Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
Portal2 Level Creation Group P2LC
10. syyskuuta 2013
Kaikki ilmoitukset > Ilmoituksen tiedot

P2LC is going to stop in the near future

9 Arvostele
11 kommenttia
josepezdj 30.1.2017 klo 1.28 
However, even though Portal is an amazing game and it will always be there captivating new players, it's true that the Portal community has been vanishing out little by little, not to mention the impact in the Portal community because of the vanishing of TWP... But also, many Portal users are so young, and they play this game today but a new one tomorrow... I think they simply come and go... this makes a compromise difficult.

Anyways, my congratulations for this awesome group to Lp, Stagger Lee, and all members who were here making puzzles! Cheers guys!
josepezdj 30.1.2017 klo 1.28 
What a pity... I truly enjoyed a lot belonging to this group and fighting in the competitions. I've played amazing puzzles that were born here and I learnt a lot about mapmaking and thinking out a puzzle upon given rules.

Same as DeathWish mentioned, in my case, real life took almost all my time for a couple of years and I drastically stopped all my mapping projects. I guess this happened to all of us in one or other moment... I just got back a month ago and I'm so happy to have done it :) I truly love mapping and this game... and I hope I'll still be around for much more time!
Innocentive 26.8.2016 klo 16.15 
Everything must change, nothing stays the same ... but you had a good run!
Talisac 25.8.2016 klo 16.06 
Meh. Sad, but according to last competitions, true.
DeathWish808 25.8.2016 klo 13.07 
... And the fact that I suck at mapmaking is another reason. :tank:
DeathWish808 25.8.2016 klo 13.06 
Same. Burned out. The little bit I do anymore is mostly on weekends. Still love the game, but work and family trump other things. Sucks to see it end, but maybe when Portal 3 comes out things will go full blast again. :-P
treulosetomate 25.8.2016 klo 12.13 
Just burned out. :/
quat 25.8.2016 klo 10.31 
Dead game lol
toncica 25.8.2016 klo 8.31 
It needs to be said:

Thumbs up or down.