'll discover a cosmic playground where scrap collection becomes a thrilling quest and mundane moons transform into arenas of hilarity. So, suit up, grab a friend, and get ready for a pixelated journey that's as charming as it is terrifying.
Posted November 26, 2023.
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122.2 hrs on record (105.4 hrs at review time)
Since the game was released in 2011, it should come as no surprise that the facial animations aren't very good in the game, however I would say it doesn't ruin the game much other than it being a little hilarious at times when the purp does some otherworldly and creepy smile while being interrogated. I still think that R*'s decision to stop developing more games in the series after LA Noire is one of their biggest errors! I always found myself getting angry when I was given a question or an interaction and I ended up failing or even getting one of the questions wrong, and I think it all comes down to the gameplay, and how it is so captivating and makes you feel like you're actually there doing some investigating work! Overall, I would rate the game a 9/10, but only for those who place a high value on graphics and how smoothly a game runs; otherwise, it would receive a straight 10/10.
Posted May 6, 2023.
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66.8 hrs on record (31.9 hrs at review time)
Hogwarts Legacy isn't exactly a snooze fest; it just doesn't bring much to the replay table. Fans enjoyed roaming the castle, but the whole sneaking around and breaking rules vibe got lost in the shuffle, which I find kinda weird. I mean, who wouldn't want a game where you can fully dive into the student life, pulling off shenanigans with your classmates?

Not to mention, there were whispers of a supposed moral system and an in-game schedule lurking in the game files, hinting at features that could've added depth. It's a bummer they got the axe, overshadowed by the focus on those Merlin trials, which frankly lost their charm after the umpteenth repetition. And let's talk about those so-called "dungeons." No enemies, just loot hanging around – talk about a missed opportunity.

Hogwarts, as a setting, begged for a more immersive student experience. Imagine navigating through secret passages to dodge Gladwin Moon (the caretaker in-game), engaging in magical duels with classmates, or sneaking into restricted sections of the library for forbidden knowledge.(there is a mission where that is the thing you do but it didn’t really feel right somehow) They could've dialed up the mischief factor, bringing the whole wizarding school experience to life or at least made the student portion of the game be longer as I really wanted more of a system close to what Bully did. Would also give the teacher characters more depth as I didn’t really form any connection to them.

Instead, we got repetitive Merlin trials and dungeons devoid of any real challenge. They should've tapped into the rich potential of being a magical student at Hogwarts, especially in the fifth year. It's a wizarding school, after all – more magical escapades, less monotonous trials.

The story was cool on the first go, but you could see where it was headed right from the get-go. I did two playthroughs, trying to be both the good guy and the troublemaker. Gotta admit, though, the so-called "evil" path felt kinda neglected, like they could've gone way deeper into the consequences and let you feel like a legit 1800s dark wizard.

To sum it up, I wouldn't flat-out tell a fan to skip the game 'cause it's a bore. It's got its flaws, but it's like a work in progress, setting the stage for a new series. The devs seem to care about the lore and the fan base, but maybe got a bit too focused on easing in non-gamers, and that might've backfired a bit for the overall vibe of the game.
Posted February 12, 2023. Last edited January 13.
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6.5 hrs on record
Just magnificent! Definitely a must buy
Posted January 17, 2023.
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29.8 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
Very good! cant wait fir the 3rd.
Posted February 6, 2022.
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18.3 hrs on record
VEry nice! cjut animals
Posted January 26, 2022.
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5.6 hrs on record
One of the few truly must play indie games out there! You will not regret it.

Source: trust me bro

But no fr trust me!
Posted December 2, 2021.
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32.9 hrs on record (18.6 hrs at review time)
Idk why so many hate it, i like it...just needs some tweaks is all.
Posted November 22, 2021.
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39.7 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game! owned it almost since release and have to say updates just kept improving the game so massive shoutout to the dev!
Posted October 23, 2021.
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