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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 469.0 小时 (评测时 21.5 小时)
amazing game, solo or with friends. very fun.
发布于 7 月 16 日。
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总时数 33.8 小时 (评测时 13.8 小时)
fun minecraft / halflife vibes
发布于 6 月 16 日。
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总时数 4.7 小时
crazy how everything in the end works out. great game 4 hours fun
发布于 6 月 11 日。
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总时数 10.3 小时 (评测时 1.9 小时)
good start to another lethal company type of games. just need more content. will give it time.
发布于 4 月 1 日。
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总时数 440.8 小时 (评测时 44.8 小时)
its a fun game, but the only issue is their multiplayer aspect. you cant be solo looking for a server to just jump into with like mods. use one mod or another and they cant join eachother. vanilla version of the game is not fun imo. i want 16 player lobbies and mimic and skinwalkers mod only.

after about 500 hours id say get it, get the unofficial discord link and hook up with people in there, install thunderstore/r2modman and share codes. beep booop
发布于 1 月 13 日。 最后编辑于 6 月 16 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 321.4 小时 (评测时 86.3 小时)
发布于 2023 年 8 月 23 日。
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总时数 3,669.7 小时 (评测时 2,782.9 小时)
compared to cod, yes this game might have less hackers. but there are still hackers... also the dev team doesnt listen to anything the community wants. so cod got a plus there. uhhhhhm its feeling like a cash grab for the pass now. they changed alot of stuff to benefit the pockets of the game. id say have fun trying to figure out if someone was cheating. the game doesnt help you out at all.
发布于 2023 年 3 月 14 日。
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总时数 4.2 小时
ive tried joining about 30 times once i bought at about 10pm. i join a game with just me, then i join a game with just me, etc, but wait there is more! ~~ i joing a game with 4 people! they leave, i leave and join game with just me. oh sick i got a game with 30 people, kill 2 people with a shotgun somehow, lasered by some other gun.

the walking moving and shooting in this game is not normal. its trying to be something else.
i dont recommend this game untill they get the servers fixed.
发布于 2018 年 8 月 27 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 60.5 小时 (评测时 55.8 小时)
So I bought this game because PUBG wasnt fixing issues i needed to have resolved. Came to this game thinking its a new engine and new devs for a better game (more streamlined and such). I was wrong.

The instant lobby up gametimes were on par to pubg. sometimes longer and somegames literally were 18 ppl in ION.

The desync is about the same to pubg, shoot someone go behind a corner for cover and die. its the exact SAME.

loot spawns are nice in ION feels way better than going into 4 houses and getting nothing but a pistol.

there is no mics in ION ATM, which is kinda stupid. since release there has been no ingame mics. cant talk to anyone unless you are in discord chat with them.

if you want to play with anyone you need to add them to your steam. this is rediculous because finding anyone on steam and adding to your friends list kind of sucks. not worth the time making squads with new people, and a pain in the arse.

i hope this ION game picks up its socks... the last update did nothing but stop people from getting out of animation sequences, and didnt do a good job at it, at that.

so i dont want to give hate over this game yet but im finding myself going BACK to PUBG... their gunplay is better.

to sum up this game in a nutshell.

gunplay is fortnite
gameplay is kind of like pubg but better loot and circles.
movement is like quake

overall 6/10
发布于 2018 年 7 月 30 日。
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总时数 1,937.1 小时 (评测时 790.6 小时)
okay to start things off,
I hate cars.
I hate soccer.

but when both are mixed I feel somewhat in a bliss I cannot describe.

Thank you for making this game.

This just shows anything with anything AND ROCKETS just kicks ass,,, so game devs lets get your asses in gear and put rockets on everything already
发布于 2015 年 9 月 4 日。 最后编辑于 2015 年 11 月 7 日。
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