Team Fortress 2
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Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker takes so much place on the screen in minimode
Is there any way to turn off minimode for this weapon without affecting other weapons or any other way to make it take less space on the screen?
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First stop double posting, it takes up space.
Secondly theres a setting to reduce the view model of the quadruple H.
A Child a écrit :
First stop double posting, it takes up space.
Secondly theres a setting to reduce the view model of the quadruple H.
Double post? I did not know I uploaded same post two times, it is probably beauce of the lag that happened when I was trying to create this thread.
bind [insert key here] "r_drawviewmodel 0"

if you press the key you used it will turn off your viewmodel so it wont block the screen at all
nwbu. a écrit :
bind [insert key here] "r_drawviewmodel 0"

if you press the key you used it will turn off your viewmodel so it wont block the screen at all
ok, now how to turn it off?
Nevermind, just binded same command with drawvievmodel 1.
Dernière modification de Inferjus; 7 sept. 2018 à 10h58
Is there any way to not completly disable viewmodel or making it transparent?
Is there any way to not completly disable viewmodel or making it transparent?
if you screw around with your FOV, you might be able to reduce the screenspace it takes up by holding it really far away or off screen.
HoBoMiKe a écrit :
Is there any way to not completly disable viewmodel or making it transparent?
if you screw around with your FOV, you might be able to reduce the screenspace it takes up by holding it really far away or off screen.
I would like to see my weapons and in normal way, not with unfinished hands.
So... any ideas?
idk this was 7 years ago
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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Posté le 7 sept. 2018 à 10h36
Messages : 10