The Outer Worlds

The Outer Worlds

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EPIC is not competition...
Locking things behind exclusivity is not competition. It's offering only one option, "my way or the highway"

People state that Steam needs to step up. I lived in Communist China (tencent) and know how China acts. I don't believe it has anything to do with competition. I believe that China is throwing huge sums of cash at developers and paying them off to make it exclusive. Steam could't combat that. Again, that's not competition.

Being asked to choose between spyware or not get a game is not competition either. The bottom line of EPIC is "You let us spy on you or you get nothing".

The one thing EPIC/CCP/Tencent doesn't count on is we vote with our money and when Epic loses customers by the droves... well, no customer, no more platform. I don't see EPIC living much longer. They've angered or made their fan base to suspicious.

I will not support spyware, communism or in other words, EPIC. Tim Sweeney, were not stupid.
Écrit par YamaKami:
The Epic store has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG (etc) way to go before it will begin to resemble anything like a Steam competitor. As a consumer I can only promise I will not be buying anything on the epic store. Ever.

Now I don't think Steam is perfect or flawless by any means. I have plenty of grievances with their (lack of) customer service in particular.

However Steam aka Valve at the very least is Established.While having proven they are here to stay. Giving me some piece of mind that my extensive digital library out there o a cloud will be something I can access moving forward. Given the piss poor excuse for a store front Epic is using thier shady AF launcher, and absolute 0 peace of mind on the security and accessibility of the games I bought (but do not have physical copies of).

There is also the matter of not wanting multiple libraries of games. I have all my games (save two on Origin that I got free with a GPU purchase) on Steam. AT least when relegated to Uplay the games are still in my Steam Library.

Basically Epic is offing a discount by taking a smaller cut than Valve from the devs. They are achieving this with exclusives, a dirty anti-consumer practice I never thought we would have to see on PC of all platforms. PC is the freedom to do as you will, and Epic has undercut this.

Epic has done a ton to earn mine and many gamers ire. And absolutely nothing for the industry, while ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ customers over by forcing them to not play a game (they likely had been anticipating), or wait a year. As supporting such underhanded scummy practices is really not an option to be considered. Beyond that I need to start evaluating if I am going to support devs/publishers that take these shady deals. Fell free to sell it for cheaper on Epic, and charge more reflecting Valve's take on Steam. More options for consumers is always good. Artificially creating exclusivity and limiting choice is anti consumer and I feel I need to talk with my cash for these muppets to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ get it.

I though Ha! Here's mud in your eye Bethesda. I'll buy this game and no more of your trash. Looks like instead, I may just not get this game period. In addition to anymore Bethesda games. At best I won't be getting this until it is on sale on Steam if at all.

♥♥♥♥ you Epic store. And ♥♥♥♥ anyone that inks an exclusive deal with them. I will continue to protest such actions with my wallet. While these entities may be limiting consumer choice, there's still more than enough choice in games to play and ultimately never enough time to play them all. :steamsalty::Villager:
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 137
I think its also on the windows store if that helps. This is going to keep happening till Steam takes a smaller cut of the pie.
For games that run Unreal Engine, I believe on steam, they only get 65% of the sale. 30% for steam, 5% for Epic.
On Epic, they get 88% of the profits.
To be fair, I wouldnt sell it on steam either.
Adam 20 mars 2019 à 23h09 
Huh? Steam takes 30% of sales and EPIC takes 12% and they deduct the 5% fee if you used Epics Unreal engine, Do the math cause Epic would easily steal titles prepping for launch, Nice try but Epic will continue to grow due to the large percentage that steam rapes from Devs.

Yes steam is a better platform for its consumers/me with its true reviews and community forums and refund system, But its a terrible platform for major developers and small indie developers trying maintain updates during EA stage while getting robbed for relying on steams player count for sales, The UE4 alone will be a major factor of why future Devs will profit more off of Epics launcher.

We keep blaming the developers for being greedy but it's steam fault for not price matching there competitions Sales cut percentage.
Dernière modification de Adam; 20 mars 2019 à 23h25
Epic does not decuct the extra 5% if you sell it on their store though.
So it actually is 35% vs 12% for those that use the engine on steam store.
Because they still have to pay Epic.
Dernière modification de Lyger; 20 mars 2019 à 23h12
Adam 20 mars 2019 à 23h16 
Lyger a écrit :
Epic does not decuct the extra 5% if you sell it on their store though.
So it actually is 35% vs 12% for those that use the engine on steam store.

I think based on Epic chart Ue4 adds 5% on the steam store so 35%?
Well, Enjoy the 88% of my $0
Adam 20 mars 2019 à 23h24 
Lyger a écrit :
Epic does not decuct the extra 5% if you sell it on their store though.
So it actually is 35% vs 12% for those that use the engine on steam store.
Because they still have to pay Epic.

Actually i am 100% right when selling UE4 games. If you use UE4 on Steam or any other 3rd party store UE4 takes a 5% royalty fee from developers profits after Steams/Store Cut, But when a UE4 game is sold on epics platform the 5% royalty fee is knocked since its there own store.
Dernière modification de Adam; 20 mars 2019 à 23h25
It's impressive at just how much damage they're starting to do to gaming. They try to take choice away and force me to buy games on their terms, but they forget that I have veto power and can just walk away, I don't have to buy games.

It sounds like Epic might be around for awhile though, which means I won't be buying many new games for a long time. At least it will give me time to go through my backlog.
Competition is when the game is available on both stores at the same time but its cheaper on the other store along with better services and exclusive ingame items and DLC.
Adam 20 mars 2019 à 23h35 
Devoras a écrit :
It's impressive at just how much damage they're starting to do to gaming. They try to take choice away and force me to buy games on their terms, but they forget that I have veto power and can just walk away, I don't have to buy games.

It sounds like Epic might be around for awhile though, which means I won't be buying many new games for a long time. At least it will give me time to go through my backlog.

But what is wrong with Epic? The library of games are growing slowly and they give out 1 free game once a month that's good, Very impressed i bought Watch dogs 2 for $8.99 and got subnautica for free and slime rancher for free which are actually popular games on steam, The only thing they lack are review bombs and Trolling forums.
Dernière modification de Adam; 20 mars 2019 à 23h41
I do not see the problem really. I guess after having to have multiple consoles for exclusives, having different apps on the same computer seems trivial and insignificant.
Now if a good game came out as a Mac Exclusive, then I would have an issue....
fromthesahara a écrit :
Locking things behind exclusivity is not competition. It's offering only one option, "my way or the highway"

People state that Steam needs to step up. I lived in Communist China (tencent) and know how China acts. I don't believe it has anything to do with competition. I believe that China is throwing huge sums of cash at developers and paying them off to make it exclusive. Steam could't combat that. Again, that's not competition.

Being asked to choose between spyware or not get a game is not competition either. The bottom line of EPIC is "You let us spy on you or you get nothing".

The one thing EPIC/CCP/Tencent doesn't count on is we vote with our money and when Epic loses customers by the droves... well, no customer, no more platform. I don't see EPIC living much longer. They've angered or made their fan base to suspicious.

I will not support spyware, communism or in other words, EPIC. Tim Sweeney, were not stupid.
they are competing by stealing our games and making them exclusive to their horrible store and they might kill steam within a year if steam doesnt do anything about it like getting rid of their tier system and not take 30 percent which they dont need and tim sweeney is a big fat moron for not making it avaliable on all platforms
Darth Vaper a écrit :
But whats is wrong with Epic? The library of games are growing slowly and they give out 1 free game once a month that's good, Very impressed i bought Watch dogs 2 for $8.99 and got subnautica for free and slime rancher for free which are actually popular games on steam, The only thing they lack are review bombs and Trolling forums.

They're artificially gating content from a very large area of the gaming market. The only level of competition they're working on is for publishers and developers, everything they are doing is to the detriment of consumers. They're trying to force consumers to buy games from them whether they want to or not, and using a shady platform to do so. I don't want the games bad enough to give into strong arm tactics and reward them for doing that, even without the potential risk of data security.
if they just simply release their game on all store clients even the horrible uplay store and steam id be happy but not obsidean has broken our trust and screw the humble store cause were still forced to use epic games store so yea no one on pc will buy from that horrible store
Yar har, fiddle de dee
Being a pirate is alright to be
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
You are a pirate!
Adam 20 mars 2019 à 23h59 
Devoras a écrit :
Darth Vaper a écrit :
But whats is wrong with Epic? The library of games are growing slowly and they give out 1 free game once a month that's good, Very impressed i bought Watch dogs 2 for $8.99 and got subnautica for free and slime rancher for free which are actually popular games on steam, The only thing they lack are review bombs and Trolling forums.

They're artificially gating content from a very large area of the gaming market. The only level of competition they're working on is for publishers and developers, everything they are doing is to the detriment of consumers. They're trying to force consumers to buy games from them whether they want to or not, and using a shady platform to do so. I don't want the games bad enough to give into strong arm tactics and reward them for doing that, even without the potential risk of data security.

So you dont hold steam accountable for any of this? I cant argue steam is the best store to buy from and get involved in as a consumer but you would think that if 99% of the PC Gamers buy from steam they would atleast offer 12% back to developers to counter, My $59.99 is going to steam or epic at the end of the day and i will still be playing Outer Worlds.
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Posté le 20 mars 2019 à 22h41
Messages : 138