Subspaced Aug 30, 2024 @ 7:39pm
Its almost discusting.
Back in 2016 I purchased this random game and the servers were thriving and full of life. I was addicted enough to where I became a top player. Not only a top player, but a threat and an ally to others excited to jump into a fresh arena shooter along the siderails of old Halo, Unreal T, Tribes, etc. Man we were having fun. Started a clan. Had toe nail matches... I cant remember exactly how it happened but after a few months (I think it was an update) the matchmaking became non existent. The servers were empty. Me and my new found friends would play against constant leavers or bots. We all moved on to to other games of course. But I would find myself coming back every so often to play a round or two. Every time it was against bots.. So I have to ask really.. WTF happened.. Toxxic had so much potential and it still does... But no true words from the developers in almost 10 years? what the F#### happened??
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Famine Aug 31, 2024 @ 8:26am 
Zunbreakable1 Sep 10, 2024 @ 8:00am 
Originally posted by Subspaced:
Back in 2016 I purchased this random game and the servers were thriving and full of life. I was addicted enough to where I became a top player. Not only a top player, but a threat and an ally to others excited to jump into a fresh arena shooter along the siderails of old Halo, Unreal T, Tribes, etc. Man we were having fun. Started a clan. Had toe nail matches... I cant remember exactly how it happened but after a few months (I think it was an update) the matchmaking became non existent. The servers were empty. Me and my new found friends would play against constant leavers or bots. We all moved on to to other games of course. But I would find myself coming back every so often to play a round or two. Every time it was against bots.. So I have to ask really.. WTF happened.. Toxxic had so much potential and it still does... But no true words from the developers in almost 10 years? what the F#### happened??
Agreed! We just need one good server so the few of us can still play against "reals" instead of damn bots!
Sharkster  [developer] Sep 10, 2024 @ 4:55pm 
You should visit the Toxikk Discord. The link is on the store page.
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