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rockfish_andi  [desarrollador] 24 MAY 2017 a las 9:15
VR Minimum Requirements - Please read before buying
In order to play the game in VR the following minimum specs are required:

  • Oculus or Vive headset (only these are officially supported)
  • Intel i5-4590 (or alike)
  • NVIDIA GTX 1060 / NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 480 / AMD Radeon R9 290 (or better)
  • 8GB+ RAM
  • XInput compatible gamepad

Please note that even on low settings it is highly likely that the game will lag should your hardware not meet these requirements.

As of version 1.0 there is a setting in the game's display options called "Screen Percentage". Apart from the standard graphics settings, use this setting primarily to find the best balance between quality and performance.

To reset the camera orientation in the game, press F8 or hold "Special Left" on your gamepad
Última edición por rockfish_andi; 5 FEB 2019 a las 1:47
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Mostrando 91-105 de 164 comentarios
!-R4ptor-! 17 AGO 2017 a las 9:02 
Publicado originalmente por baci:
Publicado originalmente por !-R4ptor-!:
I can confirm that DK2 doesn't seem to work anymore :/ Vive does work perfectly though ^^

While we unfortunately can't support DK2 anymore, this *might* be resolved with the upcoming patch that is built upon an upgraded Unreal engine version. If not, you might try to set all graphics settings to their minimum values in non-VR mode and then start the game in VR again.

I'll try that later and report my findings. Thanks for the quick response. (:
Última edición por !-R4ptor-!; 17 AGO 2017 a las 9:02
!-R4ptor-! 17 AGO 2017 a las 14:14 
Yes it does work now. (: You're great guys. Greetings from an old X-Wing fan and first day backer from Germany. (:
Geldon 22 AGO 2017 a las 20:38 
I'm running on an Intel i7-7700k and two GTX 970 in SLI, and VR performance seems fairly bad for me. The polygons of the game scene animate alright, but the HUD elements seem to be several frames behind. It's rather odd and unfortunately feels a bit nauseating, so I'm probably getting a poor framerate.

I'm chalking this up to an incompatibility with SLI, probably. Game runs great non-VR, at least, aside from the aforementioned issue with it launching the Oculus software.
Última edición por Geldon; 22 AGO 2017 a las 20:40
baci 23 AGO 2017 a las 0:53 
Publicado originalmente por Geldon:
I'm running on an Intel i7-7700k and two GTX 970 in SLI, and VR performance seems fairly bad for me. The polygons of the game scene animate alright, but the HUD elements seem to be several frames behind. It's rather odd and unfortunately feels a bit nauseating, so I'm probably getting a poor framerate.

I'm chalking this up to an incompatibility with SLI, probably. Game runs great non-VR, at least, aside from the aforementioned issue with it launching the Oculus software.
Yes, Unreal Engine's VR mode does not support SLI yet, unfortunately. As others wrote, you can get big performance gains by lowereing AA and the screen percentage settings.
Geldon 24 AGO 2017 a las 11:54 
Publicado originalmente por baci:
Yes, Unreal Engine's VR mode does not support SLI yet, unfortunately. As others wrote, you can get big performance gains by lowereing AA and the screen percentage settings.
I gave that a try and yeah, it worked quite a bit better.

I will say there's something weird going on with mouse and keyboard control combined with VR-look. For some odd reason, my steering gets messed up if I'm moving my head while moving my mouse along with forward momentum, resulting in really unpredictable movement. Unpredictable movement is a ticket to nauseatown.

For the time being, definitely better on the gamepad. Wish the touch controllers were supported, I'd rather point and shoot with one hand, move with the analogue sticks, and look with the head orientation.
Última edición por Geldon; 24 AGO 2017 a las 12:24
Geldon 25 AGO 2017 a las 21:01 
Version 1.1.2 is much more playable, seems to have taken care of that weird mouse steering interferance. It also helped to lower mouse sensitivity and enable chromatic abbaration.

One minor glitch: with mouse steering on and head aiming off, the dead zone of steering seems to be a bit to the lower left of the center point. So I basically have to aim a little off-center in order to avoid steering. If I put the crosshair over the center point, the ship starts veering to the upper right. Possibly related to being in the Gunship? Or maybe it didn't reset the crosshair to the point when I turned the head aiming off.
Última edición por Geldon; 25 AGO 2017 a las 21:18
nick 29 AGO 2017 a las 6:02 
Usability is much improved and really playable so far. The only glaring issue still there is performance. On my Nvidia 1080 I'm still seeing quite a lot of drops from 90 FPS with everything on LOW and 120 screen percentage. I also can't seem to lower the screen percentage to 100, a bug? I presume screen percentage is supersampling? If I could set it to 100 and just keep with TAA for edge smoothing I'd be happy.
beniwtv 14 SEP 2017 a las 16:29 
I felt very adventurous today, and I tried VR on Linux using AMD Mesa.

Couple of points:

1) In Steam I get no option for VR - I manually launched the executable with the "-vr" option, that worked (though it didn't through launch options on Steam - probably the launch script is not passing options)

2) The Vive controllers aren't detected. Mouse works, but keyboard does nothing.

3) Performance is not great - on my RX480 I had to set all on low to get 25 FPS. AMD drivers on Linux still need some improvements, so I expect this will get better.
baci 15 SEP 2017 a las 1:11 
Publicado originalmente por beniwtv:
I felt very adventurous today, and I tried VR on Linux using AMD Mesa.

Couple of points:

1) In Steam I get no option for VR - I manually launched the executable with the "-vr" option, that worked (though it didn't through launch options on Steam - probably the launch script is not passing options)

2) The Vive controllers aren't detected. Mouse works, but keyboard does nothing.

3) Performance is not great - on my RX480 I had to set all on low to get 25 FPS. AMD drivers on Linux still need some improvements, so I expect this will get better.

Thats great to hear, we actually haven't tried that out ourselves yet!
1) We will look into the Steam options and see if we can add the launch option for SteamVR.
2) Vive controllers are currently not supported at all. The keyboard issue is strange though. I'd recommend to play the VR mode with a gamepad anyways.
3) Not sure if there are Linux-specific performance issues, but the two settings having the biggest impact on VR performance are AA and Screen Percentage, have a look at these!
FictionX 15 SEP 2017 a las 14:42 
Bought it and tried it with a Nvidia gtx 1080 in Ubuntu 17.10 (beta). It seems to runs fine with all graphics settings on low (or it did - it actually just crashed, and immediately again after a restart. I'll try deleting the save game). Graphics are way better with settings on medium, but then I get a lot of reprojection.

Like Beniwtv, I couldn't start the game in VR from Steam (even using -vr as a Launch option), but instead ran it like this:

~/.steam/steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/run.sh ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/EVERSPACE/RSG/Binaries/Linux/RSG-Linux-Shipping -vr

Performance is horrible in the main menu, but better in the actual game (so far).

Note: I only played it for 10-15 minutes, so I have no idea if performance will stay ok (on low settings), or if the game will crash frequently or anyting like that. I just wanted to confirm that it starts and runs in VR.

It's really nice seeing a new game with VR support in Linux - even if the performance isn't great yet!
beniwtv 16 SEP 2017 a las 1:17 
@baci Gamepad worked fine thanks!

I have been playing it for half an hour on everything maxed, in the game the performance is better as opposed to the menu, but still a bit stuttery. I enabled threading in the driver via glthread in Mesa, which to me seemed to help.

Now if I only could get dual joystick support like in the cockpit for total immersion, this would be my favorite game on Linux yet (not that it isn't already) :P
Última edición por beniwtv; 16 SEP 2017 a las 1:18
tarasis 17 SEP 2017 a las 5:27 
Oh lord is this game beautiful with EPIC in VR with a 1080ti & Screen Percentage 150. That said, holy moly was it cooking my CPU. My i7-4790k was pegged at 100%, and running at 95 degrees C. Seriously thinking about reapplying my thermal compound under my cooler.

---- EDIT

Took out my heat sink, cleaned off paste, applied new paste and put sink back on. Temps are much better now. will retest everspace againin the morning.
Última edición por tarasis; 18 SEP 2017 a las 17:45
Cheeseness 17 SEP 2017 a las 5:47 
Publicado originalmente por baci:
Publicado originalmente por beniwtv:
I felt very adventurous today, and I tried VR on Linux using AMD Mesa.

Couple of points:

1) In Steam I get no option for VR - I manually launched the executable with the "-vr" option, that worked (though it didn't through launch options on Steam - probably the launch script is not passing options)

2) The Vive controllers aren't detected. Mouse works, but keyboard does nothing.

3) Performance is not great - on my RX480 I had to set all on low to get 25 FPS. AMD drivers on Linux still need some improvements, so I expect this will get better.

Thats great to hear, we actually haven't tried that out ourselves yet!
1) We will look into the Steam options and see if we can add the launch option for SteamVR.
2) Vive controllers are currently not supported at all. The keyboard issue is strange though. I'd recommend to play the VR mode with a gamepad anyways.
3) Not sure if there are Linux-specific performance issues, but the two settings having the biggest impact on VR performance are AA and Screen Percentage, have a look at these!
Regarding 1, there's a rogue \ in the launcher script. Escpaing the dollar sign prevents the $@ variable from working.
should be
With that change, launching with -vr in Steam's launch options works fine on Linux.

Played about an hour or so earlier today and had a few crashes (potentially this is SteamVR not being very stable at the moment rather than something the game's doing). Performance was also a bit hit-and-miss, and crashes usually happened when jumping into a new sector after performance dropped during the preceding one. Looking forward to comparing experiences with benitw and FictionX when they've had more time to play.

Some of the menus (repair, perks, etc.) can be a little difficult to read, and having the virtual mouse cursor's position move around with the view means that it's not possible to leave the cursor over a button while leaning across to get a better look at some text on the other side of the screen.

The biggest hassle for me at the moment is that regardless of whether the "aim with headtracking" option it checked or not, the targeting reticle follows the HMD's orientation. I feel like I'd enjoy playing much more if I could keep that locked to the ship's orientation and freely look around.

Other than that, I'm having a great time. Thanks for implementing VR, and for providing Linux support! :D
Última edición por Cheeseness; 17 SEP 2017 a las 5:50
SubZeroEffort 5 NOV 2017 a las 16:55 
Publicado originalmente por tarasis:
Oh lord is this game beautiful with EPIC in VR with a 1080ti & Screen Percentage 150. That said, holy moly was it cooking my CPU. My i7-4790k was pegged at 100%, and running at 95 degrees C. Seriously thinking about reapplying my thermal compound under my cooler.

---- EDIT

Took out my heat sink, cleaned off paste, applied new paste and put sink back on. Temps are much better now. will retest everspace againin the morning.
1080ti owner...whats your Steam SS set at?
UNi 25 NOV 2017 a las 17:36 
I dont know what hes smoking, but this game is unplayable in VR on a 1080ti on 120% scaling and low.
Which makes no sense at all because on 2d, same resolution(2160x1200), 120% scaling, and epic quality i get around 170~200fps. Why VR so slow?? I tried oculus and steam VR, both are very very slow. Must be some bug..
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