Dylan W.   Minnesota, United States
An early-forties man with Asperger's. A somewhat-obsessive completist and completionist. I'm hoping that Steam will ultimately lead to making friends. I'm a lover of fun horror movies and my sense of humor is pretty similar to that displayed on MST3K and RiffTrax.
Currently Online
Some trivia about myself:
:bc_Swearing: I'm someone who swears on occasion, but I tend to avoid expletives that involve ethnic slurs or religion. :pope:

:nahbl: NOT A HERO was the first game that I played on Steam. It's fun and hilarious and you're a complete loser if you think otherwise. :DeadRump:

:HangingController: My all-time favorite video game is Spellcaster for the Sega Master System. My brothers and I spent two years beating that game in an era where the internet wasn't a common household convenience. :floppydigm:

:2018bestaward: My all-time favorite movie is Pleasantville . :colorwheel:

:Bloodpuddle: My favorite horror movie franchise is Saw . :slayawaysaw:

:pixelzombie: My favorite zombie movie is Peter Jackson's Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive ). Great gore, great kills, great comedy and a touching love story in the center of it all! :ripperheart:

:vvvvvv_terminal: My all-time favorite TV show is the original series of The Twilight Zone . My favorite episode on a personal level is "A Stop at Willoughby". I think that the scariest episode is "Number 12 Looks Just Like You" and that the episode with the best twist ending is "Time Enough at Last". :markeyeglasses:

:iambread: My favorite type of bread for a sandwich is wheat. However, I do like the occasional grilled cheese sandwich made with sourdough bread. :GrillyCheese:

:sugarshack: I'm not above playing the occasional "adult" game or visual novel. Two of the main qualities that I usually look for in such games is whether or not I think it has the potential to be incredibly silly or funny if you don't take it too seriously and/or if I think that it has the potential to be a beautifully romantic story. I'll try to respect the sensibilities and feelings of my friends by not waving a whole bunch of nude screenshots in front of their faces, but I'm also not going to hide what games are in my library. :postalgimp:
Favorite Game
Hours played
Items Up For Trade
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Market Transactions
Note #1: I am willing to wait for your items to become tradable if necessary. All that I need to know is if you have that item in your inventory. Please extend that same privilege to me.
Note #2: If an item has an asterisk (:asterisk:) before it, then that means that there are currently no entries for it on the Community Market and it would be greatly appreciated if you could create one, even if you immediately remove your listing. Doing this would allow people to set up a standing bid even if there are currently no items for sale. Whenever I notice that I have an item that doesn't have an entry on the Community Market, I try to extend that same kindness to other people.
Note #3: If an item has a crying face (:hatty:) before it, then that means that I'm extremely focused on getting that item. The reason for this is likely because it's a foil card and I need it to complete that game's foil badge after having already maxed out the regular badge for that game. If you were to help me obtain this kind of item, then you'd probably earn a great deal of my respect and gratitude because it's been slow-going and/or frustrating for me as I've been trying to acquire it.
Note #4: If an item has a "no" symbol (:bt_block:) before it, then that means that that particular item is no longer able to be bought or sold on the Community Market, but it is still tradable.


Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate
:hatty:-"Dagger Skew" foil card (x1)
:hatty:-"Dangeresque Too" foil card (x1)
:hatty:-"Renaldo" foil card (x1)

Demonheart: The Ice Demon
:asterisk:-"Esmius" foil card (x1)
-"Eniri" foil card (x1)
-"Zhan" foil card (x1)

Double Kick Heroes
-"Timu" foil card (x1)

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine
:hatty:-"Dr. Fetus" foil card (x1)
:hatty:-"Yellow Chulu" foil card (x1)

Fatum Betula
-"Feral" foil card (x1)
-"Crafts" foil card (x1)

Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers
-"Hanged Man" foil card (x1)

Grave Chase
:asterisk:-"Super Siblings" foil card (x1)

Jester / King
-"Zeno" foil card (x1)

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game
-"Jumbo" foil card (x1)
-"Rudy" foil card (x1)

Magebuster: Amorous Augury
-"Minerva" foil card (x1)

:hatty:-"BIG TOURNAMENT GOLF" foil card (x1)
:hatty:-"DARK ARMS" foil card (x1)
:hatty:-"FATAL FURY" foil card (x1)

The Procession to Calvary
-"The Musicians" foil card (x1)

Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story
:asterisk::hatty::bt_block:-"Ken Koury" foil card (x1)


Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate
-"Perducci" foil card (x1)
- 5 copies of every regular trading card are also available to be traded.

Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine
- 5 copies of every regular trading card are available to be traded.

Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story
:bt_block:-"Geoff Christopher" foil card (x1)
:bt_block:-"Rick Marinaccio" foil card (x1)
:bt_block:- 5 copies of every regular trading card are also available to be traded.
Featured Artwork Showcase
Bob Murton, mere moments before the story of his life proceeds to yet another tragic chapter.
Screenshot Showcase
Me, before I became DEEEER.
7 1
Artwork Showcase
In-game achievements.
3 2
Review Showcase
Although I've barely scratched the surface of this unique gaming experience, I get the feeling that Chair F*cking Simulator doesn't display any practice of safe sex with furniture in any way. I enjoy this game immensely and it seems that several other people do as well, so this is an opportune moment for you to do a great service to the furniture-f*cking masses and demonstrate some safety and responsibility, SoSorrySoft! I know of a couple of people in my life who didn't take precautions with the chairs that they f*cked and they are now saddled with the burden of having to raise the baby seats that they helped to conceive.

I had fun with this simulator, but please make an effort to encourage people to take precautions before they engage in intercourse with furniture, SoSorrySoft.

P.S.: In all seriousness, I nominated this game for the Sit Back and Relax award in the 2020 Steam Awards.

Edit on 1/9/21: Although I'm pleased to see that someone found my first draft of this review to be wholesome, I feel that it would be wrong not to review this game once again now that I've played it in its current entirety.

The game can become a bit tedious if you're trying to earn all of the achievements, but it made my Steam Wallet only 2 dollars lighter, so I don't suppose I can complain about that.

Now, some chair-f*ckers may like their erotic games to cut right to the chase and dive straight into the action. I'll admit that I also occasionally enjoy doing this, but most of the time, I prefer my erotic furniture-f*cking games to have a story behind them or at least an optional story-mode. I know that the character who we play as (who I've affectionately nicknamed "Loaf") is only looking for quick and casual hook-ups, but if I'm going to spend so much time playing as him, then I'd appreciate a story that helps me relate to him as a person. I'm pretty sure that this story takes place on Earth because I could've sworn that I saw a human watching me one time in the warehouse, so perhaps you could tell us a story about Loaf. Is Loaf an alien? Is he a sentient pillow who happens to be the last of his kind and can only feel some sense of companionship with other pieces of furniture? Is this a post-apocalyptic Earth where humans are either scarce or mutated? Does Loaf always go to the same warehouse because the smiling face on the building across from him is an idol of his god who he's trying to appease by performing all of these acts of chair-f*cking in front of it?

I really think that you've got a lot of material to work with that could be expanded upon in a meaningful way. I'm probably asking for a lot, but I think that more people would feel compelled to play the game in its entirety if there was a story to follow along the way.

Other than that, it's a decent game. My only gripes are a lack of a story mode, there is no mention or demonstration of safe sex with furniture and the mimic scared the crap out of me. 7.5/10.
Awards Showcase
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CardTrades - Public Group
Steam Card Exchange official group.
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Favorite Guide
Created by - dpanter
26 ratings
A list of Killers, how and where to get them. With images! This list includes Killers obtainable via official Killer kodes, Mystery Boxes, Killers unlockable by simply playing the game and DLC. It will never include unofficial kodes, hacks etc. unless some
Workshop Showcase
                                                               High Adventure in a World of Magic! 'HeroQuest, sometimes also written as Hero Quest, is an adventure board game created by Milton Bradley in conjunction
terrible_criss Jun 7 @ 6:33pm 
Hope you have a great weekend, hun! :waifu:
steve6678 Jun 6 @ 9:55pm 
Thank you for the birthday wishes :fullstars::butterfly::flame:Dylan:flame::butterfly::fullstars:
terrible_criss May 30 @ 11:54am 
You are such a sweety! Glad to meet a cool new person! The award is *SUPER*! Thank you!!!
mark_wr Covenant May 24 @ 6:49am 
Dylan, thank you so much for the gift, it was a wonderful surprise! :kiddiamond:
B4U May 22 @ 11:13pm 
The pleasure is on my side for you accepting. Looking forward to reading / seeing more of you in my activity stream. :winter2019happybulb:
Drugo⚸a May 22 @ 5:08pm 
Thank you for the birthday wishes :ayos_heart: