Bless Online

Bless Online

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Yux1000 Jun 15, 2019 @ 7:39pm
Astellia online launch 09/28/2019 5pm PDT (2am cest)
Just leave this sucker here and play a game

Pre-Order Pack Details:

Head Start​

For the Western Launch of Astellia each pre-order package will have a different start date, this has been done to support game server integrity. We considered this at length internally before deciding to approach launch in this manner, and believe it is the best method to bring the servers online. As most gamers have experienced, when a game launches, servers often have issues. We have all spent hours sitting in a queue, or worse scheduling time off work to enjoy the launch only to end up sitting around all day waiting for servers to stabilize enough to support players.​

This choice has raised concerns about the advantages such a head-start will grant users, especially in competitive content such as Avalon. Our plan has been from the beginning to not have Avalon enabled at launch, but instead to closely monitor user activity and progression so we can enable the content once we have enough players ready and able to participate. Outside of PvP content there was also the concern that players would simply progress further than others could ever hope to catch up to. While we understand this concern, following launch we are preparing to open legendary dungeons, again this will not happen until we see users are progressed enough and ready to tackle the content. These Legendary Dungeons will offer the next tier of gear progression, Legendary Gear, which will act as a soft gear reset, again offsetting any potential advantage.​

By planning and releasing content in this responsive manner we are able to keep a level playing field and insure the best gameplay experience possible as the service goes live.​

Paid CBT Access​
There has been some confusion about Closed Beta (CBT) access being entirely limited to Pre-Order Packages. Purchasing one of these packages is not the only way players will be able to gain access to CBT. We are planning to release a total of 15,000 Keys prior to launch across a variety of platforms such as our website, social media, news outlets, and other community hubs such as Discord.​

Limited Edition Costume, Astel Skin, and Mount​
There have been some concerns that these rewards were a one time only claim as seen in many other games, that is not the case. The Limited Edition Player Costumes, Astel Skins, and Mount awarded by pre-orders, will always be claimable for your account across all characters you make.​

Name Reservation Restrictions​
We received some questions regarding what type of restrictions will be in place for name reservations. As is standard for many games, there will be some restrictions in place to ensure we maintain a safe and fun environment for all players. Information on these restrictions can be found here: [Here]​

Nordens Favor:

Dungeon Ticket Regen & Cap Increase​
As a system from the original KR release of Astellia, Dungeon Tickets were earned only while online, and sold via the Cash Shop. In the Western version of Astellia, the ticket system still exists, but they are earned passively over time, and are not sold for cash. Additionally we have added repeatable quests in the game that reward players with tickets upon completion.​

By default a player will earn 1 ticket every 30 minutes, and have a total limit of 20 tickets. With the Norden’s Favor buff, a player will earn 1 additional ticket every 90 minutes, and have a cap of 24 tickets. For context, late game dungeons require 4 or 5 tickets per attempt. With this system, if a user is not actively using these tickets, they will hit the cap and generate no additional tickets until they enter additional dungeons.​

It is also worth noting that tickets will regenerate, for all players, whether online or offline at the same rate. Between this passive offline regeneration and the accessibility of the repeatable quests, no player should have difficulty obtaining enough tickets to satisfy their dungeon running needs.​

Bonus Astel EXP​
Astels are battle companions that assist you in your adventures throughout Astellia. They can be added to an 8 slotted action bar, referred to as your Astel Deck in-game, located just below your standard hotkeys. Like your player character, experience earned through adventuring is shared with your Astels. It is worth noting that only those Astels currently slotted into your 8 slot deck earn this experience.​

As experience is earned, Astels can level up to a maximum level of 50. Beyond this point, Astels can be further empowered towards late game progression by earning Star Levels, which provides them with their highest combat power gains. Unlike normal Astel experience however, star levels can only be earned through earning Astel cards through in-game content, such as dungeons.​

Star Levels are not affected by the bonus Astel EXP awarded from the Nordens Favor buff, as this EXP bonus is intended to help level Astels to the initial stage of late-game progression, while not providing an overall lasting power advantage.​

Cash Shop / Item Concerns (P2W)
BeesWax (Item Sealer)​
We have seen many concerns arise over the notion that this item, which allows players to unbind a soulbound item, will be sold on the Cash Shop. We wanted to clear up this misunderstanding, and take a moment to clarify that this item will not be available via the Cash Shop, players will be able to earn it through other in-game systems.​

What are other “in-game” systems?​
Whether from rewarding you for logging in, participating in an event, completing a quest or achievement, purchasing it through Loyalty, or another means. This statement refers to a non-cash based method in which a player may obtain an item.​

Earning Nordens Favor In-Game​
Norden’s Favor will be made available through a variety of in-game systems, that do not require purchase through the Cash Shop, such as Login Rewards and the Loyalty Store.​

Dungeon Tickets​
As indicated earlier, Dungeon Tickets will not be sold for cash. Instead they will be passively earned over time (on and offline) and through new daily quests we have created, specifically to ensure these tickets would be readily available.​

Costumes with Stats​
As some of you with experience in the KR version of Astellia have astutely taken note of, costumes had stats associated with them. Offering players multiple tiers of perks that were available for direct purchase via the Cash Shop.​

In the Western version of Astellia, cosmetic items, such as costumes will still be available for purchase via the Cash Shop. With one major change, they will not provide any form of stats or advantages, making them purely cosmetic.​

Astel Card Packs​
Directly purchasing Astel Card Packs is commonplace in the KR version of Astellia. Users are able to buy packs and quickly earn high tier Star Levels, granting a direct advantage over players that do not.​

We understood the negative impact this would have on the overall experience of our Western audience. These packs will not be available for purchase on the Cash Shop, instead like many of the previously mentioned systems, will be made available to be earned through other in-game systems.​

What is the actual price of the base game with no additions?​
The base cost of Astellia is valued at $30.​

Will there be a pre-download?​
Yes, there will be a pre-download for launch. We’ll have more details we can share on this as we get closer to the launch date.​

Can we stream during the closed beta(s), is there an NDA, or any other form of restrictions we must adhere to?
Players are free to stream during any of the beta tests of Astellia, no NDA needed, in fact we encourage you to do so. We love seeing what our community is up to, so much so we may even drop by and say hi!

The only request we have is that you include some form of indication to viewers that this is beta in your title. This isn’t a requirement, it just helps folks stay in the loop and increases the chances of one of our team members finding and joining your stream. Other than that, we hope you enjoy yourselves!

What is your stance on region locks and IP Blocking?
Being gamers ourselves, we know how incredibly awesome games are at bringing people together from all over the world. Our team would like to promote this type of experience as much as is feasible for us to do so.

Still, as a business we must also adhere to any restrictions that may be imposed by other publishers of Astellia in other regions. To that end, our intent is to avoid imposing any unnecessary IP or Regional Blocking that we are not obligated to do so.

Do you plan on having a Content Creator Program, if yes, can you share details and how to sign up?
With the world growing more connected than ever by Streams, Youtube Videos, Guides, and Podcasts. We’re absolutely going to be operating a Creator Program. Much of the initial groundwork has been laid out, and will include common requirements like maintaining an account in good standing, minimum stream or upload amounts. To familiar perks like having direct access to staff, being featured on our social media, and other similar benefits.

More details on how to sign-up, requirements, and all the sweet stuff gained from becoming a partner will be coming out as we move forward.

Is a character name immediately free for use after initiating the character deletion process or must you wait the full deletion timer before regaining access to a name?
Due to the way the character deletion system works, players are given a period of time to undo their decision to delete a character. During this time the character name is locked from use by all players, including the current owner, until the process is fully completed or has been canceled. This prevents any form of conflict arising should a player decide to cancel the deletion process.

Note: When the process is complete the name will become immediately available, take care to ensure you do not lose your name.

Will the auto loot accessory (Ring of Exploration) only be available through purchasing the Legendary Pre-Order Pack?
No, the Ring of Exploration will only be available through Loyalty, and the previously mentioned Pre-Order reward. This item will not be sold via the Cash Shop.

In the Korean version of Astellia, a guild starting size was 30 members is this still the limit?
Guilds were one of the systems of Astellia that we took into heavy consideration when bringing Astellia to the Western market. There are many differences between the Eastern and Western audiences, some that we can plan for and others that we’re certain will surprise us. As we’ve mentioned in the past, sweeping changes based off knee jerk reactions have a tendency to cause frustration for players, which we’d like to avoid.

This is particularly true for complex systems like guilds, where even minor changes can have significant impacts on the end user experience for many players. It is to that end that we plan to carefully calibrate this system over the course of the Betas leading up to Launch. With the initial introduction in CBT-1 mirroring the initial Korean launch specs, with an initial member limit at 30. From there, this allows us to gather additional baseline data such as: average player count within guilds, how quickly and easily guilds rank up, and how many guilds are created, to further refine our planned adjustments. Once we have collected and reviewed the data we will definitely share our end results so everyone will know before launch what the specifications for guilds will be.

Last edited by Yux1000; Sep 27, 2019 @ 3:50am
Originally posted by Magic:
Astellia seems to have attracted of players in Korea, even against the mastodon Lost Ark unlike Bless Online who has failed everywhere he went out without any competition.

personally i will test this mmo before spitting in the soup.
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Showing 1-15 of 42 comments
Hiruda Jun 15, 2019 @ 11:40pm 
Same story again
Domii Jun 16, 2019 @ 3:07am 
Oh the next asia scam with even worse performance than Bless Online
Lydhe Jun 16, 2019 @ 7:17am 
All is said in the video :

and if you want more info they have an official Discord :
Last edited by Lydhe; Jun 21, 2019 @ 5:32pm
Domii Jun 16, 2019 @ 10:47am 
Really? They make effort to listen to the fears and remove all p2w?

Oh wait:

That (next) generic asia mmo will be the next scam and die within one year as well. As you're defending them you are either very naive (after all what happened in the past years) or part of their team.
ROFLpl0x Jun 16, 2019 @ 2:34pm 
Originally posted by Domii:
Really? They make effort to listen to the fears and remove all p2w?

Oh wait:

That (next) generic asia mmo will be the next scam and die within one year as well. As you're defending them you are either very naive (after all what happened in the past years) or part of their team.
I think the difference is that by all appearances Bless was never intended to be anything but a short term scam right from the get-go, thus there was a lot of incentive to tell people whatever it took for them to open their wallets. I don't really know anything about Astellia and I don't have any opinion on how well it'll do but to my knowledge the developers of that game don't have multiple prior failures in multiple markets they need to recover from or a console version in the works to divert funds to.

As far as Asian MMOs in general go, I don't really see the problem with them, either with their design or their free to play business model. Some of them I don't like but some western designed games I also don't like... like Guild Wars 2. I think Guild Wars 2 is the worst designed piece of noobified MMO rubbish to hit the market in years. I can think of at least half a dozen generic Asian MMOs I'd rather play than that western PoS. Hell, I still play Aion version 3.0 on a private server. Grindy and generic as a mofo and I love it!

But I do wish that Asian MMO developers would take better care of their games and do away with so much of the sadistic RNG designed to drag you to the cash shop for a solution.
Lydhe Jun 16, 2019 @ 2:50pm 
We did not have active CM's on Bless Online, nor Discord, the producer and developers of Bless Online for the Western market did not take the risk of mixing with his playerbase, this is not the case for Astellia, they are responsive, listening, we'll see if the paytowin objects will have been removed from the store or not, but I'm confident about this. And please watch the video I linked above. :cozyspaceengineersc:
Last edited by Lydhe; Jun 16, 2019 @ 2:52pm
VigilantPhase449 Jun 16, 2019 @ 8:05pm 

its fraud... plain and simple, they'll take your money, shut down the game... your left with a product you bought that you cannot even play or use.....


its another asian scam. like telemarketers... only worse...
Domii Jun 16, 2019 @ 11:50pm 
Originally posted by Lydhe:
We did not have active CM's on Bless Online, nor Discord, the producer and developers of Bless Online for the Western market did not take the risk of mixing with his playerbase, this is not the case for Astellia, they are responsive, listening, we'll see if the paytowin objects will have been removed from the store or not, but I'm confident about this. And please watch the video I linked above. :cozyspaceengineersc:

So just naive. Sad to see that ppl still believe that marketing lies.

Let's talk again a few months after release once you realize that this is just another scam.

The performance of that game is a bad joke, even worse than in Bless and that alone will make it a complete failure. And they won't be able to fix this until release.
Kill'o'gor Jun 17, 2019 @ 12:22am 
Originally posted by Lydhe:
You speak without knowing, at least the developers on Astellia make the effort to listen to the fears of EU/NA players, they have already started to remove all that could be "pay to win" in their shop, removed the gender lock starting with the warrior and the assassin, the removal of the gender lock for the remaining classes will arrive later etc ...

Like yux1000 said, I invite you to read all these articles before saying anything :

and if you want more info they have an official Discord :

ROTFL another withe knights carnival. You guys are so ridicolous.
VigilantPhase449 Jun 17, 2019 @ 12:44am 
LOL i just read that this game has a limit on how many dungeons you can enter?

LMFAO... time gating you pve now? seriously? buy more tickets to do dungeons in an mmo?

this is going to fail so hard... do not buy it
Yux1000 Jun 17, 2019 @ 6:37am 
Originally posted by KnxGuy:
LOL i just read that this game has a limit on how many dungeons you can enter?

LMFAO... time gating you pve now? seriously? buy more tickets to do dungeons in an mmo?

this is going to fail so hard... do not buy it

Tickets are not buyable for western market, there are repeatable quest to gather tickets :=)

Please read the information i gave u, read the PRE_ORDER faq, there are many facts. BTW on 25 the CB1 start. 15.000 free keys are available, enjoy it
VigilantPhase449 Jun 17, 2019 @ 7:05am 
Originally posted by yux1000:
Originally posted by KnxGuy:
LOL i just read that this game has a limit on how many dungeons you can enter?

LMFAO... time gating you pve now? seriously? buy more tickets to do dungeons in an mmo?

this is going to fail so hard... do not buy it

Tickets are not buyable for western market, there are repeatable quest to gather tickets :=)

Please read the information i gave u, read the PRE_ORDER faq, there are many facts. BTW on 25 the CB1 start. 15.000 free keys are available, enjoy it

the fact that limits exist on pve content is enough of a red flag... forced to quest to pve... yeah no...

this game will fail just watch, im never giving money to another asian mmo ever. thanks to Bless online.
llehnori Jun 17, 2019 @ 10:19am 
Astelia is another crap.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Magic Jun 17, 2019 @ 12:28pm 
Astellia seems to have attracted of players in Korea, even against the mastodon Lost Ark unlike Bless Online who has failed everywhere he went out without any competition.

personally i will test this mmo before spitting in the soup.
Last edited by Magic; Jun 17, 2019 @ 12:35pm
Lydhe Jun 18, 2019 @ 5:14am 
Guys, you are not forced to buy the game immediately if you are not confident about Astellia, just wait for beta keys giveaway few days before the start of the beta the june 25 before predicting the fail, What is this habit of always predicting things before a game or a movie is available? :steamfacepalm:
Last edited by Lydhe; Jun 18, 2019 @ 3:37pm
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