Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Redfin72 21 maj, 2016 @ 11:23
**SPOILERS** Is peace really the best ending for Far harbor?
For those of you who've gotten through far harbor, I have some thoughts I need to share. So as I got about to confronting DiMa about all his wrongdoings.. I thought on the moral weight of my decisions. I realized, with only a little research that most people think covering up the murder of Avery and other transgressions and replacing the leader of the Atoms the best answer as they considered the following the alternatives.

Destroy Atoms (keeping Acadia or not)
Destroy Far harbor (keeping Acadia or not)
Cover it all up for peace (having tektus replaced)

this is where it gets interesting. What if the elimination of a faction's presence benefits the island, serves justice and the the survivors are happy?
If so, make DiMa turn himself in. Why? because if you convince him to do so he acknowledges that in order to live by his creed he must not be better than any other being. Secondly, once you convince the peoples of Far harbor with Avery's help Acadia is safe, along with the innocent synths.

This of course leaves the issue of the Atoms, and whether their destruction is good/moral. I found that if you talk to the confessor, you can convince him, and the entire faction thereof, that 'division' is to be desired. And you conveniently have the codes for it.. meaning that as you promptly evacuate you are not an enemy to them, but their savior. You bring them as close an affinity with their beliefs as can every be achieved. Of course one might say the followers were being misled but the case of Gwyneth (the heretic) shows that the kind of people impressionable enough to buy into the idea of Atom NEED faith in something of that kind.. they'll even turn 'nothing' into the be all and end all of the universe. Therefore this option gives the atoms the most fulfillment out of any other available options.

Now, for the only problem with my ideal ending. The toll on Nick. If Nick was with you along this adventure it becomes apparent that DiMa and he are of the same making and have history. Nick's past was a massive part of his companion quests and his identity as a synth, and meeting DiMa gives him a chance to make good for lost time and memory. Of course, bringing DiMa to justice for his actions (whilst appealing to Nick's sense of justice from his imprinted personality) leads to DiMa's death. When confronted Nick seems to take the loss badly, even with careful choice of consoling words. At best he's happy you care but feels like he won't be okay, that the loss of the one real link to his past hitting him 'too close to home'..

It's such an emotionally grueling interaction because Nick's inner synth is at odds with his more human side, the police officer who believes no one should be above the law. My main character really likes Nick, ended up siding with the brotherhood because he believed that their current ideals were closest to his and their morally grey points could be slowly cut away (convincing them to spare danse for example). So it would make sense that Nick's Wellbeing would be a cause for concern, and impact on my decision.

At the end of the day I chose the former option, knowing that while nick acknowledges his human aspects didn't belong to him initially, he's made himself his own in his actions, committing to those beliefs, and that even with the loss of his 'brother' being as high a price as it is, that his values will draw him from despair. Additionally, much of his curiosity regarding his origins is addressed BEFORE DiMa turning himself in so at least he's not left without any answers at all. Of course if you don't give a crap or don't tell him it won't really matter.

So that's my take on the best (rather most moral) ending for Far Harbor. Do you agree? If not why? I found the DLC really engaging due to it's moral grayness in it's decisions, and am super curious to hear people's justifications behind each of the options. Thanks for reading!
Senast ändrad av Redfin72; 21 maj, 2016 @ 11:26
< >
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Max 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:05 
Anyway, best ending:

Give division to Children of Atom (nuke them)
Have DiMA done justice and peace between Far Harbor and Acadia (done all Far Harbor quests and pass the speech check so they won't attack Acadia)
Senast ändrad av Max; 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:40
Harukage 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:16 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Direvex:
no you cant. the brotherhood quest will fail after some final turn ins.
Funny how i just diid it. And even redid the last bit with the purge just to be sure.
Just complete the Far Harbor main questline. Then talk to Kells about synth colony till "Search and destroy" mission is triggered. Kill all the synth. Done.
Senast ändrad av Harukage; 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:16
Direvex 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:30 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Harukage:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Direvex:
no you cant. the brotherhood quest will fail after some final turn ins.
Funny how i just diid it. And even redid the last bit with the purge just to be sure.
Just complete the Far harbor main questline. Then talk to Kells about synth colony till "Search and destroy" mission is triggered. Kill all the synth. Done.

maybe i triggered the quest to early... damn. for me the brotherhood quest fails after exposing avery or dima turns himself in.
Harukage 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:32 
Well, i played for peacefull ending, not exposing Avery and replacing CoA high confessor.
And i do not actualy plan to wipe out synth colony, just tested it to learn what will happen and reverted back to my older save.
Senast ändrad av Harukage; 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:41
Defektiv 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:37 
It's the Watchmen ending. Man is flawed. Not as an individual but collectively man is flawed. Sometimes in order to save mankind you need to trick it. Or in this case, not tell it everything.
Moonbane 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:41 
What you dont know about, doesnt hurt you. Look at what happened to Diamond city when the veil of ignorance was torn away, and they became extremely paranoid about synths. Not realizing they were getting puppeteered still by their mayor.

But yes, the fallout world is full of such shady going ons by dark overlords. Just look at Vault-tec and the Vault experiments. Vault 81 only escaped a horrible time due to a quirk of fate. And Mr.Parker embezzling from Vault-tec, saved Vault 118 by inadventently causing the plebian section of Vault 118 to never be built and staffed.
Redfin72 21 maj, 2016 @ 13:52 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Nefer:
Regarding the Atoms, while they considered Divsion to be a worthwhile goal, so was mastery over this Atom blessed island, which clearly weighted stronger on Tektus' mind. You are litterally using their own beliefs against them to get them out of the, using your guile to coerce Tektus into seeking a glorious suicide. And you cant deny it, you have an ulterior goal in mind by mass murdering all the atoms.

Great points, I already considered this (among the alternatives) and it's easily one of if not the most compelling arguments. I'll admit the player certainly has a hand in 'coercing' the atoms however, if I might I offer this.

The motivation to keep the island safe was most certainly fueled by his hatred of far harbor, which would later be extinguished if you have them all get along in the end (according to DiMa). Meaning that IF peace is maintained, the Atoms will never know inner peace or fulfillment of their duty to their faith, if they get any ideas against the people or synths DiMa won't hesitate to replace their leader or members, far harbor being an example of that. While Tektus needs your help to realize this, once you convince him he's surer of mind than any times before.

My character is aligned with the brotherhood.. if there's a faction I'd have an ulterior motivation against it would be the synths.. however my character wants to be the agent of change in the brotherhood, just as he wants to be the agent of change throughout the fallout world. The motive for my character at least was giving the Atoms an opportunity to find peace upon their own terms, with the only other moral option leaving them forever agonized by the presence of fog collectors, whilst also bringing peace to the island AND most importantly leaving no one exempt from DiMa's reasonable and noble standards... even himself and ensuring Justice is served.
Narafian 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:05 

I for some reason am always drawn to seeing how many factions i can destroy. I sided with the institute in the main story synths walk around diamond city with other people and have happy times. When i got to far harbour at lvl50 i did all of Far Harbours quest then did all of Dimas quests. Then i got to the Atom Children.

I really thought it was cool that you could side with them but i hate the Atom Children in every Fallout game so i nuked them. Then i betrayed Dima after saying i wouldn't ratt him out and told the institiute about them and got all of Dima's people taken away. And now it's just Far Harbour all happy and alone.

But then i messed that up i was out exploring and found a building i think it was a windmill so i slaughter many feral ghouls and i end up shutting down the power to this thing without thinking about it. Then i get a message saying Far Harbour hates you.

So i walk back in my fully upgraded X-01 and i was going to reason and just explain to them to stop hating me i can turn the thing back on and i was hoping they would be smart enugh to know that i have almost destroyed every faction on the Island besides them. And hoped they would know not want to mess with me lol... so i killed them all to.

I must say this DLC is so much fun all the back stabbing and trickery i can achieve it is very fun for me to have all of these options.

Sorry for being off topic i just wanted to share my story i also think it is interesting what OP did and what alot of other people like to do i seem to always be the one to go all insane and not trust many people so i just kill them.

I really did trust Far Harbour untill i got shot and cussed at for turning their windmill off. And if it matters i let the robots in vault 81 live because they where pretty funny and to prove that im not completely crazy.
Senast ändrad av Narafian; 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:16
Direvex 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:12 
dont get all of far harbor people eaten alive after turning off the power ?
Narafian 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:14 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Direvex:
dont get all of far harbor people eaten alive after turning off the power ?

Oh is that why they got angry i forgot about that. It would shut down the fog condensers. But no when i got there there where no monsters eating them just an angry mob of people shooting at me.
Direvex 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:17 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Narafian:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Direvex:
dont get all of far harbor people eaten alive after turning off the power ?

Oh is that why they got angry i forgot about that. It would shut down the fog condensers. But no when i got there there where no monsters eating them just an angry mob of people shooting at me.

something wrong there, this place is a bloody hell when you shut down the power
Keeping the peace is the only path here that avoids collective punishment and the deaths of quite a few more sapients than DiMA had killed. The game basically tests your value system -- for instance, whether you're purely utilitarian per body count or the like.

If you expose DiMA, you're basically acting like Rorschrach wanting to expose the crimes of Ozymandias in the Watchmen -- putting individual justice over a utilitarian Greater Good.
DreadedLurgy 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:18 
All though the game I was thinking 'the Institute must be destroyed, they are replacing people with machines for no apparent reason'..... Now DiMA is asking me to replace the Confessor with a synth to broker a peace on the island.

I sat back for about 5 minutes and thought 'do I have it all wrong? Was the Institute really that bad? Were they so forward-thinking that they could replace potential evil people with synths so that their foul deeds never happened and the world went on as normal?'

Would they have replaced Hitler with a synth if they had the chance?

Morally I tend to lean on the good side so I replaced Tektus with the synth all went well (after persuading him to leave the island) but I may play through again and this time go against DiMA and the replacement synth option just to see what happens
Narafian 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:19 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Direvex:
Ursprungligen skrivet av Narafian:

Oh is that why they got angry i forgot about that. It would shut down the fog condensers. But no when i got there there where no monsters eating them just an angry mob of people shooting at me.

something wrong there, this place is a bloody hell when you shut down the power

Don't know i may have turned it back on if thats possible. I just know i turned off some machine and alot of people got pissed.
Direvex 21 maj, 2016 @ 14:22 
if you really really think killing and replacing people for ANYTHING is good or Ok, sorry you are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane.

where do you draw the line here ? this is literally playing god.
< >
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Datum skrivet: 21 maj, 2016 @ 11:23
Inlägg: 109