take me to centuries, to supersonic years   Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
H̷̢̧̨̢̨̡̢̧̡̡͕̱̫̺͈͖̖̤̟͙̜̤͖͈̹͉͚̦̗̯̮̫̫̥̦̜̼̥͚̳̘̠̭̘̺͙̪̱̺̰̗̩̮̮͍̘̟͚͕̩̭͚̗̭̃͂͆̐͂̅̿̈́̊͊̀̍̃̇̒̄̔́̿̉͌̅̕͘͘͜͠͝͝Ē̴̛͇̹͍̻̹̫̮̓̌̒̉̈̈́̆̈́͆͛͌̾̇̐̎͋̆̅̑̋̀̓̏̿̄̏̏̈́̄͋̑̈́̃͒͘̕͝͝Ą̴̨̨̨̧̡̨̛̛̱̣͉̫͈̜̰̲̞̱̞̬͚̼̖̤̹͚͚̫̥͓̹͓̤̳͙̘͖͚̱̟̹̤̫͔͚̺̤̺̃͆̑͒̃͑̈́̈́̑̄̒̀͗̂̐̊͊̉̐̐̓̄̓́͗̽̀̾͂̿͗̔̔̒̂́̔̽̐̾̃͂̈́̀͆̈́̀̆͗̔̍̎̌́̒͒͆͆͊̂̿̒̄̍̓͊̃͐̾͋͂̄̍͒͂̚̕͜͠ͅͅD̴̡̨̡̧̨̢̡̧̧̧̛̛̟̱͉̗̹̟̼͈͇̞̰͇͎͉̹͍̺͙̝̖̺̣̫͔̱͈̜̞̩̣̘̻͉͓̖̤͈̣̙͉̭̞̗̬̳͈͇̘̬̺̲̟̝̞̭̤̪̥̬̼̰̝̹͎̥͖͙̖͉̲̣̪̯͓̲̗̮̼̜̼͙͙̳̪̘̥͈͇͈̻̺̘̟̖̣͖͈͈͉͕̣͈͎͍͙̪̬͙̯͚͆̓̂̎̔̎̔̾̋̎̏̾̄̀́̐̈̊̊̿͗̿͒́̃̓͂͊̓̈̋͗̍̓͆͗̈̐͒̄̀́̿̿͘͘̚͜͜͠͠͠ͅͅͅ ̴̨̢̢̨̡̨̡̡̧̧̡̢̢̛̬͇̝̣̟͎̫̫̻̰̙̠͔̗̣̗̬͎̺̻̟͚̘̗̥͉̹̤̺̮̺͙͇̙̩͇̼̠͈̰̼͙̳̺̮̱͔̯̼̞̺̱̹̹̯̟̭̜͙͕̱̤̜̘̝̹̥̠̝̮̬̳̠̫̱͚̗̹͚͙̥̩̫̠̣̠͈̻̤͖̤̝̺̫̜͍͕̟̣͖̮̪͎̻͓͎͔̣͔̫̞̻̳̘̲͙̎̓͒̓̑̎̊͆͊̚͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͝ͅͅͅL̵̢̢̨̡̢̡̢̛̛̟̙̦̦̖̭̥̩͖̭͕̥̩̻̻̟̼͈̪̗̰͉͇̥̟͚̫͎͕̭̭̤̗͓̗͚̲͈̣͙͚̗̱̩̙̝̻̣͕̪̣̣̱̰̰̤̫̗̟̠͔̫̮̞̱̯͙͎̼̬̝̙̹̙͉̦̫̜̝̗̙̗̇͌̉͐̀̐̈̆̇̑̔͛̿̿̄̔̇̆̓͛̋̚͘͜͜͠ͅͅͅĨ̷̧̢̧̢̡̢̛̛̼̮̝͍̞͈͕̠̜̥̯̩͖͇̭͍͚̭̩̹̙̫͙̦͎̟̼̖̯̠̱͇͓̟̞͍̼̺͉̭̺̥̲̮̝͙̝̼͈̬̠̬͕͈̮̼̤̺̜͔̮̗̞̣̳͎͕͓̩̲̥͇͓̝͖͕̰̠̦̹͎͓̦̯͖̺͍͈̯̗͎͇̟̙̙̗̞̋̍͒͑̑̋͗̎̿̅̇̉̉̀̍̿́̆̈́̑̒́͂̉̓́͑̈̌̀̋̓̈́͂̉̒̏̾̂̃͗̀̓̿͊̈͊͊̿̇̏̄̂̈͊̓̆̽̂͊͋̂̽̌̂́͘̕͘͘͘͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅͅK̷̨̡̡̢̡̧̬̘̬̻͕͍̬̹͖̱̺̻̪̭̘̜͔̹̖̦̭̳̘͙̯͖̥̗̭̺̯̹̗̟̠̹͔̙̲͍̪̞̦̲̰͇͙̞̫̳̣̝͕̐͆͗̏̊̇̿̌̿̔̆̀͑̽̔̒̈͋̀̎̿̿͆̔̀̑͌̏̏͊̉͛̂͐̆̋̃́̓̋̌͂̃̊̎͆̈́͑́̑̾͂̋̃̂̚͜͠͠͝͝͝͝͠Ę̷̨̨̡̫̖͈̞̜̬̜̬̪̩̰̦͕͍͙̜̹̳͕̟̤͓͓̥̹̹̞̻̲̳̘̱̩̹͚̣̟̲͕̘̫̒́̂͐̋̋̏̍͂̔̈́̉͒̀̋͛͋͑̍̏͐̄̊̅̀͌̎̄̃̅͗̓̽̆̎̉̀͌̏̒̊̌̀̒͊̿͑̓̅̆̅̓̒̊̇̓͋̚̚̕̕͘̚̕͘͜͜͝͠͠͠͠͝͝ͅ ̷̧̨̛̛̛̮̪͚̦̜̦̮̗̻̱̮͍͙̜̬̫͕͕̞̮͈̞̱̳̝͗̎̈́̓̂̒̽͛͛̆͐̈́̓̄͆̏̍̎̎͒̑̒͆̉̽̌̍̓̈́̊̄̽̓̓̈̔̄̊̈́̾͒͐̇̀̈́̆̇͊̒̍̄̆͂̐̑̈͆̽̓̍̌̇̅͂̍̌̑̊̋̓̔̊̓͛͛̒́͒̑̽̐̄̔̈́͌̓́̃̄̽͛͛̍͗͂̕͘̚͘̚̕͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͝Ä̸̢̢̢̨̨̧̡̧̡͈̤͔̫͕̳̞̪̻̝̣̜̞̜̹̠̹͙̳̠̤͎̤͓͉͎̺̭̜̻̗͇̦̘͉̼͈͖̖̻̝͇͖͈̣̩̜̬̤̜̦̣͈̙̰̫̦̪̤͔͚̻͈̱̯͖̰͖̬̝͎͚̮̖͎̩̠̳͕̬́̾̉̔̇̑͆́͊̒̆̒͛̆̀̎̒̈̇̄͐́̊̇͋̀͒̀͑̄̀͑̄͑̄͑̀̾̿̐̍͘͘̕͘͝ͅͅͅ ̷̡̧̨̧̧̧̡̨̧̢̧̢̗̙͇̘̺̯̤̟͈̤̬͙̦͖͍̠̞̜̺̘̹̞͕̹̞̦͚͙̼̫̦̺̗͉̭̦̦̹͙͙̞̦͎͍̻̠͍̮̯̙̟̙̹͇͔̠͍̪̦̥͇̞̻̼̳̙̻̞̝̱̹̙̠̰̱̻̼̠̞̰͇̱̙̝̘͙̪̟̜̘͎͇̥̙͉̙̣̙̯͇̦̠̦̘̞̙̳͙̌́́̏́̂͒̌͑͑̑̿́̌̽͒̈̐̏̿̃̔̀͊̾̏͊́͗̾̈́̾̈́̚̕̚͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅH̶̨̡̡̧̨̛͔͓̲̦͇͎̯͕͉̘̲̱̬̹̥̹̹͙̖̹̮͕̠̦̮̥͙̞͓̯̩̩͕͙̼̰̥̩̹̜͎͖̗̥̝̯̝̤͙̻͖̻̜͙͕̻͙̫̓̑̒̎̈́̃̆͋̎̇͑̊̎̽͐́̽̆͊̔͑̑̐̋̃̉̽̀̉̓͌̅͛͐̍͊̃̐̑͌̑̄̏͑̏͛͂̾͑͛͌͗̐͂̈͑̆̂̏̆͊̂̓͐̍̋̉̇̎̿̒͂̒͋͑̅̃̃̔̅̉̃̑̌̇͋̕̕̚͘̚̚͝͝͝͠͠͠͠͝͠ͅǪ̵̧̢̢̧̧̛̛̗͚̰̰̹̘̞̤̩̘͙̥̺̜̣̠̲͚̰̥̬̟͈̲̞͚̪̘͎̟͉̰̱̝̟̥͎̖̬̲͔͈̻͕̏̿͋̐̈́͑̄̽̍́͗̂̈́̈̓̐͑̎̑͐͆͆̑́̀̄́̀̇́̈́̿͛́͊͛́͑̽́̉͋̊̋̏̓̑͊̍́̀̈́͌͊̇̅̔̉̒̅̄̏͒͆̐̊͐̾̿͊͋̔̃̔͑̅͆̓̽͐̿̇̏̿͑̎̒̅̇̾̐̈̓̃̏͗̚̕̚̕̚̚̚͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠L̵̨̨̢͔̥͎̭̳̼̳͙͖̘͙̲̘͓͓̙̞̻̳̭͓̲̟̭̫̘̝̬̝͕̥̖͕͎̲̙͙̣̻̲̰͉͆̀͒͐̉͆́͌́͊̌̅͗̉̂̐̎̀̅̇̊́̌̋̒̀̃̇̇̂̀̄
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My First Build - Finalized

Here you can check my whole build plus reviews for each component and some other finished builds that I've made and added into my collection. And if you have a PCPartPicker account, mind leaving a comment? I'll appreciate it!

My Devices
┋Processor-Intel Core i9-9900K Kaby Lake
┋Video card-MSI GeForce GTX 2060 357Mhz PCI-E 5.0 4050Mb 8850Mhz 256 bit DVI HDMI HD And 4K
┋Headphones-Razer Hammerhead 2.0..
┋ Keyboard- Razer Chroma Keyboard
┋Mouse-Razer Mamba Chroma
┋Mat-Razer Galeathus Speed

List of My Nicknames:
BLUE SOLDIER, Θ TЧPЭ O ИЭGДTIVЭ Θ, Θ TYPE O NEGATIVE Θ, WΘLF MΘΘN, Θ WΘLF STAR Θ, Θ МДХ РДЧИЗ Θ, Falconer, Phoenixer ,Thief Theft, The Yorker Saint, Wolfism, Weaponism, Blazer, MΘTΟЯĦEAĐ, ÃŜĤĻĔỸ, RiddickCore, ℳ𝒜ℛ𝒯ℐ𝒜𝒩 ℳ𝒜ℛℐ𝒩ℰℛ, Ancient Mariner, Disarmer, Distance Runner, Θ PЭTЯUЅ STЭЭLЭ Θ, ★ WIИТЭЯ ЅOLDIЭЯ ★, ßATISTA, DISTUЯBЁD, GѲDSMДCК, SЗVЗЙDUST, DЁFTOЙЁS, MДCHIЙЁ HЁДD, ϜЁДЯ ϜДCŤΩЯУ, Blazko Boy, WickQualizer, KING_THATCHA', Doomslaya', and 𐌌𐌉𐌕𐌇𐌓𐌀𐌔.

List of My Favorite Bands:
Type O Negative, Rush, Carnivore, Fallout, Seventh Void, A Pale Horse Named Death, Pearl Jam, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath (Ozzy Osbourne Albums), Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, Corroded, Godsmack, Drowning Pool, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Staind, Saliva, Trust Company, Limp Bizkit, Trapt, Mudvayne, Breaking Benjamin, Darkseed, The Veer Union, Device, Sevendust, Thousand Foot Krutch, Sully Erna, Demon Hunter, Killswitch Engage, Cynic, Machine Head, Call Me No One, Projected, Deftones, Pantera (1990-2000), Living Sacrifice, Ill Niño, Fear Factory, Death, Trivium, Parkway Drive, Testament, Slayer, Team Sleep, Palms, Crosses, Soulfly, Sepultura (Max Cavalera Era), Blood Has Been Shed, Times of race, Seemless, Nothing Stays Gold, Light the Torch, The Empire Shall Fall, Corrin, Bolt Thrower, Fight or Flight, Nailbomb, Arkaea, Threat Signal, Oceano, Meshuggah, Suffocation, Textures, Cavalera Conspiracy, Thirty Seconds to Mars, All That Remains, Nothingface, Kittie, Silvertomb, Emptiness, Lykathé, Orphaned Land, Ulcerate, Hooded Menace, Obsequiae, Nile, Gorguts, Negativa, Heaven and Hell, Divine Hersey (First Album), Vext, Westfield Massacre, Bad Wolves, Cattle Decapitation, Memoriam, Baphomet, At the Gates, The Gathering, Origin, Nocturnus, After Death, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Amon, Flourishing, Aeviterne, Gojira, Cryptopsy (Lord Worm Albums) Monstrosity (Corpsegrinder Era), Paths of Possession (Corpsegrinder Era), Voodoo Gods (Corpsegrinder Era), Serpentine Dominion, Immolation, Whitechapel, Overcast, Shadows Fall (First Album), Perpetual Doom, Aftershock, God Forbid, The Black Dahlia Murder, Necrophagist, Ceremonium, Afterbirth (Matt Duncan Era), Melancholy Pessimism, Karl Sanders, Morriah, Celestiial, Incantation, Rage Nucléaire, Atheist, Mithras, Sarpanitum, Malevolent Creation, Silent Death (Brett Hoffmann Era), Cancer, Bleeding Through, Vital Remains (Glen Benton Era), Demilich, Rivers of Nihil, and Septicflesh

List of My Favorite Genres and Subgenres:
Traditional/Brutal/Progressive/Technical/Doom/Grind/Avant-garde/Atmospheric Death Metal, Grindcore, Heavy Metal, Groove Metal, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Progressive Metal, Industrial Metal, Metalcore, Post-grunge, Hard Rock, 80s Music, and Synthwave.

My Band Rankings
:chug: I made album rankings of each band I listen to; favorite songs from each album, respectively; and all-time favorite song from each band. Make sure to check the blog (link in the "Custom Info Box") to see everything :chug:

Unfortunately since there are a total of 12000 characters combined with both "Summary" and "Custom Info Box" I can't add any more detail. So I've created a blog instead for unlimited characters. Also, some of the bands that I listen to that don't have more than one album are not included, and if some bands are missing from the blog, then it's because I haven't listened to some of them yet.

Here you can check most of the bands I listen to and how I rated their discography from best to worst. I also update when existing bands release new albums, and when I start listening to a new band I add them into the list. And finally, if you noticed some changes that's because I'm changing my mind from time to time, but for the most part I still stand for my ranking.


Recommendations - Perfection:
A Pale Horse Named Death - TBD
Aeviterne - Sireless
Afterbirth - Foeticidal Embryo Harvestation
All That Remains - Overcome
Arkaea - Years in the Darkness
Bad Wolves - Disobey
Baphomet - Inheritors of the Dead
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Blood Has Been Shed - Spirals
Bolt Thrower - War Master
Breaking Benjamin - Saturate
Call Me No One - Last Parade
Carnivore - Retaliation
Cavalera Conspiracy - Pandemonium
Ceremonium - No Longer Silent
Corroded - TBD
Cynic - Focus
Death - Human
Deftones - White Pony
Deicide - Serpents of the Light
Demilich - Nespithe
Demon Hunter - Summer of Darkness
Disturbed - Believe
Divine Heresy - Bleed the Fifth
Drowning Pool - Sinner
Fear Factory - Soul of a New Machine
Flourishing - The Sum of All Fossils
Godsmack - Awake
Gorguts - Obscura
Killswitch Engage - As Daylight Dies
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time
Light the Torch - The Beauty of Destruction
Limp Bizkit - Results May Vary
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory
Lykathé - Elvenefris
Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
Malevolent Creation - The Ten Commandments
Memoriam - The Silent Vigil
Mudvayne - The End of All Things to Come
Necrophagist - Epitaph
Nothingface - An Audio Guide to Everyday Atrocity
Oceano - Contagion
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill
Parkway Drive - Horizons
Perpetual Doom - Sorrow's End
Projected - Ignite My Insanity
Rivers of Nihil - TBD
Rush - Hemispheres
Saliva - Every Six Seconds
Sepultura - Arise
Sevendust - Home
Shadows Fall - Somber Eyes to the Sky
Silent Death - Stone Cold
Silvertomb - TBD
Soulfly - Conquer
Staind - 14 Shades of Grey
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Sully Erna - Avalon
The Gathering - Mandylion
Thirty Seconds to Mars - 30 Seconds to Mars
Thousand Foot Krutch - Phenomenon
Trust Company - The Lonely Position of Neutral
Type O Negative - World Coming Down
Vext - Impermanence
Vital Remains - Dechristianize

Some Personal Quotes You Should Cope With

Never hate someone by their background, sex, or design. Hate their personality - Me

You either constructively criticize or wrongfully judge - Me

Never blame or accuse the student for something their teachers taught and/or educated them - Me

It's not the tools that we've created that are dangerous, it's the individual behind the tools that can be dangerous, and how they choose to utilize such tools - Me

It's not important to repeat the past or predict the future but to live in the here and now - Me
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Signed by Dumbazz:luv:
Чунь папинь вхунь 14. kvě. 2020 v 6.48 
76561199043565088 13. dub. 2020 v 0.58 
+REPPPPPP хороший друг :steamhappy:
0arteMis7 11. bře. 2019 v 8.47 
┃  ● ═══   █ ┃
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EnergyDess 10. úno. 2019 v 15.27 
Viwu (Service Offline) 6. úno. 2019 v 19.50 
Доставка карт :3 - Приятного вам дня! <3 ^.^