กลุ่ม STEAM
Data On Previous Engagements (D.O.P.E)
กลุ่ม STEAM
Data On Previous Engagements (D.O.P.E)
26 กันยายน 2019
เกี่ยวกับ Data On Previous Engagements

We will rescue you from boredom.

(D.O.P.E) is a CS:GO clan. Forged in the fires of hell,(D.O.P.E)was created by The Plague Doctor. Through years of extensive research and devotion to their craft,(D.O.P.E) grew in memberships and skill. Their tantalizing last second victories and clean-sweep beat downs are Legendary. Among mortal men, (D.O.P.E) members stand a foot taller and 6 inches longer. If it is not their shear brute that will beat you , it is their sophistication and communication that will fornicate your thickest plot. Though they are educated in the arts of war, They can smell a dirty diaper a mile away...so keep your baby shit away from them.....YOU WILL GET WRECKED!!!,

Our YouTube
Old Clan
KIngseo is kicked from the community for walling.
Rule and how to get in.
40 ความเห็น
die_clownTTV 25 ก.ย. 2023 @ 3: 57am 
520bluemix is in my friends list, pretty good player, would be a good add for us
Toxic 11 ก.พ. 2023 @ 11: 21pm 
Hey kid, hopefully we see you soon!
kidrevival 31 ธ.ค. 2022 @ 10: 00am 
Good Day to you guys, My DOPE Clan,
I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while, computer problems, lost my steam drive. I've got a new M.2 980 for steam games now & I've been getting back to a, well somewhat, normal life. I know all of us have been effected by the world situation of short staff, higher prices, even bitter attitudes. Seems like no one want to give people common courtesy, treat others how you want to be treated. I pray that this new year will help us GROW CLOSER together, and to help one another as much as we can personnally. I miss our clan, the friends I've made, even texting with some IRL, you guys are the best and I can't wait to hear from you guys and play together again as a clan. I love my friends and don't want to loose any.
die_clownTTV 8 ม.ค. 2022 @ 10: 54pm 
Hello all, well work has been absolutely insane, we are running about 50% short on staff and now even more with covid outbreak again, go fucking figure. One of these days I can have a normal life and play again with yall...lol
kidrevival 24 ธ.ค. 2021 @ 12: 16pm 
I pray each of my clan members has a wonderful & blessed Christmas.
ⒿⓞⒿⓞ Ⓢⓣⓞⓚⓔⓢ 11 พ.ย. 2021 @ 9: 20pm 
Welcome back @die_clown/fbgg. Lesssss get it.
98 ในแช็ต
26 กันยายน 2019