Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

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NimrodX Dec 4, 2018 @ 12:59pm
I made a guide on Signals and Circuits
I couldn't find any good docs so I made this.


Please leave suggestions on use cases or ideas.
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Showing 1-15 of 49 comments
Rayle Jan 16, 2019 @ 1:21pm 
Hey, thank you! Easy to follow and indepth. This is just the kind of guide I was looking for! The working example you provide makes it simple to understand since I can actually see it in action. I don't have any experience with logic systems and this has helped me a lot.
NimrodX Jan 16, 2019 @ 7:13pm 
Np, and thanks. I tried to write it with the assumption that nobody had heard of a logic gate before. They're simple enough for a kid to understand when looked at individually and only get complicated when you get several of them. (You can actually write them out as math expressions and simplify them according to properties just like algebra which is what people have to do if manually designing a CPU.)
Greybeard Feb 2, 2019 @ 3:45am 
Much appreciated guide !!
NimrodX Feb 2, 2019 @ 10:37am 
BuffHamster Feb 6, 2019 @ 11:55am 
Duuuude, a most excellent guide indeed, and very much appreciated. Paws up man.
NimrodX Feb 6, 2019 @ 12:41pm 
Krizzoula Feb 6, 2019 @ 11:27pm 
Originally posted by NimrodX:
I couldn't find any good docs so I made this.


Please leave suggestions on use cases or ideas.

Wow Nimrod!! This is awesome man. Thanks for providing this for us. This stuff is very complicated trying to figure it out on your own and the wiki doesnt provide much information. I have been trying to figure out this solar power base stuff. I have two solar compacitors and lots of solar panels faced in the direction of the where the sun rises and sets on my base. It is still not producing enough energy to charge the battery only to 30% at the most during the day and by night it is back to 0. I have a generator also and it is running too. If you have any suggestion or any additional info, please let me know.
NimrodX Feb 7, 2019 @ 12:52pm 
Basically, if in the northern hemisphere then you want them pointed south, if in the south you want them pointed north, and if near the equator (where they're most effective) then you want them flat (directly up). So it's best to build a base on the equator.

Best thing to do might be point one in each direction and note the number of green dots on each (ignore the yellow ones because those are the current output not the overall output over time). Then pick whichever orientation has the most green dots and switch all of them to that orientation.

Some planets have better solar than others. Some types are very foggy all the time and solar is nearly useless.

Also use the max number of panels (15 max if you don't edit the configuration, which you can do).

Another thing is create an "ecomode" or "powersave" signal to shut off constructors and food processors when you don't need them. Things use up power when totally idle if they're on. The Repair Station is particularly bad and it works even when shut off so shut that off all the time.

Anything but a small base can't really run purely off solar. It just reduces the amount of fuel you use.
Krizzoula Feb 7, 2019 @ 11:39pm 
Originally posted by NimrodX:
Basically, if in the northern hemisphere then you want them pointed south, if in the south you want them pointed north, and if near the equator (where they're most effective) then you want them flat (directly up). So it's best to build a base on the equator.

Best thing to do might be point one in each direction and note the number of green dots on each (ignore the yellow ones because those are the current output not the overall output over time). Then pick whichever orientation has the most green dots and switch all of them to that orientation.

Some planets have better solar than others. Some types are very foggy all the time and solar is nearly useless.

Also use the max number of panels (15 max if you don't edit the configuration, which you can do).

Another thing is create an "ecomode" or "powersave" signal to shut off constructors and food processors when you don't need them. Things use up power when totally idle if they're on. The Repair Station is particularly bad and it works even when shut off so shut that off all the time.

Anything but a small base can't really run purely off solar. It just reduces the amount of fuel you use.

Thanks Nimrod for your input and help. Being a newer player trying to figure all of this stuff out is def a task so it helps to have others input that have played the game longer than I.

Our base is positioned right now more on the south than north and because of this I am considering moving our base closer to the equator or more up north so that we get more sunlight time. It seems the days go by really fast and thus doesn't give the capacitors time to charge up and have a good reserve of power to last through night.

Which config file would I need to edit to allow more panels?

Could you provide a step by step of how to create a powersave signal to shut off devices to save? I obviously want fridge on all the time for spoiling reasons but nothing else really needs to be running when idle and not producing anything. Also maybe something with lights that would let them be auto on at night and auto off during day or something?
NimrodX Feb 8, 2019 @ 2:48pm 
The last few screenshots here show you how: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644405683

I'm not that familiar with config editing. There are some guides on it though.
Itharus Feb 8, 2019 @ 4:35pm 
Thanks for the guide :)
NimrodX Feb 8, 2019 @ 10:06pm 
Krizzoula Feb 8, 2019 @ 11:07pm 
Originally posted by NimrodX:
The last few screenshots here show you how: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644405683

I'm not that familiar with config editing. There are some guides on it though.
Awesome man thanks!!
VulcanTourist (Banned) Feb 8, 2019 @ 11:45pm 
Originally posted by Krizzoula:
Being a newer player trying to figure all of this stuff out is def a task so it helps to have others input that have played the game longer than I.
I'm confused that someone with a "yellow" Steam account - which I thought identified someone designated as a game's "officer" - only appears to have existed in Steam for a week and admittedly knows relatively so little about the game for which he seems to be an officer? Do yellow accounts describe something else?
Krizzoula Feb 9, 2019 @ 2:15am 
Originally posted by VulcanTourist:
Originally posted by Krizzoula:
Being a newer player trying to figure all of this stuff out is def a task so it helps to have others input that have played the game longer than I.
I'm confused that someone with a "yellow" Steam account - which I thought identified someone designated as a game's "officer" - only appears to have existed in Steam for a week and admittedly knows relatively so little about the game for which he seems to be an officer? Do yellow accounts describe something else?

What the hell are you talking about Vulcan? I have been on steam for longer than last week... jesus... look at my games and hours.. I said I was new to Empyrion not steam or games in general.. Pay attention before you make accusations about someone. Thanks
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