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Regiden  [developer] Jun 22, 2016 @ 1:45pm
Official CrossCode FAQ
Hello everyone and welcome the official CrossCode FAQ. We want to answer some common questions that pop up frequently here. This hopefully helps people to get some answer right away!

Alright, let’s get started!

Achievements! Yes, CrossCode will have them! Internally we call them Trophies and we will have a lot of them. Some of them will be connected to Steam Achievements and for every Trophy you also get points to unlock certain goodies in the game!

Trading Cards?

Yes, CrossCode will have trading cards too! But we wanna wait until the release to add them as we have not yet decided what the cards should contain.

Will there be Multiplayer?
CrossCode is a single player game with a strong narrative and as such it will not have a multiplayer. We would love to make something like that possible but we are just 2 programmers and creating a good online experience takes a lot of time. As for possible DLC content, we can’t say anything as we work hard to finish the main game first!

How long will the game be?
This highly depends on how you play the game. If you want you can just progress the story and don’t sweat the exploration part or questing at all, you might get about 20-30 hours of gameplay. However, if you do quest and explore the world and try to find every secret, 60-80 hours are what you could get.
Overall we always like to say: If you doing a mix of both, you’ll get around 40 hours worth of game.

I found a typo! Where can I tell you about it?
First, thanks for finding it! Without the help of the community we wouldn’t be able to fix these errors so fast.
If you find a typo, spelling or grammar error or have a wording suggestion you can press F7 at any time. Here you can quickly enter a name and you email (Not mandatory) and then get a list of all the latest lines of dialogs and texts in the game. You can edit them, add a comment and send it our way right from the game!
So… TL;DR press F7 to send us you typo reports!

If the text with the error isn’t visible in the list, you can send us a report to or write in the forum.

Will <insert language> be supported in the game?

Maybe! We get this question a lot and so many people are trying to help us translate the game into a different language. Thanks so much everyone!
As long as the game is in the development, a lot of the texts change over time or get outright replaced. So we don’t want to translate the game right away. BUT! We do intend to translate the game into different languages after we reached gold!

Currently implemented are: English, German, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. More will follow for sure!

We do have an interal typo-Editor you can bring up by pressing F7. However this should only be used for the english translation for now as your submissions might geht overriden by our own translations.

Give me the game already! A.K.A When’s the release?

CrossCode will leave Early Access on September 20!

Will I be able to transfer my save file into new versions?

Hopefully yes! We have a system in place that marks every save file with the version that it had when you created it. Now if a new version of the game comes out, we always try to make it possible for players to use the old saves. You might get a message telling you that we needed to reset your Skill-Trees (you still have your points, of course!) or an info that you file is outdated and an option to teleport you to a point in the game that we think should fix problems.
However, due to code changes, item placements and so on, old saves can lead to bugs and/or balancing problems. The color of version number in the save is red in that case and you get an additional info text.
In case your old save file won’t work, we provide Save Presets that allows you to jump to specific points in the game with matching level and equipment.

Will I have to replay the game at release?
Good question! One we can’t quite answer yet. As mentioned above we hope to avoid it. However, for the final release we’d recommend to replay the game from the beginning - not only because of bugs and balancing issues, but also because we might make small adaptations in the overall storyline, including the intro.

Does this game have controller support?

Yes! However, due to the technology we’re using (HTML5) we are only able to correctly support X-Input devices like the Xbox-Controller for now. In the future we might be able to support more controllers.

Do you guys have a forum, wiki, stream or any social media?

Yes we have all of those! Here’s a list of links for you:

What is <X>, where can I get <X>?
X = 3, next question

The forum here on steam or on our official forum is a great place to ask people where you can get a certain item.
Another good way is to check out the wiki linked above.
If you ever feel helpless in the menu, use the help button on the top bar to get a quick and easy to digest overview over the menu.

What's the game engine?
Our engine is a custom built HTML5 engine. It’s origins are the impact.js ( engine by Dominic Szablewski. We rewrote about 90% of the code and created our own editor system too.

Can I play as another character or class?

Although CrossCode plays in a fictional MMO, it’s a story-driven game where you’ll follow the story of Lea and as such you won’t be able to play another character or change classes.
But over the course of your journey you will be joined by various AI-controlled CrossWorld-players who will be from every character class there is!

What’s up with the bonus codes and where can I get them?

Bonus codes are small goodies, quests or other stuff that we throw out at events for people that pass by. Those codes are the same for all installments so if you ask the community nicely, you probably get them! But we won’t spoil them, that would be too easy, right?

That's it for. We'll continue to add new questions or update stuff whenever we need to.
Last edited by Regiden; Sep 28, 2018 @ 1:27am
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Showing 1-15 of 158 comments
Fontes Jul 13, 2016 @ 7:56pm 
I´m just here to say that i LOVE this game <3
Reihjart Jul 15, 2016 @ 3:05pm 
So, can we give our party members gear?
Scipo0419 Jul 16, 2016 @ 1:06am 
Do you guys think you'd ever make a co-op (or spin-off) game where you can create a custom charater in CrossWorlds (You already have the lore and classes setup for the idea). Whenever I play CrossCode I think about how awesome it would be to play a Pentafist or Triblader
LiquidWater Aug 9, 2016 @ 9:33pm 
Out of curiosity what kind game engine or platform does this game use? The window when you launch the game says "node-webkit" for a split second before becoming the game title, and the open source licenses and credits seem to imply that its written in javascript or some sort of web development scripting language.
chaosbringer42 Aug 28, 2016 @ 9:43pm 
Heres to having the devs make enough money off this game to hire people and make an mmo out of it! CHEERS!
Nekojiru-sou Aug 29, 2016 @ 5:15am 
Omg just read this ... so me and my team want to translate this game to Indonesia if you let us to translate the game ...
and i can't wait to party with C'tron , he has a mage like class right , can't wait <3
Ernsteen Aug 29, 2016 @ 7:30am 
Originally posted by LiquidWater:
Out of curiosity what kind game engine or platform does this game use? The window when you launch the game says "node-webkit" for a split second before becoming the game title, and the open source licenses and credits seem to imply that its written in javascript or some sort of web development scripting language.

Yes the game is written in JS/hmtl5 using their own engine and then it's packed into Node webkit.
They had worked on the engine for quite a while before full time development started.
Last edited by Ernsteen; Aug 29, 2016 @ 7:30am
Acidicjester Sep 6, 2016 @ 12:26pm 
I don't want to sound like "that guy" but will there be any implemented rewards for early access players? I know it's highly doubtful but im just curious.
Ernsteen Sep 8, 2016 @ 8:40am 
Originally posted by Darkzx6:
So, can we give our party members gear?
Your party members are normal players just like Lea, they can handle their own equipment. They will change their gear when you enter shop or inbetween party sessions.
gabbermac Oct 2, 2016 @ 5:21pm 
Originally posted by The Dandy Man:
I don't want to sound like "that guy" but will there be any implemented rewards for early access players? I know it's highly doubtful but im just curious.

same, i also wonder if theres gonna be outfit costums for references to other game series, DLC or not
Last edited by gabbermac; Oct 2, 2016 @ 5:22pm
Ernsteen Oct 3, 2016 @ 3:57pm 
Originally posted by The Dandy Man:
I don't want to sound like "that guy" but will there be any implemented rewards for early access players? I know it's highly doubtful but im just curious.
Originally posted by gabbermac:
same, i also wonder if theres gonna be outfit costums for references to other game series, DLC or not
I can't speak for the devs and I don't know their official stand on this, but take this from someone, who followd the development from end of 2014:

As is stands now, the single goal seems to be to finish the game. The revenue they got from Early Access made it possible to them to post-pone the release (officially planned for summer 2016) and make the game quite a bit bigger than initially thought. For example, I don't think many people expected the dungeons to get that big.
The game originally got funded on Indiegogo, where it got 90k€, just enough to warrant full time development for the game to begin with. So the extra content, that is now getting into the game thanks to EA, had to be scratched with the original budget. Now all the extra development time is going into more high quality content for everyone.

As for "rewards", there are already rewards planned for the crowdfunding backers, who paid 12€ to get their name engraved into the "Last Minute Hero Guild House" and 60€ for a skin for Lea. Those were for enthusiasts wiling to pay a bit more to make full time development possible. And I can already hear the dev's moaning, to actually have to implement all of these things + sending goodies to people etc. I think these perks/rewards do not exist because the devs were excited about it, but because that's how you have a successful crowdfunding campaign.
Now that the game development pays for itself, I think they'll continue to make the game better for everyone. They will even keep updating the game after the full release to add some more stuff, without pushing the release date a lot further.

Speaking of post-release development, DLC is currently not something the devs can say anything about other than: "If the game is successful, we will make DLC for it."
As of now they have no reason to think about it in more detail. For one they have enough to do right now and secondly making/selling DLC requires quite a bit of... "finesse". You need to know your audience before you can make something for them.
For example the costume DLC idea is a bit precarious, since it's a lot of work for a feature that cannot be measured in "playtime" or "amount of feature added" or whatever. So how do you make a DLC pay for itself, without making it look like a cop-out? And while many people have asked for such DLC, other people might get turned off when they see CrossCode's Steam Store page and the DLC you can get is costume DLC. It might just come across like a weeb game that lacks in substance and has costumes instead.

In short, it's complicated. If you have any criticisms or idea for the game, being an Early Access player is the only way to not only get them heard, but also have make the game better, before development is over.
If there are certain kinds of DLC you'd like to see and pay for, your opinion on those is just as important, you just gotta make it public somewhere.
Nekojiru-sou Oct 3, 2016 @ 5:04pm 
I hope this CrossCode not really have a DLC (but its fine if DLC is for another exclusive feature or maybe exclusive dungeon or anything but not a DLC with exclusive cosmetics) i hope this game have a lot of "hidden" wich the hidden content are like on old school games where you must do everything challenging to get that item or to get the hidden map ...

But so far i really love the game .. please make it better Dev , we'll always waiting <3
FinalAngel Oct 14, 2016 @ 12:56pm 
I can't wait for this game to come out! I'm really excited and I've already played through all of the content in about two days IRL time. This is the sort of game that I didn't know I wanted but now I do- the puzzles are amazing, they strike a very awesome balance between feeling challenged and thus rewarded by feeling quite clever for completing them. Even the monster design makes me feel that way- for example, the wave temple boss did a really good job of using the main mechanic used throughout the dungeon in a way that was both challenging and intuitive to understand.

I really enjoy the parkour aspect of the game too! It's been really fun trying to get to all of the chests throughout the game.

Only one suggestion I can really bring to the table- It seems really hard to complete all the quests at the level that you're "supposed" to get them and get decent XP for them. Is this intended? It feels like I had to go out of my way to complete some of the quests in the order that they're given for not much reward due to overleveling- I also usually fight enemies and temples that are far below my level. For example, I was level 25 when I beat the Sand Temple and I was only level 32 when I beat the wave temple whereas their respective level suggestions were way higher than that IMO. That may have caused my overleveling compared to the quests, but my gear and money were lacking behind a bit until I farmed enough.

That criticism really is like 1% of how I feel about this game- because 99% of the content and the flow and most parts of the game are amazing.

Also, I want to specially point out the design of the characters, particularly Lea, are on point. You really do a good job of portraying muteness and how that can affect someone socially- but how it can be gotten around. Body language is really powerful, and it shows through the emotions put in Lea's portraits throughout the game. That smug ass look says everything and I can't help but smile and be charmed by such a snarky female protagonist. I haven't seen that in a game, and I think that is a really unique characteristic that brings the game to life- along with having the feeling of an MMORPG without actually requiring other people to be "logged on" with you.

Also, being deaf myself, I guess that's why I'm really drawn towards Lea's story. She didn't really have a choice in the matter, and I definitely drew parallels to my own experience- I grew up not part of the deaf world or culture at all- using the bit of hearing that I have to hear and understand people was really rough, and thus, almost made me a Lea without the speech malfunctioning. It is also cool to see how understanding people like the guild and her friends are about it- because honestly, there are a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ out there- and friends like those are very special and awesome.

Overall, great game, and as a programmer, I know that these games take a lot of skill and time to make. I'm trying to get into game programming myself, being motivated mainly by this game and some other indie games. I don't have any game design or game programming experiences but I do have a college level degree in CS. Do you know where would be a good place for me to start?

Thanks so much, now get back to work so I can play more of your game! :P

JustPlayinGER Nov 27, 2016 @ 4:46am 
It really is a shame that there won't be any classes except Spheromancer to play, but i can understand it, because programming sure must not be easy .
My reason for hoping for a new class were that my aim really is terrible and i never would choose a ranged class in any MMO, because most of the time they deal not much damage or take fairly long to cast/shoot and their defense also is terrible.
So, now something constructive, .... yeah i got one, i noticed that sometimes the AI is kind of strange, meaning they run against a wall , make some steps left and right and finally find their way. Strangely only 'humans' do that kind of thing. First i noticed that was when carla left the bridge with me for the first time.
Last edited by JustPlayinGER; Nov 27, 2016 @ 4:47am
lachsen  [developer] Nov 27, 2016 @ 7:08am 
Originally posted by Gladiax NOT the LOL player:
It really is a shame that there won't be any classes except Spheromancer to play, but i can understand it, because programming sure must not be easy .
My reason for hoping for a new class were that my aim really is terrible and i never would choose a ranged class in any MMO, because most of the time they deal not much damage or take fairly long to cast/shoot and their defense also is terrible.
So, now something constructive, .... yeah i got one, i noticed that sometimes the AI is kind of strange, meaning they run against a wall , make some steps left and right and finally find their way. Strangely only 'humans' do that kind of thing. First i noticed that was when carla left the bridge with me for the first time.
About many classes: yeah unfortunately that would be a huge feature and is not easy to implement.
About the navigation issues: That's funny, I just worked on that yesterday and think I fixed those issues. Will be released soon!
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