Rogue Wizards

Rogue Wizards

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[HUN] Mr. ZZ Nov 3, 2020 @ 12:38pm
Avast puts the game to quarantine - IDP.Generic
Most likely a false positive, but a confirmation would be nice. - Also sent the file to Avast for a proper check.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Macdallan Nov 3, 2020 @ 12:41pm 
AVG did the same thing, just did a restore file/add exception, problem solved.
colinday  [developer] Nov 3, 2020 @ 2:41pm 
What is the file that is being flagged? Is it "Rogue Wizards.exe" or some other supporting file like "UnityCrashHandler32.exe"?

Rogue Wizards is created with the Unity game engine. The way a Unity program works is that I'm not building an actual .exe binary, just a bunch of C# code which gets interpreted and turned into instructions in a "safe" environment.

A quick search is leading me to other Avast users experiencing the same issue with other Unity based games, it appears that this has been a persistent problem for quite some time between the two technology companies.

I will keep my eyes open for new information though ... and if you discover more info please don't hesitate to post it here.
[HUN] Mr. ZZ Nov 4, 2020 @ 9:45am 
It was "Rogue Wizards.exe" and despite other users problem, I prefer Unity games, play them a lot and this is the first time I have experienced this.
[HUN] Mr. ZZ Nov 4, 2020 @ 10:40am 
I tried a file validity check from Steam, it download one file, and now the game runs :steamhappy:

Maybe they are at Avast this fast with my report? We will never know :)
Thanks for the fast answer and this nice game ;)
colinday  [developer] Nov 7, 2020 @ 3:25pm 
Thanks for the follow up
Mythrusted Nov 16, 2020 @ 8:19pm 
To check false positives please use these antimalware providers are constantly producing FPs to justify their existence in this new (well not that new, Win7+) world of Microsoft including the service with Windows-
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